Soul Cutting

"The magic weapon is in the west room, an ebony case, go get it!"

  The old man said to me.

  Hearing this, I rushed to the west room, and found that there is indeed a box of ebony, is that the box is a little big, its lid is arched, surrounded by rivets, and the length, and width of nearly a meter, which can make me a little helpless.

  The good thing is that the box is not very heavy, I hurried to carry it up, all the way into the east room and then put the box next to the old blind man.

  The old blind man heard the sound, reached out to open the box, and then first from the inside to feel a big flag with a ghost face, handed it to me, and said, "Pull up!"

  I took the flag and pulled it up, and stood behind the old blind man.

  The cold wind blew, the flag rattled, and the ghost face painted on it seemed to be moving with the wind, the situation was somewhat hideous.

  "I would like to invite the Lady of the Nine Heavenly Mysteries, to travel the world in the clouds and fog. The embroidered shoes fall off three ports, the turban throws down nine heavens. The disciple is single-mindedly dedicated to visiting, the Nine Heavenly Mystical Maiden descends to come, and the divine soldier fires urgently as the law!"

  The big flag pulled up, and the old blind man took out another statue of the Nine Heavenly Mystical Maiden from the box and put it in front of him, then bit his finger and dropped blood, and began the ceremony of inviting the gods.

  "Hoo hoo hoo hoo--"

  As the old blind man's invocation incantation fell, a tornado whirlwind around the Nine Heavenly Mystical Maiden statue rotating up, and at the same time the statue above the hidden golden light, look at the situation, seems to be the success of the invocation.

  Seeing this situation, the old blind man was pulling out a peach tree branch from the box while asking the blood spirit in a deep voice: "Are you really willing to give your life for your son?"

  "Please master save my son's life--" The blood soul had completely calmed down by now.

  "The suffering of splitting the soul is like purgatory, you should plan well," the old blind man added.

  "I'm not afraid of even greater suffering, I've been in purgatory for seven years, I'm already used to the pain," said the blood soul.

  "Good, then take this move of mine to beat the ghost with a peach branch!" The old blind man said, a bang, the peach branch in his hand thrown forward, but with the idol of the golden light connected together, then the peach branch is hard into the chest of the blood soul.


  After the blood soul was hit, the whole body immediately trembled and shivered, and let out a miserable cry.

  "Rakshasa Soul Slayer!"

  After the peach branch hit the ghost, the old blind man's hands flipped, a series of pinch seals, followed by an explosive shout, hands forward a push, but to induce the big flag on the Rakshasa ghost to probe out, extending two huge ghost claws pinch the blood soul.

  "The blood soul was caught by the Rakshasa ghost, immediately after another scream, the situation is painful.

  "Soul-splitting technique, rise!"

  At this time, the old blind man did not stop, a loud shout, and a flip of the hand seal, but the control of the Rakshasa ghost forced him to rip the blood soul.

  "The blood soul was torn out of shape like a piece of cloth, causing her to let out a wretched scream.

  Seeing the blood soul's painful appearance, the old blind man sighed and said, "It's just that, thinking of your good intentions, I will not take the opportunity to destroy your soul, I will only cut your soul, and then let you go, after that, it depends on the fate of God."

  The old blind man finished speaking, a flash of golden light in his hand, but more than a silver shiny knife, then he slowly reached out, but the blade along the peach branch hit the wound stabbed into the body of the blood soul, then he gritted his teeth and force, a fierce pull blade, but the blood soul of the small half of the body was cut off.

  "Ah ah ah ah -" After the blood soul was cut, painfully rolling on the ground and trembling, the situation is unbearable, I can no longer bear to see.

  "A soul has been cut, you go, do not worry about it, I will help you take care of your child." The old blind man spoke, while stopping the spell formation, while it is hands pinch seal, cut off a soul in the palm of the hand, then get up and hold the soul gas to JIETOU went.

  "Two pairs of jade candles shine red, shining God's mercy down the nine palaces. Three strong tea is offered to the holy mercy, and the miscellaneous name of the Yin Qi is ghost essence. Go on, go on, lend you a soul for the next life!"

  The old blind man recited the incantation while pressing the soul into JIETOU.

  After JIETOU got this soul, the third red candle at the table immediately shone, which means that all his three souls and seven spirits are in place, and he should now be no different from a normal person if he wakes up.

  "Master, it worked!"

  I exclaimed excitedly.

  "Don't be happy too early, he is still in a state of soul fusion, you watch him carefully, if there is any abnormal performance, remember to control him in time."

  The old blind man instructed me.

  "Good," I nodded, dropped the flag in my hand, ready to go forward to take care of JIETOU, but unexpectedly, just at this time, the unconscious JIETOU suddenly opened his eyes, then he gnashed his teeth and shouted: "YinYunShan. I want you to pay for my family's death!"

  After shouting, JIETOU rolled up, grabbed a candle, and smashed it out, the situation was crazy.

  "Quickly control him!"

  The old blind man heard the movement and could not help but shout to me.

  I hurriedly went forward and grabbed JIETOU's wrist with both hands and pressed him back down, while screaming at him, "JIETOU, it's me, it's YiHeng, can you understand me?"

  "Hiss, I, I, want to take revenge - YinYunShan, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost -"

  As a result, JIETOU was in a crazy state, and could not understand my words at all.

  This situation makes me a little anxious, can not help but ask the old blind man what to do.

  "There is no other way, but to forcibly melt the soul, you come to help him, enter your vital energy into his body, guide the breath of his eight channels, and let his soul move!" The old blind man said to me.

  Hearing this, I immediately did as I was told, and while holding JIETOU down, I put my own Yuan Qi into his body, and then I guided the innate Qi in his body to run through the eight channels of the Qi meridians.

  In this way, JIETOU's three souls and seven spirits began to swim up, and then his emotions are slowly calmed down, at first also kept talking nonsense, in the end, his already confused eyes, and some do not know where the meaning.

  At that moment, seeing this situation, I then gritted my teeth and continued to push the operation of the yuan qi, so that JIETOU's expression did not realize that it became a little strange, he cried for a while, a while laughing, a while and then dazed, and finally is finally physical exhaustion, two eyes rolled white fainted.

  "Master, he has passed out!"

  Seeing this, I hurriedly stopped and called out to the old blind man.

  "That should be about right, he has been sick for many days, and now although he has got the power of chalcedony, his body is still very weak, you first move him to bed and settle down, then go and make some soup and rice for him. In this way, until tomorrow, he should be able to return to normal." The old blind man said to me.

  Hearing this, I moved JIETOU back to bed and settled down, then I simply cleaned up the room and then went out to cook.

  It was early in the morning and the surrounding area was quiet, with only the sound of the wind blowing in the mountains.

  I could not help but look around while walking towards the pot house, and then I inadvertently saw a staggering shadow, moving with difficulty towards the distant bamboo forest, looking at the situation, it seems to have suffered a serious injury.