The rough and tumble approach

Midnight, the moon is dark and windy, deserted mountains and dense forests, a scream came through the heart and lungs, for I am used to seeing the ghosts of the yin and Yang, but also was shocked shiver.

  "Did you hear that?"

  I subconsciously turned back to look at Liao Xi Dove and Wang Wei Nan asked.

  Both were dumbfounded, that look obviously did not hear the scream.

  "There is a situation in the woods, you wait for me here, do not move, I will be right back!" I finished my sentence, leaving them behind, turned around and ran in the direction of the scream came from.

  The voice does not know who it came from, but I have a vague feeling that the voice may be related to JIETOU mother's residual soul, she may be in some kind of danger, she previously had the ability to absorb the soul, naturally, there is no evil spirits can threaten her, but now her soul power is low, and can not absorb the soul, the situation can be uncertain, she is not sure now have become the food of other spirits.

  So I have to hurry up a little to do, otherwise, maybe when I find her, she has already disappeared.

  At that moment, I ran all the way, while running and also keep using Yuan Qi to detect the mountains and forests, trying to find the remnants of JIETOU mother's soul.

  But, what I didn't expect was that after looking around, I didn't find anything unusual in the woods, I didn't find the remnant of JIETOU's mother's soul, and I didn't see any other ghosts either.

  "Waaaah - I'm going to kill you all -"

  As a result, just when I was wondering, cold behind another scream came, which made my eyelids suddenly jumped, the heart unconsciously on a dark cry.

  "Damn, I'm in the tiger's stratagem to leave the mountain!"

  I heard who the cry was from. It was Liao Xi Dove's scream, and her condition, is obviously possessed by the spirit, otherwise, she would not have no reason to shout so loudly.

  "Brother Xie, what happened to you? Hey, hey, ah - how do you grab me? Ah, little master, come quickly, Xigier is in trouble..."

  As expected, after Liao Xige's voice fell, Wang Wei Nan's voice then sounded, from his anxious voice, you can imagine the urgency of the situation.

  At this time, my whole body is tired and sore, the body has not fully recovered, and has been climbing the mountain, and now such a toss, immediately feel even gasping for breath is a little difficult.

  I gritted my teeth and held on, clutching the flashlight and trying to lift my feet and run back.

  Soon, I rushed out of the woods, lifting my eyes to take a look, found that the situation is really as I expected, Liao Xi Dove was possessed by the ghost, is now cloaked, open teeth and claws screaming towards Wang Wei male lunge.

  Wang Wei Nan did not dare to make a move on Liao Xi Dove, even if she had become crazy, so he could only grin and dodge with a face full of fear, but, even so, his face was still soon hanging flowers, by Liao Xi Dove scratched out several bloody mouths.

  "Little Master, you're here, great, what's wrong with Higuer?"

  When he saw me appear, Wang Wei Nan was like a savior and rushed towards me.

  "What happened?" I spoke with Wang Wei Nan, while quickly drew a soul fixing talisman in the palm of my hand, and then when Liao Xi Dove rushed close, I pressed a palm on her forehead, she immediately quieted down and stood there.

  See this situation, Wang Wei male while covering his face, while palpitations look at Liao Xi Dove said to me: "I do not know what is going on, just after you left the little master, Xigier had nothing to do, playing flashlight to the hole shine, and then she said that the bottom of the hole seems to have something in the flash, want to go in to see, I did not take it seriously, did not advise her, and ready to go in with She just bent down into the hole, and suddenly her whole body shivered, and then turned towards me and grabbed, while grabbing also shouted, that look really scared to death."

  "really or this spring has a problem, if I am not wrong, JIETOU mother's remnant soul should be hiding in the underground spring behind the stone wall, she deliberately made a sound in the woods next to attract me to go over, the purpose is to get on the body of Brother Xi, so it seems that this remnant soul's intelligence is not completely lost, but she did so, and for what? " I looked at Liao Xige, full of doubts.

  Wang Wei Nan could not understand my words, he just shivered, subconsciously close to me and asked, "Little Master, this, really, really ghosts?"

  "This is a cow tears, you want to see ghosts, wipe a little on the eyes, guaranteed to be very exciting." I took the mineral water bottle hanging on the waist of Liao Xi Pigeon and stuffed it to Wang Wei Nan.

  Wang Wei male shivered a little, and hurriedly threw the bottle: "I better not look at it, so as not to leave a psychological shadow."

  "Well," I nodded, no longer bullshitting with him, but concentrated on looking towards Liao Xi Dove.

  The secret art of spiritual birth slowly run, yuan qi overflowed out, soon will be Liao Xi Dove wrapped up, a look, found her body hostility surge, blood soul trembling, that on her body Yin soul is no other than JIETOU's mother.

  But JIETOU's mother wanted to do what in the end? I was a little confused for a while. According to her previous situation, she should have no normal sanity, only the hostility of revenge left, but this how to suddenly IQ burst? Could it be that Liao Xi Dove has something she needs?

  But this Liao Xi Dove does not seem to have any special features ah, she is obviously not what three Yin five Yin virgin, she is just an ordinary girl, JIETOU mother on her, in the end is to do what?

  "Little Master, what to do? You hurry to find a way to save Xiguer ah, that ghost is not still in her body?"

  A few moments later, Wang Wei Nan saw that I did not move, could not help but start urging me.

  Hearing Wang Wei Nan's words, I was anxious and asked him, "What will happen when the electric rod is electrocuted to a person?"

  "What else can it be? It hurts, the whole body trembles, very painful." Wang Wei Nan said to me.

  "Will it leave scars?" I asked.

  "This is generally not, but the skin will be blackened if you stick to the flesh electricity, through the clothes okay," Wang Wei Nan said.

  "That's good," hearing this I was relieved, then I decided to turn off the flashlight light, it changed into an electric baton, on the Liao Xi Dove body on the electric past.

  "Scolding la la -" sparks shot out, Liao Xige immediately screamed, the whole body trembled and rolled to the ground.

  "What are you doing?" Seeing my action, Wang Wei Nan was shocked and stepped forward and grabbed me by the hand.

  "She was possessed by the remnants of JIETOU mother, I do not have time to slowly invite her out, besides she is now delirious, and not good communication, I can only take a violent solution. Ghost afraid of electricity, I electrocuted her a few times, she naturally came down from her body." I said to Wang Wei Nan.

  "There is such a thing? This method can really work?" Wang Wei Nan asked hesitantly.

  As a result, just when he asked me, the ground Liao Xi Dove is suddenly jumped up, and then turned around and ran wildly towards the mountains.