Formation of blocking the eyes with a leaf

"Hey hey, old Zhao, your men are coming to the door, the sirens are heard, oops, I can't talk to you much, you come quickly, don't say so much, I'll find a way to hold on for a while, anyway, you hurry, well, hang up!"

  Hearing the sound of sirens, the old blind man hung up the phone in a panic, and then greeted me and JIETOU: "You two boys hurry up, give me a hand."

  "Master, what do you want to help?"

  "Help me to the door, hurry up!" The old blind man was obviously a little anxious.

  Seeing this, I hurriedly helped him to go outside, and JIETOU copied an axe from the corner and followed.

  "JIETOU, put back, you still show chaos is not big enough? Could it be that you still want to kill people?" Seeing JIETOU's move, I couldn't help but shout at him.

  Hearing my words, especially when I saw that I was a little angry, JIETOU then sarcastically threw back the axe but still grabbed a stretcher to follow out.

  JIETOU's action made me a little helpless, but the stretcher is still safe, so I did not say to him but focused on helping the old blind man out of the door.

  Outside the old blind man's door, is a small piece of flat land, flat land past a bamboo forest, a small road from the bamboo forest winding straight to the door.

  When we reached the door, the old blind man said to me, "Go quickly, fold a bamboo!"

  Hearing this, JIETOU was even faster than me, reached out and folded bamboo and handed it to the old blind man.

  The old blind man got the bamboo, and then he drew on the ground.

  He drew what seemed to be a talisman seal, the content of which I did not understand, but from the strokes of the seal, it felt that the seal was quite complex.

  After the seal was drawn, the old blind man groped his way forward, until he reached the path between the bamboo forest, then he pulled the bamboo branches on both sides and tied a knot in the middle of the road, after tying the knot, the old blind man specially picked a bamboo leaf from the knot, spit on it, and then inserted the bamboo leaf upside down on the knot.

  After doing this, the old blind man took a long breath and turned to me and JIETOU and said, "Well, I have this leaf barrier formation, as long as there is not too much wind, it should last for a while."

  "One-leaf barrier formation?" Hearing this, I could not help but be full of curiosity, then while supporting the old blind man, while asking: "Master, this formation you seem to have not spoken to me before, can you teach me?"

  "Yes, as long as you want to learn, what is not possible? I'm afraid you can't bear the pain, see the talisman marks on the ground? That is called a leaf blindness talisman, if you want to learn, learn to draw the talisman first, when your talisman seals out of the power, I will tell you the specific use of the method."

  The old blind man said to me while walking.

  Hearing this, I was about to say something, but, at this time, a piercing siren sound has been forced to the outside of the bamboo forest.

  Seeing this situation, the old blind man grabbed my hand, to me and JIETOU shushed: "Do not speak, or you will be exposed, let's go, let's back up, let them take their time to find it."

  Seeing the old blind man's actions, I could not help but nod a little curiously, helped him back to the door, and then I reached my head through the bamboo forest towards the outside, only to find three police cars parked outside, about a dozen police officers, is outside groping to see, seems to be looking for our traces.

  But what makes me curious is that, at this time, those police officers are obviously stretching their heads swarthy look towards the bamboo forest, but after they look for half a day, they do not seem to see us in general, and finally they are separated, looking for the two sides.

  This situation makes me curious, I feel that the old blind man's leaf blindness formation is indeed very powerful, and can make so many people blind, this is an extraordinary trick.

  However, soon, those police officers came back, and then several police officers came together to talk: "Are you sure that those two boys ran to this side?"

  "The villagers said there was a small courtyard in the bamboo forest where a fortune teller lived, and those two brats seemed to be the old man's disciples." A police officer said.

  "So what's going on now? This bamboo forest can not be seen, and there is no small courtyard. There's not even a road, how can we find it?" An older policeman, full of depression, asked.

  "I don't know, I remember there seems to be a path in this bamboo forest, but I don't know why there is no longer. How about this, team Hong, let's go into the bamboo forest together to look for it, maybe the courtyard is deep in the bamboo forest." The police officer proposed.

  Hearing this, the Hong team nodded and then beckoned: "All into the woods, bring the guy, and call for support first. Damn, two little dogs, dare to move the earth in the head of the old man, this time catch them, not skin them, I will take off this police uniform!"

  At that moment, hearing the words of the Hong team, those police officers can not help but pull out the electric baton and began to feel towards the bamboo forest.

  At this time, JIETOU and I can not help but be a little nervous, JIETOU clutching the stretcher in his hand, has entered a state of war.

  "Master, what should we do? They are going to touch in." I was full of nervousness about what the old blind man said.

  "Don't be afraid, the first layer of this leaf blindness formation is to obscure the line of sight, the second layer, hey, you continue to see it will know." The old blind man laughed heartily.

  Seeing the old blind man say so, I could not help but put down my heart, and then continue to patiently watch the police, but found that those idiots into the bamboo forest, but not forward, but is more and more crooked, and finally actually one by one to go around the bamboo forest outside.

  "Huh, what's going on? How did the old man come out?

  After those police officers went out, they all scratched their heads and called up, then they each asked each other whether they found anything, the results of the question found that they did not find anything, which made them a moment of consternation.

  "Something's wrong, there's something odd about this bamboo forest!"

  At this time, seeing this situation, the Hong team can not help but light a cigarette, while frowning: "Xiao Lin, you are not in the special forces brigade stayed? You introduce us to a mountain forest straight away method to, I think this bamboo forest seems to be some kind of prohibition, we go in, automatically turn the circle out, this is obviously someone deliberately do so, do not want us to go in to find out."

  "Hong team, this method is simple, we cut a few long bamboo dragging, walk a few steps to look back at the bamboo, so you can take a straight path, and this way, even if we want to turn around, the bamboo pole will be stuck." A young policeman returned.

  "Good idea, hurry up, all hurry up and do it, grandmother, I still do not believe in this evil gas." Hearing the words of the young police officer, the Hong team can not help but greet the men and began to cut the bamboo.

  At this time, hearing this, the old blind man frowned a little nervously: "This is a problem, I did not expect these brats still know a little doorway, so it seems that I can not stop them with this leaf barrier formation."