Tearing the flesh from the lips

"Oooh... oh..."

  Under the crazy manipulation of YinYunShan, the Blood Buddha puppet's whole body twitched and trembled violently, and then a light sound of "crackle and pop" was heard, and the skin of the Blood Buddha puppet cracked open piece by piece.

  "Master, tear up these evil spirits!"

  With a scream from YinYunShan, the Blood Buddha puppet raised its arms, firstly, it pushed the surging earth qi to hold the remnants of JIETOU's mother's soul, YunQingYue, and the cow ghosts and snake gods, then it reached out with its long arms, grabbed JIETOU's mother with one hand, and YunQingYue with the other, and lifted them all together. in front of itself.

  "Thousand-Handed Goddess of Mercy, Tear the Soul!"

  Seeing the Blood Buddha puppet has grabbed YunQingYue them, YinYunShan once again a scream, hand seal fierce, pointed at the Blood Buddha puppet, and then saw the Blood Buddha puppet a twitching, the cracked skin of the body but a lot of purple-red airflow emerged from the gap, those airflow slowly wriggling illusion, and finally turned into a ghost claw-shaped tentacles.

  "Tear them apart!" YinYunShan shouted, the blood Buddha puppet under his urging, those blood gas cloud hands then reached towards YunQingYue them.

  Those blood cloud hands instantly grabbed JIETOU's mother's soul, YunQingYue, the cow ghost, and the snake god, and then they began to pull with force under YinYunShan's urging, and as they pulled, they saw YunQingYue and they all rose up like a piece of rags, and that situation seemed to be ripped apart at any moment.

  "Well ah--" JIETOU's mother under the tearing, let out a harsh scream.

  YunQingYue clenched her silver teeth and struggled desperately without making any sound, and the ox, ghost and snake gods also kept struggling and let out a forlorn hissing roar.


  Seeing this situation, I did not feel is anxiously sweating, teeth are about to gnash.

  "I roared with all my strength, struggled to get up from the ground, and then staggered towards YinYunShan.

  I was charging forward, while secretly feeling out the folding knife from my coat pocket.

  YinYunShan saw that I was unstable and in a hideous state, so he did not have much defense against me, he just grunted coldly, and urged a blood gas cloud hand towards me, trying to knock me back.

  But he too underestimated me, the blood cloud hand although powerful, but I still have a trace of Yuan Qi remaining, so I gritted my teeth to promote the operation of the secret art of spiritual birth, and finally gathered a little Yuan Qi, the blood cloud hand blocked, and at the same time, I gritted my teeth and charged forward, the folding knife in my hand is flying express to YinYunShan's armpit, "pfft! "A light sound stabbed in.


  YinYunShan obviously did not expect me to have such a move at the end, so he immediately was a full body jerk, issued a muffled grunt, and then his mouth will be sparse out a stream of black blood to.

  "Little, doggy day, I will you, in pieces!"

  He clenched his teeth, trembled and flipped his hand seals, and then he manipulated a dozen clouds of blood to rush towards me.

  "You won't be able to live either!"

  I fiercely pulled off my folding knife, with spurting black blood, and shouted at YinYunShan, but then I was directly ripped up by those blood Qi cloud hands.


  The wind rang in my ears, and I was directly thrown out to the side by the blood gas cloud hands, and finally smashed heavily against the wall.

  "Boom--" a muffled sound, my internal organs tumbled and rolled to the ground, landing right next to JIETOU.

  At this moment, JIETOU, is clenching his fist, gritting his teeth trying to get up, but because the injury is too heavy, half a day of effort, but only slightly bowed waist, but not really able to climb up.

  "Hahahaha, kill you, all of you have to die, hahaha, Wang Meiling you bitch cousin, I want you to know, you can't help me in life, you can't help me in death, you hate me, resent me for harming your husband? Hey, I will kill your son in front of you, hahaha, you can resent me, because I will tear you into pieces and make you disappear!"

  YinYunShan was extremely angry and heartless, spitting blood from his mouth and shouting hoarsely, then gritting his teeth and flipping his palm, he urged the Blood Buddha puppet to move towards me and JIETOU.

  "Master, I offer blood to Buddha, comparable to Buddha cutting flesh to feed the eagle, thank you old man for giving me strength, I vow clearly, after killing these evil people today, I will convert to Buddhism and serve Buddha for the rest of my life!"

  YinYunShan blood and flesh dripping, already can not even stand, can only kneel on the ground, gritting his teeth and squeezing the hand seal.

  "creaking -" the blood Buddha puppet drove the churning earth Qi and the sky shaking blood Qi cloud hands came to me and JIETOU, a fishy wind drifted by, dozens of cloud hands fell, lifting me and JIETOU directly from the ground.

  "I'll tear you two puppies first, Wang Meiling, open your eyes wide and watch, I not only pitted your husband, I also tore up your son!"

  YinYunShan spoke, gritted his teeth and fired, hand seals slowly pulled, began to control the blood gas cloud hand to tear me and JIETOU.


  The blood qi cloud hand steeply fired, tugging my limbs and JIETOU's limbs and pulling them violently to all sides. I felt that my body was about to be torn apart, and my bones and joints were already making a soft sound.

  At this moment, I kind of understand what is called five horses splitting.

  "Well ah--YinYunShan, you, you shall not die well--"

  At this time, the only thing JIETOU and I could do was to grit our teeth and struggle, while cursing YinYunShan, but this could not stop YinYunShan's movements at all.

  My left and right arms were dislocated and I didn't know how much longer I could hold on.

  However, it was at this time that I heard an incomparable scream, and then I turned my head to look and realized that the voice was not from someone else, but from JIETOU's mother.

  At this time, JIETOU's mother saw JIETOU's eyes rolled back, the bones of his body rattled, did not feel is shuddered and screamed, she desperately struggled to go to JIETOU's side, but finally were blood Buddha puppet dead hold.

  "Watch well, your son is about to be torn in pieces, blood and flesh, hahaha-"

  Seeing this, YinYunShan did not feel that he was laughing wickedly in triumph.

  "YinYunShan, I want you to die without a burial place, you devil!"

  Hearing YinYunShan's voice, JIETOU's mother snapped her head towards YinYunShan, and then saw her reach out and grab her chest.

  At this time, the soul-sucking mouth on JIETOU's mother's chest had turned into four flaps, and it no longer possessed the ability to suck souls.

  JIETOU's mother did not want to use that big mouth to suck the soul, she grabbed the big mouth **** with a deadly grip and tore it to both sides.

  "Snort--" a light sound, the blood bowl mouth was violently torn open, which made JIETOU's mother's remnant soul almost disconnected from the mid-chest position into two.

  "Bitch cousin, what do you want to do?!" Seeing JIETOU mother's action, YinYunShan could not help but be stunned for a while.

  "YinYunShan, I will definitely not let you go, yah-"

  JIETOU's mother did not bother with YinYunShan's words, she just continued to tear her wounds, and then as she let out a miserable scream, her soul finally split into two and two into four under her tearing, and finally turned into a scattered Yin Qi, and flew straight towards YinYunShan.