Ghost fetters and locked feet

I did not expect this old man's temper is so irritable, style is also so domineering, I think he is an official for a long time, has become a habit, so, the heart has a bad time, immediately turn the other cheek.

  At this time, Zhao Guohua, simply embarrassed to the extreme, he stood there somewhat helplessly, hands shaking, for a time do not know what to do.

  His secretary Wu Zhenfeng seems to have seen this scene, standing in the far corner, eyes on the nose, nose on the heart, has entered a state of meditation, as if nothing to see the general.

  At this time, seeing such a scene with my own eyes, I probably understand what is called the official level crush people. Now this old director and Zhao Guohua, is not a clear case?

  "Old grandpa, old, don't get so angry, it's not good for your health," no one said, I can only forcibly relieve the situation.

  "Yes, yes, Secretary, your health is not too good, this can not be angry again, come, you sit down first, listen to me slowly explain to you." Zhao Guohua hurriedly echoed, at least to help the old thing sit down.

  "Explain what? What is there to explain? You think I don't know that you're trying to fool me because you see that I'm getting useless?" After the old man sat down, but also rambling, listening to a burst of distraction.

  I frowned and did not speak again, but secretly operated the secret technique of spiritual birth, opened the Heavenly Gate and looked over towards the old thing.

  Under such a look, I realized that he is actually covered in black gas, the situation is obviously the symptoms of injustice, according to his situation, if he is not rescued in time, I am afraid he will not live seven days.

  Of course, these are actually not the most important, what surprised me most was the old man's legs, between his two ankles, there was a dead black line of yin, the situation, but it seems to him to put on the shackles.

  This is unusual, because according to my experience, can do this Yin, are not ordinary ghosts, they are generally Taoist and cultivation.

  This old man in the end did what the lack of virtue, how dare to provoke such a powerful Yin thing?

  At that moment, I did not feel is secretly in the heart contemplating.

  At this time, seeing my actions, Zhao Guohua asked me with eyes full of help: "Little Master, you quickly give the Secretary to see the situation ah, in the end what the situation, tell us first, so that the Secretary can also be assured."

  "The ghosts are haunting the body, ghost shackles locking the feet, if not accidentally, three days later, there will be a hook and chain to tie the hands and lock the throat, then I'm afraid that the Great Golden Immortal came, can not do anything." Hearing Zhao Guohua's words, I then said in a deep voice.

  Hearing this, the old thing could not help but be stunned, and then asked me with some doubts: "Kid, you can really see? What is your origin?"

  "Director, both of them are the disciples of Mr. Heaven's Eye, and their Daoist skills are also very powerful. This time it did not happen, Mr. Heaven's Eye happened to go on a trip, so I had to bring his two disciples. Before we left, Mr. Eye of Heaven said, this matter, his two disciples, can certainly handle, the Secretary you can rest assured." Zhao Guohua came up to the old thing's ear and explained.

  Hearing Zhao Guohua's words, the old thing nodded and continued to look at me and asked, "Little Master, then you see my situation, how to crack?"

  "To find the right master, let me talk to it, to see what it really is a mind, otherwise, forcibly crack, will only hurt life and harm virtue, then it may endanger your life," I looked at the old thing said.

  In fact, at this time, I can easily help him dissolve the Yin Qi, after all, I have chalcedony, the big deal to give him a little drink on the line, but I am not prepared to do so, because I think the Yin Qi is so heavy, there must be a hidden agenda here, I can not help him so unknowingly, otherwise, it is really evil people live forever, good people are difficult to peace.

  I want him to say what he has done wrong and make him pay for what he has done wrong.

  "Okay, in that case, then what are you going to do, little master? You tell me, I will cooperate with you," seeing that I seem to have some doorway, the old man immediately lit up with hope.

  I nodded and got up and said, "It's still early today, let's do this, I'll come back at midnight, then I'll set up a psychic ask the ghost of the dojo, talk to the ghost, try to get the facts, so that as long as we can meet the demands of the ghost, this calamity can almost be lifted."

  "Okay, okay, so let's arrange it. Don't worry, whatever the ghost wants, I can satisfy him. The old guy said to me with a mouth full of coppery air.

  "This is only afraid that money can not solve the problem, well, today is here first, you rest well, 12 o'clock at night, I will come back," I spoke, got up a tug JIETOU, then went towards the door.

  See my move, Zhao Guohua hurriedly let Wu Zhenfeng follow us, while he himself did not come out, he seems to have to talk to the old guy in detail.

  Wu Zhenfeng came out and drove the car, and then sent me and JIETOU to a very luxurious hotel near the County Public Security Bureau to stay.

  The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

  "That is corrupt officials, good officials are actually very poor, hey, this is the polarization, support the death of the bold, starve the death of the timid," I helplessly sneered, looked at the JIETOU body of tattered clothes, a little sorry, so take him to the street, to buy him a few good clothes.

  It is true that this boy cleaned up a little, but also quite handsome, so I look a jealous.

  Putting on the new clothes, JIETOU's face showed some rare smile, seems to be very happy, but after a moment, but back to normal, and said to me: "We are poor children, should not be so expensive, your money, should also be your parents gave you, try to save words, do not be too extravagant."

  "Don't worry, I earned all this money myself, I can support myself now," I said to him proudly.

  "You can still make money?" Hearing my words, JIETOU asked with some surprise.

  "Aren't I making money now? Do you think he will not give me benefits after I cure that old bastard? Don't worry, when the time comes, there will definitely be a lot of money, anyway, this old guy will not live long, and visually he is a big greedy, his money is not taken for nothing, kill him is not a loss of heart," I said to JIETOU.

  Hearing my words, JIETOU touched his head in a daze, and then asked me: "Your ability is taught to you by the master?"

  "Yes," I nodded my head.

  "Then, I'll go back and learn from my master, I'll definitely make more money than you," JIETOU said with glowing eyes and a hopeful face.