LanTou Springs

I did not expect Liao Xige's guts to be so small, was YunQingYue scared just a little, but directly into the arms of Wang WeiNan.

  That said, YunQingYue does not look scary, why is she scared into this way?

  However, in this way, let Wang Wei male that guy picked up a bargain, said I and Liao Xige all day long, not so hug it, the result of his just come, got this benefit, my heart inexplicably some jealousy.

  "Cough," this time, I hurriedly coughed two times.

  Hearing my voice, Liao Xige Fang just calmed down some, then she secretly side head towards my side to look, found YunQingYue has disappeared, this is the trepidation to let go of Wang WeiNan, after she suddenly ran over, a grabbed my arm asked: "small, small master, just now, just now that you see? That, is that really a ghost?"

  "Brother Xie, you are blind, right? I just don't seem to see anything." At this time, Wang Wei Nan voiced out.

  "You did not wipe the cow tears, of course you can not see, otherwise, you must be scared to death, you know what that is? It's a little girl of about ten years old, with black and long hair, just standing here, with her back to us, really scared me to death. Luckily she didn't turn around, otherwise I would have gone crazy, who knows if she was rolling her eyes and sticking out her bloody red tongue?" Liao Xige added fuel to the fire, putting YunQingYue a burst of black.

  I couldn't look at it any longer and was worried that if she went on, YunQingYue would go berserk, so I interrupted her and said, "Well, it's good to have seen it, but don't say anything, otherwise, maybe those dirty things will be on you."

  "Ah, really?" I said so, Liao Xi Dove immediately leaned towards me again, the little hand grabbed my arm are a little pain.

  "Brother Wang, please take care of Xigao'er." I smiled at Wang Wei Nan, stood up, broke my arm away from Liao Xi Dove's arms, then turned on the flashlight and took the lead along the mountain path to the west.

  Although Wang Wei Nan is a low-key person, but is not a fool, he also knows that this is a rare good opportunity, so he immediately close to Liao Xi Dove, ready to help her cope with some sudden changes.

  Liao Xi Dove after the scare just now, the heart has palpitations, subconsciously took his arm, the generous girl suddenly turned into a charming and pitiful little girl.

  "Little master, where are we going?" After walking for a short while, Liao Xi Dove asked somewhat nervously.

  "Is there water on the west side of this hill?" I stopped myself and looked at them and asked.

  "Yes," Wang Wei Nan nodded: "There is a spring at the west end of this hill, but that place is densely wooded, rumors are not very clean, the name of the spring is not very good."

  "What's the name?" I wondered.

  "LanTou spring," Wang Wei male finished, followed by the introduction: "Legend has it that the spring has a fury, said that in ancient times, this mountain was a turtle spirit, then the turtle violated the rules of heaven, the heavens sent a great god to kill the turtle. The turtle's head was chopped off, the blood flowed, the formation of the spring, the body turned into this mountain, and its head, in the spring rotted, so the spring was named LanTou Springs, the mountain also got the name of rest turtle mountain."

  "XuanWu into the water, LanTou into the brake, really is a great pattern of evil." Hearing Wang Wei Nan's words, I did not feel is pensive, predicted that things may not be too simple, do not feel to them said, "this way, or you guys go back to the car first and wait for me, I will be alone."

  "This-" Hearing this, Wang Wei Nan looked over towards Liao Xige with some hesitation.

  Liao Xige blinked, then but suddenly let go of his arm and said bravely and atmospherically, "No, we are responsible for protecting you, if we go back like this, in case something happens to you, how can we explain to grandpa?"

  "Yes, yes, what Xijie said, little master, don't worry about it, we will take care of ourselves, you just focus on your business." Wang Wei Nan quickly echoed Liao Xige's words.

  Seeing them say so, I can do nothing but nod and continue to walk forward.

  The forest is getting deeper and deeper, and before I knew it, I passed the peak and started walking downhill.

  It's easy to go up and down, this way downhill, rocky, weeds all over the place, leaves of varying depths, so we walked not long, already covered in sweat.

  Fortunately, the time is early spring, the leaves are not dense, otherwise, it is estimated that this trip down, directly to half a life.

  Well, after walking a distance, vaguely heard a splash sound from the front.

  Hearing the sound of the splash, I know we have reached LanTou spring near, which makes my heart can not help but be full of anticipation, I would like to see this LanTou spring in the end what looks like.

  However, although the heart is looking forward to, but I still have enough caution, because I have previously eaten too many losses because of carelessness.

  At that moment, I turned on the flashlight to the strongest light towards the front, while secretly operating the secret art of spiritual birth, opened the heavenly gate towards the side to explore.

  There is a ravine, about a few feet wide, both banks are dense forest and jagged rocks, and the ditch is full of weeds, leaves and dead branches into clusters, which makes the water in the ditch dark brown, naturally emit a faint fishy smell, giving people a very dirty feeling.

  The ravine runs north-south, high south and low north, flowing all the way upstream, there is a small waterfall, the waterfall below a few feet square pool of water.

  I stood on the edge of the ravine, left and right to view the past, found that the Yin here is not very heavy, the only place more Yin cold, is the pool.

  Seeing this condition, I could not help but feel a little disappointed.

  This is not the legendary LanTou spring? It's also too uninspiring, right? Not at all horrible, the key is not to see the spring ah, the waterfall is not the rainwater flowing down the mountain?

  "This is LanTou spring?" I turned around and asked Wang Wei Nan.

  "This is the black blood ditch, LanTou spring in the upper reaches, but also to climb up." Wang WeiNan said to me.

  Hearing this, I was surprisingly secretly pleased and invariably held a greater expectation, and then we climbed all the way up the ravine.

  A quarter of an hour later, we were already standing in front of a dark cave. The cave was flowing out of the mountain spring, and there was no telling how deep it was.

  "The hole is not deep, you can see the bottom in the daytime, the spring water is seeping out from the cracks in the back wall, year-round," Wang Wei Nan stood at the mouth of the cave, shining a flashlight inside.

  I looked down and found that the hole was really only four or five meters deep, and there was not much space inside, and the only peculiar thing was that there were some cracks in the back wall, and water was bubbling out from the cracks.

  I was a little disappointed, subconsciously sighed, feeling that this trip to waste, because this is obviously not what gathering Yin soul place, so that JIETOU mother's residual soul, should not be in this place.

  However, what I didn't expect was that just when I was sighing, suddenly I heard a harsh scream coming from the next mountain forest.