Love, will not forget!


  In the dark and damp basement, YinYunShan was covered in blood, kneeling on the floor, with both hands cupped in seals, controlling the Blood Buddha puppet with his teeth.

  Blood Buddha puppet standing in the middle of the basement, under the feet is a surge of earth Qi, the body is dozens of open blood Qi cloud hand, the situation is like a demonic ghost, just a glance makes people shudder.

  JIETOU and I, as well as YunQingYue and cattle ghosts and snake gods, have been blood Buddha puppet blood gas cloud hand dead.

  YinYunShan was gritting his teeth and pushing those blood Qi cloud hands, ready to tear me and JIETOU to pieces. JIETOU and I were about to be torn into pieces as our bones rattled in pain.

  JIETOU's mother, named Wang Meiling, that is a poor woman, her life encounter is saddened and indignant, after the death of the encounter is even more miserable. She is only a Yin soul at this time, and still a residual soul, because she formerly turned over to save JIETOU, has lent a soul to JIETOU.

  In theory, at this time, Wang Meiling, is already a residual soul, so her wisdom should not be clear, she is only relying on the instincts of the drive to act.

  But what is the instinct of the soul?

  She hates YinYunShan, this hatred goes deep into her soul, this is her instinct.

  She loves JIETOU because JIETOU is her son, and this is also her instinct.

  Yes, love and hate are the instincts of the soul.

  Many times we think that hate is powerful and it can make people crazy, but, unbeknownst to us, many times love is more powerful than hate!

  The old man in his seventies, committed Alzheimer's, delirious, has not recognized the people around him, but when eating, will secretly grab a handful of fruit into his pocket, asked, the old man said this is left to his son, his son loves to eat this.

  Yes, they may forget your name, forget who he himself is, but love will never forget.

  JIETOU's mother was only a remnant soul, but she did not forget JIETOU, so when she saw that JIETOU was about to be torn to pieces, she went crazy, she stormed out, she endured the pain that ordinary people could not endure, and tore her remnant soul into pieces.

  What is she trying to do?

  "The soul of Taiyin, which can be divided and compounded, and can be scattered and reunited, is one of the rarest strange souls in the world."

  At this time, I suddenly remembered what the old blind man had said to me before, he said that the soul of Taiyin has the ability to scatter and reunite.

  So does this mean that-

  JIETOU's mother, in an emergency, dispersed her soul in order to get out of the control of the blood cloud hands, in order to pass through those blood cloud hands in order to launch an attack on YinYunShan?

  But, how is this possible?

  Any soul, even the Taiyin Soul and Sun Soul, as long as it is torn apart, it is like a purgatory of pain, she can do this?

  This, this is completely unbelievable!

  However, she just did it, her soul split into pieces, turning into a stream of black sunken hostile Qi, rushing straight towards YinYunShan.


  The air came a burst of harsh ghost cry, the basement out of thin air a gust of wind, broken soul gas around the blood cloud hand, all pounced on YinYunShan's body.

  "Oooh... ah..."

  YinYunShan's whole body trembled, desperately screaming miserably, under the erosion of those soul qi, wariness as if roasted by fire.

  "Hiss hiss--"

  The scattered soul qi, under the effect of the characteristics of the soul of Taiyin, reunited and merged into one, and JIETOU mother's figure appeared again, then she opened her mouth and bit down on YinYunShan's erect neck.

  "Poof -" a light sound, soul devouring, YinYunShan two legs twitching, shivering backwards, the hand of the Buddha seal also finally pinch grip can not give up control of the blood Buddha puppet.

  Sanskrit sound chaos, blood Buddha puppet's arms slowly relaxed, blood Qi cloud hand also slowly retracted into the body, I and JIETOU, and YunQingYue and bull ghosts and snake gods, finally regained freedom.


  While my body fell to the ground, I gritted my teeth and let out a hiss.

  Hearing my words, YunQingYue immediately understood, and now can't help but is beckoning a cow ghost and snake god, then disregarded together, towards YinYunShan rushed forward.

  "Voodoo treasure brake, vajra inflammation seal, extinguish the soul to kill the sky--"

  YunQingYue led the ox ghosts and snake gods whistling towards YinYunShan, ready to support the remnants of JIETOU's mother's soul, to give YinYunShan the old dog a fatal blow, but did not want YinYunShan actually issued a scream again, then he fiercely squeezed the vajra voodoo hand seal, slapped towards JIETOU's mother's body The first time I saw him, I was able to see him.

  YinYunShan this evil dog, his life force is so tenacious, to this point actually can continue to resist, this is also really let people feel ironic, evil people are so unwilling to die?


  A muffled sound, JIETOU mother was struck by the vajra voodoo hand seal, immediately issued a harsh scream, the soul body on the black smoke straight up, the already incomparably weak soul power, becoming thinner and thinner, it seems that the soul will fly away, completely turned into smoke and dust.

  The most critical moment was when YunQingYue arrived. She didn't dare to take the Vajra Voodoo hand seal, so she and the Bull Ghost and Snake God split into three and stormed towards YinYunShan.


  A muffled sound, YunQingYue took the lead with a palm hitting YinYunShan, which made YinYunShan fall to the side in a crooked way.

  "Boom--" the bull ghost impact, through the body, YinYunShan like a leaf, a violent swing, and fell in the other direction.

  "Hiss hiss--" The snake god whistled up and fiercely wrapped around YinYunShan.


  YinYunShan rolled his eyes and his whole body twitched, having lost the ability to resist.

  "Kill this old dog, great pleasure!" Seeing this condition, I couldn't help but is excitedly shouted.

  "No, don't-"

  However, what I didn't expect was that just at this time, JIETOU's voice was coming from the side.

  I turned my head to look at JIETOU, only to find that he was gritting his teeth and moving his limbs, crawling towards YinYunShan.

  "I want to kill him with my own hands--" JIETOU said through clenched teeth while crawling.

  Hearing JIETOU's words, I couldn't help but nod, and then summoned both YunQingYue and the Bull Ghost and Snake God back, and collected them into the Purple Mansion space.


  JIETOU is crawling, Wang Meiling's remnant soul suddenly bright and dark on the ground dense, issued a call to him.


  Hearing the call of the remnant soul, JIETOU could not help but be in tears, crying as he crawled towards his mother's side.

  "Xiaodong - mother, mother is sorry for you -"

  The voice of the remnant soul became weaker and weaker, the soul aura bright and uncertain, and finally when JIETOU crawled next to her, it completely turned into a wisp of smoke and drifted away in the air.


  JIETOU raised her hand and clutched the air, and let out a miserable and incomparable scream, emotion like a trapped beast.