mother's soul

The old blind man's words gave me a pang of alarm, a feeling that things seemed to be going badly.

  At this time, the old blind man had no choice but to say to me: "How about this, although one soul is missing, at least he can be brought back to life. The rest of the soul, we will slowly find a way for him."

  "How can I do that?"

  Hearing this, I immediately remembered the grandmother of the red hat, the old woman because of missing a soul, then become mentally ill, and become confused, JIETOU is also missing a soul, I think the situation will not be much better than her.

  If that is the case, then what is the point of going to such great lengths to bring JIETOU back to life?

  At that moment, I could not help but ask the old blind man to think of another way, in any case, is to make sure that JIETOU can return to normal people.

  Seeing my determined attitude, the old man frowned and pondered for a while, could not help but say to me: "If you insist on doing this, there is no way, but this method is too evil, after the application, there is harm to the yin virtue."

  "What method?"

  I asked with some curiosity.

  "This method is to borrow the soul-"

  The old blind man said to me, the result of his sentence has not finished, suddenly a cold wind from the window blew in, the situation to me a jump, I could not help but grit my teeth and open my arms, the maximum release of yuan qi, will JIETOU's soul light all protected.

  "Child ah--"

  At this time, I heard a bleak and miserable cry coming from the whirring cold wind, looking at the situation, it seems to be a sad woman looking for her lost beloved son.

  At that time, seeing this situation, I did not feel his heart sinking, immediately realizing what.

  "Master, it's not good, it's the blood spirit, she's coming to JIETOU!" I said to the old blind man full of nervousness.

  The old blind man nodded and listened outward with his ears slightly, and after a moment he said to me, "If nothing else, this blood spirit should be the soul of JIETOU's birth mother, hey, this is really sleepy someone to send a pillow, I was worried about not being able to borrow the soul here, and then she came."

  "Master, what are you doing? What's this soul borrowing all about?" I looked at the old blind man with some curiosity and asked.

  I heard my words, and the old blind man then explained: "The person has three souls, a fetal light, too clear, and Yang Qi; a cool spirit, the change of Yin Qi; a ghostly essence, Yin Qi also mixed. jietou's current situation is one of the three souls, his ghostly essence has not returned, so if you want him to fully restore normal, either find a way to recall his ghostly essence of the soul or If you want him to fully return to normal, you either have to find a way to recall his spirit or borrow a spirit from other spirits to replenish it. However, once the borrowed soul, the borrowed spirit is incomplete, they will lose some spiritual wisdom, and in serious cases, even the soul will be scattered, so that the borrowed soul method, some Yin evil, very hurtful Yin virtue, not as a last resort, not to do."

  "The soul can still be borrowed? Then after borrowing the soul, what will become?" I asked with some doubts, but then I suddenly remembered the matter of the Black Moon Evil God, I do not feel some dawn: "Is it true that as long as the main body of the human soul has not changed, the memory will not disappear? He is still the same as he was, only his personality may have changed a bit, right?"

  "Good," the old blind man nodded: "Originally I wanted to detain a wild ghost from a barren grave to borrow a soul, in that case, our yin virtue will have a lot of damage, but now well, his birth mother is here, then we will talk to his mother, from his mother's side to borrow this soul. In this way, this is a matter of mutual consent, there is no damage to our virtue, not only that, because the mother and son are linked, blood is thicker than water, and after borrowing the soul, soul integration will also be much smoother. That's why I said, we are sleeping someone sent a pillow, his mother came at the right time."

  Hearing the words of the old blind man, I could not help but nod my head, my heart and soul felt very uplifting, but then I was a little worried: "Then, his mother's soul is not complete? Will this have any effect on his mother?"

  "There is no impact, we can not care, we can only care about one end now, the living and the dead, which is more important, is not a clear-cut thing?" The old blind man finished speaking, then it was a frown: "Careful, do not speak, come in!"

  Hearing these words, I could not help but awe, Yuan Qi spread out, the door of heaven opened wide, and then I suddenly saw a bloody woman, draped with a head of black hair, from the doorstep by step in.

  "Xiao Dong, my son, where are you? Mother has come to see you," the blood spirit called out while walking toward the room where we were.

  At that moment, seeing this situation, the old blind man jumped out of the circle, smoothly took out two divine talismans from his pocket and threw them out, and drank: "Heaven and earth, yin and yang borrowed the law, spiritual treasure, comforting the body, detaining the son's soul, green dragon, and white tiger, the team battles are strewn, urgent as the law, fixed the soul, ed!"

  The old blind man recited the soul-fixing incantation, the two divine talismans should be no accident, so after he recited the incantation, and then a hand seal, but only to see the two are floating on the divine talisman exploded two light, and then the light is vaguely transformed into the image of the blue dragon and white tiger, one left and one right, instantly the blood soul to be detained.

  "After the blood soul was controlled, it could not help but let out a miserable scream, and subconsciously struggled.

  At this time, seeing this situation, the old blind man is sitting on his knees, then hands in a series of seals, while the blood soul will be controlled, but murmured: "North and South by the sky river, spells do not need more, a word twenty strokes, psychic call demons, the South Dipper six stars flashing, the North Dipper seven stars shining, I am on the Tai Shang Laojun urgent as the law, ed! The blood spirit may hear the old man's words.

  "Uh-uh, ah - return my son to -"

  In the face of the old man's questioning, that blood spirit was much quieter, but still struggling nonstop.

  "Master, she seems to have heard you," I couldn't help but say to the old blind man when I saw this situation.

  "I can see, no need for you to talk!" The old man reprimanded me back, but then he said loudly: "Blood soul blood soul, listen to my dao words, now your son is in danger, three souls are missing one, I want to borrow a soul from you, to make up for your son's soul, can you?"

  "My son, your life is so bitter, Mother is sorry for you -" the blood soul sobbed, then slowly kneeled down on the ground, the situation obviously agreed with the old blind man's proposal.

  At that moment, seeing this situation, the old blind man did not feel haughty up, to me drink: "YiHeng, quickly take my magic weapon too, the old man wants to cast the soul-splitting method, borrow the soul of the art!"

  "Uh, Master, what magic weapon do you want? Where did you put them all?"

  Hearing the old man's words, I couldn't help but ask with a heart full of doubts.