Are the eyes blind?

 The deputy director Zhao is to ask the old blind man to help, did not expect the old blind man's spectrum to be very big, claiming to go to the cloud, and then kicked the ball to me and JIETOU, this time, we can be a little dumbfounded.

  Of course, JIETOU and I just dumbfounded, the deputy director is directly a little confused, he opened his eyes wide, JIETOU and I looked up and down, inside and out several times, and finally could not help but say to the old blind man: "Old master, this, this is not appropriate, right? Your two disciples are too young, I visually estimate that they are 13 or 14 years old, this can also exorcise demons and catch ghosts?"

  "Mm-hmm, of course, the master is not afraid of young, as long as there is material in the stomach, old Zhao you do not worry, you take them both to go, to keep better than I, other than to say, let's say that my elder apprentice YiHeng it, that is a great skill, fly the eaves and walk the wall is not a problem." The old blind man began to blow up.

  "Master, you want to pit me to say clearly, when I can fly the wall? How come I don't know myself?" I came up to the old man and said.

  "Ah, you still can't? I said why you are not progressive? I taught you the set of lingo micro-steps, you still have not learned?" The old blind man's lies are so easy to use that I almost spit them out in one gulp.

  "Master, can you be decent? Now is to catch ghosts, not to fight bandits, what lingo wei wei step?" My face was full of black lines.

  "Oh, heh, sorry, recently listened to the commentary, is talking about the Eight Dragons, heh heh," the old blind man heh heh smile, then is ignoring the deputy director Zhao full of embarrassment, straight to me: "Anyway, you kid can certainly handle it, can not it? So you go, my old man is old, want to live in peace for a few days, not to toss."

  The old blind man said so, we are also helpless, the deputy director of Zhao wanted to persuade the old blind man, but the old blind man is a yawn, get up while walking to the house, and rambled: "ah, old, can not hold up, I go to sleep, you guys pack up, later on, the departure, when you go out to help me close the door. "

  After the old man said, really went to sleep.

  Zhao deputy director a little helpless, shook his head and sighed, and finally could only take me and JIETOU set off.

  The secretary drove, deputy director Zhao sat in the passenger seat, and JIETOU and I sat in the back row, at first, deputy director Zhao did not speak, JIETOU and I are not good to talk, so the atmosphere is a little dull.

  I know that the deputy director of Zhao is not satisfied with us, so there is no hurry to argue, after all, the strength of people, is to really to the "battlefield", to test out.

  Well, when the car is about to enter the county, the deputy director of Zhao a little unable to resist turning his head and we had two words, a brief introduction of himself.

  After the introduction, I learned that his name is Zhao Guohua, and his secretary named Wu Zhenfeng.

  Zhao Guohua is currently the deputy director of the county public security bureau, listening to his words, he is likely to take over the position of the director, so he is a handful of years old but very energetic, otherwise, he would not have come all the way to the old blind to his old boss to see the doctor.

  According to Zhao Guohua, his old boss, the old director, was originally going to be promoted, so that he could take over the director's position, but now his old boss has physical and mental problems, the top through the examination, think he may not be competent for the new position, so his promotion plan was suppressed, so that Zhao Guohua was also suppressed, so this time He was a little anxious, he hoped that the old director could recover sooner so that if he was promoted smoothly, he would also follow the ascension.

  After introducing the situation, Zhao Guohua asked JIETOU and me how we were going to handle the matter.

  Hearing this, I frowned and thought for a moment, then said to Zhao Guohua: "Uncle, this thing, or to see the scene to do. Before you came to us, did you discuss this matter with the old director? If you have communicated in advance, I suggest you take me directly to the old director's home, so that I can not only give the old director's face but also by the way to look at the weather in his home."

  Hearing my words, Zhao Guohua nodded and said, "Don't worry, the old director is also very anxious, I must have gotten his consent for this. Little Master, your proposal is good, let's go directly to the old director's home, he should be at home now, he has not been at work for the past two days, and his spirits are not good."

  As Zhao Guohua spoke, he directed Wu Zhenfeng to drive the car directly to the old director's home.

  Seeing this situation, I then sat back and looked at each other with JIETOU and asked him in a low voice what he had in mind.

  JIETOU cold snort did not speak, but a moment later said to me: "I do not know anything, I can have what ideas? I just put in some effort to give you protection, when you need any help, just call me."

  "Good," I nodded and stopped talking.

  About a quarter of an hour later, the car stopped outside a villa building on the outskirts of the city.

  The villa is located in the rich mansion area, the courtyard is elegant, flowers and plants flourish, and the architectural style is westernized, from the outside, a glance can be seen at the aristocratic temperament.

  At that time looking at the villa, I subconsciously sighed in my heart, because I knew that the old director, no surprise, should be a big corrupt official.

  Such a person, I should not have helped him with anything, but, now the situation is forced, I had to do it, so I was torn in my heart.

  Zhao Guohua arrived at the door, made a phone call, and then a nanny came out and opened the door, and led us in.

  Once inside, we had just sat down in the living room when we heard the sound of vapid, dragging footsteps, and when we turned our heads to look, we found an old man with pale hair, a puffy face, and an obese figure, walking down the stairs in a trembling manner.

  "Director, you walk carefully," seeing the old man, the nanny rushed forward to help him.

  "I'm fine, I don't need your help, huh!" The old man is not in good health, but his nature is very strong, at once pushed away the nanny, gritted his teeth, and walked hard to the living room.

  "Chief, are you feeling better?" When he saw the old director, Zhao Guohua was full of smiles and went up to help him sit down and personally poured him tea.

  "You said you invited a powerful master to come, where is he?" The old director did not take Zhao Guohua's words, opened his mouth, and went straight to the point.

  "They are here, they are here," Zhao Guohua said, pointing to me and JIETOU.

  "Put your mother's fart! Zhao Guohua are you blind?!" As a result, what we did not expect is that the old director heard Zhao Guohua's words, but a burst of anger, get up a cup of tea on the table to shatter, then his trembling fingers poking Zhao Guohua's head cursed: "You ****'s mixed up, is not it? Even I dare to fool, this is what powerful master? These two hairy fart children, they can also exorcise demons and ward off evil spirits? Do you think I'm a fool?"