Remnant soul saves son

Knife light out, cold as frost, wood knife Huohuo fly towards the black heart wolf!

  JIETOU's body is also trained by chalcedony, not only that, he also got a lot of my yuan qi, so that his strength and speed is also beyond normal people.

  At this time, although he suffered serious internal injuries, but the strength is not reduced too much, so he threw a knife, the momentum is like a Hong Kong, if really hit YinYunShan, not dead or have to ask him half life.

  However, YinYunShan obviously will not die easily, so when he saw JIETOU's flying knife attack, he could not help but grit his teeth and roll over to the side to dodge.

  Unfortunately, although he had made an effort to dodge, the woodchipper eventually hit him in the arm.

  "Poof - clang -"

  After two successive loud noises, the woodchipper bounced off with a twist, and a large, white-bone gash appeared on YinYunShan's left arm, which then gushed blood like a spring, dripping.

  "Old dog Qin, I want your life!"

  A knife finished, not waiting for YinYunShan reaction over, JIETOU lunged up, a hug YinYunShan, then opened his mouth and bit down on his body.

  YinYunShan was having a hard time, he stomped his legs, trying to push JIETOU away, but struggled for half a day but could not do it, and finally was only bitten by JIETOU face full of blood, the situation is terrible.

  "Blood nirvana deva, vajra offering Buddha!"

  However, just as JIETOU was frantically tearing at YinYunShan, YinYunShan pulled out his right hand, then squeezed the Buddha seal, and with a loud cry, the Blood Buddha puppet immediately swept his hand towards JIETOU on the ground.

  "JIETOU, get out of the way!"

  Seeing this, I couldn't help but shout in haste, and subconsciously rushed forward.


  A muffled sound, JIETOU was swept by the blood Buddha puppet shoulder, the whole person immediately drifted like a falling leaf, straight towards the side of the wall smashed.

  "Boom... thud..."

  Blood Buddha puppet's blow, the power is huge, JIETOU again smashed heavily into the wall, after landing, the left arm twitched a few times, but never lifted, look at the situation, it seems that his left arm has been broken.

  "Qin old dog--" Seeing JIETOU's miserable condition, I shouted, also madly rushed towards YinYunShan.

  "Demon Buddha reappears, repel the demon evil!" YinYunShan gritted his teeth and sat up, his hand seal pushed against me, the blood Buddha puppet then flew over and impacted, and with a scrape of his iron arm, he smashed me out.

  "Boom - boom -" I was also like a small chicken, smashed into the wall, landing on the ground only to feel the chest Qi and blood churning, for a long time can not catch his breath.

  "Hey, hey, hey, hey, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha--"

  Seeing the situation of me and JIETOU, YinYunShan eyes blood red, gritted his teeth and laughed out loud.

  "How about it? I still won in the end? I tell you, this is the fate of God! Next, I will torture you all to death little by little, I will make you go to hell and turn into evil spirits!"

  YinYunShan shouted hideously, and then manipulated the Blood Buddha puppet to move towards JIETOU.

  "White eyed wolf, I will kill you first, so that you can be reunited with your shameless mother sooner!" YinYunShan laughed wickedly.

  "I will not let you go even if I become a ghost-" JIETOU was lying on the ground, spitting blood and frothing at the mouth, staring at YinYunShan angrily.

  "When you become a ghost, come back to me, hahaha-" YinYunShan shouted excitedly.

  "JIETOU, I'm sorry--" Seeing this situation, I gritted my teeth and tried to get up, but struggled for half a day and couldn't stand up. Finally, I could only close my eyes in despair, because I couldn't bear to see the next scene.

  "Go to hell, hahahaha-" YinYunShan shouted, hand seals flipping, already ready to manipulate that Blood Buddha puppet to tear JIETOU to pieces.

  "Xiao Dong!"

  However, what one did not expect was that at this very moment, a sudden cry came from the entrance of the basement, and when one looked up, one found LiaoXiGe looking at JIETOU lying on the ground with her eyes wide open and her face full of heartache.

  The sudden appearance of LiaoXiGe made JIETOU and YinYunShan both startled.

  JIETOU looked at LiaoXiGe with a puzzled face, obviously not knowing why LiaoXiGe suddenly called his name, while YinYunShan looked at LiaoXiGe with a puzzled face, but seemed to be unable to understand what this woman wanted to do.

  At this time, I would like to tell JIETOU that LiaoXiGe is actually his mother at this time, but unfortunately, I gritted my teeth and tried for half a day, my throat moved several times, but in the end, I could not make a sound, only a few hoarse screams.

  "YinYunShan, don't hurt my child, I want your life!"

  After LiaoXiGe appeared, seeing that JIETOU was in danger, she couldn't help but fly towards YinYunShan and pounce.

  "Where is that crazy woman from, get out of my way!"

  Seeing LiaoXiGe's move, YinYunShan let out a cold snort and waved his hand, already controlling the Blood Buddha puppet to charge towards LiaoXiGe.


  A muffled sound, how could LiaoXiGe be a match for that Blood Buddha puppet? So at that moment, she was immediately sent tumbling to the ground.

  "YinYunShan, I won't let you go!"

  However, although LiaoXiGe fell to the ground, she still gritted her teeth and got up, charging towards YinYunShan again.

  At this moment, LiaoXiGe, cloaked and covered in sludge, with a hideous face, had fallen into a state of madness.

  "Don't know how to live, do you think you can move me?" YinYunShan looked at LiaoXiGe with disdain, and manipulated the Blood Buddha puppet to crash towards LiaoXiGe.


  Another muffled sound came out as LiaoXiGe was once again knocked out, but this time, while LiaoXiGe's torso flew out, a deadly black Qi swam out from her body. That black Qi bypassed the Blood Buddha puppet and directly pounced towards YinYunShan.

  "YinYunShan, take your life--" JIETOU mother's remnant soul screamed mournfully, the black Qi was dense, and lunged straight towards YinYunShan.

  "So it's you bitch--" Seeing JIETOU mother's remnant soul, YinYunShan did not feel a cry of alarm, but before his words could fall, his whole body had a convulsion, was JIETOU mother's remnant soul entangled.

  "Hiss hiss - bitch cousin, get the hell out of my way!" Immediately after YinYunShan was entangled, she screamed and squeezed up the Buddha's hand seal and slapped at the remnant soul of JIETOU's mother.

  "QingYue, it's up to you!"

  Seeing this, I could only helplessly shout to YunQingYue, and then collapsed helplessly on the ground.

  "Devil, prepare to go to hell!"

  Hearing my words, YunQingYue suddenly appeared, and then let out a cold cry, left snake god, right cow ghost, fiercely rushed towards YinYunShan.

  "Hahahaha, come on, I'll make you all go up in smoke!"

  Seeing this situation, YinYunShan but instead is openly laughing, then he is a fierce bang, haughty from the ground stood up, then double up to push forward, is actually hard to JIETOU mother's residual soul to push away.

  "Master, give me tear them!"

  YinYunShan screamed, arms waving, blood light splashing around, frantically manipulating the Blood Buddha puppet to move up.