Police attacked as usual

Obviously, these police officers are called by the cat, his purpose is to retaliate against us.

  At this time, I can't help but be a little nervous, after all, these police officers are not easy to mess with, and once they are caught, maybe what kind of lynching.

  "What do you want to do?"

  At that moment, I stepped forward and looked at those police officers and said, "Don't be mistaken, that guy is a gangster, just now they are the first to blackmail us, we only do it."

  "Kid, where's all the nonsense? Not too young, not too bold, hurry up and follow us, I'll give you a good education for your parents!"

  A sharp-tongued police officer came forward and took out handcuffs and tried to cuff me and JIETOU.

  "JIETOU, do not be impulsive, the people do not fight with the officials, let's go with them first. Don't worry, Master will come to our rescue. He knows a lot of powerful police officers, when the time comes, with just one phone call, we can be rescued." I saw JIETOU's stupidity, and can not help but whisper a warning to him.

  But what I didn't expect was that I didn't say it was okay, and once I said it, JIETOU was a cold snort, rushed forward, head-butting the sharp-tongued policeman while reaching out to snatch his electric baton, and then JIETOU again transformed into a fierce tiger, roared, and pounced on the police.

  At that time, when I saw this situation, I knew it was over, it looked like things were going to get big.

  "F*cking Nima, how dare you to attack the police, give me death!"

  Seeing JIETOU's action, several police officers could not help but shout and rushed toward him.

  JIETOU is only eleven years old less than twelve years old, small and short, although the body has been modified by the chalcedony, but after all, two fists can not beat four hands, not to mention that those police officers are also practitioners, so the fight down, JIETOU soon suffered a loss, he was a police officer with an electric baton electric, immediately the whole person a shiver, rolled to the ground, almost did not get up.

  When I saw JIETOU fall to the ground, several police officers rushed over in a fierce and fierce manner, the situation is obviously trying to hit JIETOU hard.

  This time, I know I can no longer hold back, so I immediately a yuan qi golden light blast out, instantly the three police officers were knocked out, then I flew up, pulling up JIETOU, while grabbing an electric baton on the ground, then followed JIETOU, flying towards the police officers.

  "Boom boom boom - hiss hiss -"

  The electric batons sweep, sparks, but a few moments later, three police officers have been me and JIETOU put down on the ground, each foaming at the mouth, twitching like a dead dog general.

  At this point, the cat has been completely silly, he shrunk to hide in the police car, closed the door tightly, completely afraid to come out.

  JIETOU finished beating those police officers and then lifted his feet towards the police car.

  "JIETOU, it's almost time, forget it." Seeing JIETOU's action, I could not help but advise him.

  But JIETOU ignored my words, went up and smashed the glass of the police car with a stick, then reached in and grabbed Cat's hair and dragged him out.

  "Ah ah ah, pain pain pain, two warriors, I know I'm wrong, please spare me."

  At this time, the cat has been completely goose, when dragged out, can not help but kneel on the ground and began to beg for mercy.

  Faced with the cat's plea for mercy, JIETOU also did not speak, lifting the electric bat in his hand, a stick smashed into the guy's head, immediately smashed his eyes rolled over, and fell to the ground twitching up.


  At this time, I was worried that JIETOU had caused trouble and quickly went forward to stop him.

  "Don't you talk too much!" JIETOU glared at me and said in a deep voice, "I have my own rules."

  "What are you going to do?" I asked, frowning.

  "I want to leave him a lifetime of memories," JIETOU said, raised his foot and stomped on the cat's calf, and immediately heard a click, the cat could not help but scream and hold the leg, rolling on the ground in a desperate twitch.

  "Remember, this is the consequence of being a gangster," JIETOU stepped on the cat's leg, and then coldly grunted at him, before turning back to get something, ready to go home.

  I was a little helpless, knowing that this matter will not just end, but now there is no way to completely solve it, so now can only get back in the car and take JIETOU back to the old blind man.

  Back in the courtyard, I first told the old blind man what happened today, and warned him that JIETOU may have violent tendencies, he fights too fiercely and ruthlessly, and his mind does not seem to be very good, actually, even the police are beaten, the pressure is not serious. So, that the borrowed soul thing, he still has a certain impact.

  Hearing my words, the old blind man could not help but puzzlement, stroking his beard did not speak, as a result, this time, JIETOU is walking in, and said to me: "I am clear-headed, I am not without proportion, did not you say that the master knows a lot of powerful police? I did not do it until I heard that. If the master can handle it, why should we suffer a loss? If we go to the police station with them, we will be out of luck? Who knows what methods they will use to torture us?"

  "So you're not bad in the head!" Hearing this, I couldn't help but feel helpless, "Then you still caused such a big thing, do you know how much trouble you've caused now? Do you think those police officers will let it go?"

  "What else can they do?" JIETOU put down his things with a cold snort, seemingly not worried at all about those police officers.

  "Master, you see -" Seeing this situation, I could not help but turn to the old blind man, "What to do about this?"

  "It's not really easy to do, how about this, you go to the west room, help me bring the phone, I'll make a call, otherwise, this thing is probably going to suffer." Hearing my words, the old blind man said to me.

  "Master, you still have a phone?" I asked curiously.

  "Of course, it seems to be called what big brother, the last time I tell fortunes, a big rich businessman gave me, just never used, it is estimated that the battery is dead, you first help me to install two batteries into." The old blind man said to me.

  Hearing this, I rushed to the west room a rummage, and finally really found a brick phone too, and then I gave the phone two batteries and then took it to the old blind man.

  The old blind man took the phone, pressed a few keys, then leaned the phone on the ear and waited a while, and then said to the inside: "Old Zhao, right? This is the old blind man, well, yes, this is my big brother, hey, don't talk to me about all that nonsense, I am here to trouble you. What is it? You are the deputy director of the county, right? Let me ask you, can you manage the police station in Shuilongkou? The two young apprentices of mine had a conflict with your people, you have to help me solve this matter, if not you hurry to come to my side, I guess they should soon come to the door to arrest me -"

  "Chirp chirp -" As expected, the old blind man's words have not yet finished, outside the sound of ear-splitting sirens, listen to the sound, those police cars seem to be running us.