The Final Revenge

I don't know if this is the first time Jietou has ever called 'mom', but I do know that Wang Meiling will never hear him call again. Jietou went crazy, and in his screams and cries, I understood what sadness meant. He turned around with all his strength and crawled desperately towards YinYunShan. 'Woo-ah!' Jietou reached YinYunShan's leg first, but before he could crawl further, he bit a large piece of flesh off YinYunShan's leg. 'Uh-' YinYunShan twitched as if feeling pain but couldn't move. 'Sss-YinYunshan, I want to drink your blood and eat your flesh!' Jietou crazily tore at him like a madman. YinYunshan's fingers twitched as he gritted his teeth and pulled out a blade from his pocket, seemingly wanting to resist.

But it was too late; as soon as the blade appeared, Jietou snatched it away with both eyes wide open. Then he ripped open Yin Yunshan's shirt with one hand on his chest while holding the knife in the other hand fiercely laughing at him: "Qin old dog! You used this kind of knife to kill my father and mother back then! Today let me see if you can still kill me or not! Are you tough? Are you fighting for your life? Then let me give you another chance to see if you can survive!"

Jietou looked down at the scar on Yin Yunshan's chest while pointing at it saying: "Is it here? Heheheh...wait for me; I'll help put this knife back into that spot again so that you can survive once more!"

"Xiao-Xiaodong (JieTuo), I raised you for seven years-" said Yinyunshan, looking at Jietou in a pleading voice.

"Hahaha! Well said! Seven years, yes, you raised me for seven years. But let me ask you why did you do it? Did your conscience finally catch up with you? No, it didn't. You did it to appease my mother's spirit; you wanted me to be the slave of your arrogant daughter and wash her shoes and dishes. You wanted me to become a servant in your house; you brainwashed me so that I wouldn't know the truth because you were afraid that if I found out about the truth, I would come back for revenge."

Jietou gritted his teeth as he choked YinYunshan's neck while pressing his face against him asking: "Let me guess what other disgusting thoughts are hidden inside this evil dog's mind. Oh father isn't dead yet even though he went crazy. However, can you be sure that he is really insane? Are you afraid that after he gets released from prison, he will come back for revenge on you? That's why you raised me so that when the time comes, I can blackmail him too right?"

Upon hearing Jietou's words,Yin Yunshan was visibly shocked which indicated that JieTuo had indeed guessed his plan correctly.

Also, there's the matter of me being poisoned. Hehe, don't think I don't know what happened. That night, you intentionally gave me a piece of cake pretending to be kind-hearted. You knew I liked that flavor and specially gave it to me, but after eating it, I got poisoned. You were planning to kill me because my mother's soul had already left and you were afraid that I would seek revenge on you, right?" JIETOU tightly gripped YinYunShan's neck while laughing in anger. "YinYunShan, you're really cunning and have no conscience! You're worse than an animal! Even if I killed you a thousand times, it wouldn't be enough for me to vent my anger! Do you think I'll let you go?"

As JIETOU spoke with difficulty while moving his body closer to YinYunShan and kneeling beside him, he raised the blade in his hand high as if he was about to stab YinYunShan's chest.

"Stop it Lan Xiaodong! What are you doing?!" Unexpectedly at this moment when everyone thought all hope was lost; suddenly a cold shout came from the entrance which turned out to be WangWeinan holding an electric baton.

They had been fighting for so long they forgot about him; wasn't this guy responsible for taking care of LiaoXige earlier? How did LiaoXige end up here without him?

His timing couldn't have been better as he arrived just in time before JIETOU could make his move.

"WangWeinan why did it take so long for you to come?" Struggling with great effort turning his head towards WangWeinan asking.

"Young master how are things going? I don't know what happened but fell asleep earlier then woke up looking everywhere until finally finding this place... Oh no is XiGe okay?" WangWeinan saw LiaoXige lying on the ground and couldn't help but worry.

"She's fine, take her out first." I said to WangWeinan.

At this moment, I didn't want WangWeinan to stay. After all, he was a police officer. If he witnessed JIETOU killing YinYunShan with his own eyes, he wouldn't just sit idly by.

However, Wang WeiNan obviously saw through my thoughts, so he didn't care about LiaoXiGe at the moment. Instead, he tightly held the electric baton and pointed it at JIETOU from a distance while walking forward. He said to JIETOU: "Lan Xiaodong, put down the blade in your hand. I advise you not to act impulsively. Even if you are not of legal age for imprisonment, you will still be responsible if you kill him. Do you understand? Yin Yunshan has been seriously injured and is old; it's difficult for him to survive like this anymore. You don't need to add insult to injury now, Lan Xiaodong listen to my advice and put down the blade in your hand. I can classify today's incident as mutual fighting causing serious injuries."

"He framed my father, killed my mother and almost poisoned me too! Just now his actions shattered my mother's soul into pieces! Finally I can take revenge by stabbing him with this knife! Are you asking me to spare him? Do you think that's possible?" JIETOU didn't even turn his head but asked Wang WeiNan in a deep voice.

"Don't worry; we will investigate all crimes committed by him thoroughly and give strict punishment accordingly according to law enforcement procedures. But if you kill him now, then YOU will break the law too! Do YOU understand?" As Wang WeiNan spoke he quickly stepped forward.

"I understand but I still want to kill him!" Upon hearing WangWeiNan's footsteps approaching closer towards them,Jietou shouted loudly,"Qin Old Dog go die!" Then suddenly there was a flash of light from his knife which pierced straight into YinYunShan's chest scar.

With such a stab wound,YinYunShan must have felt extreme pain because even though he was semi-conscious,his whole body twitched and shuddered involuntarily as he tried to pull out the blade from his chest but eventually failed.

He struggled for a few more times before finally relaxing his whole body, taking one last breath and passing away completely.

"Damn it!" Seeing JIETOU's actions, Wang WeiNan hurriedly ran forward to check YinYunShan's condition. He found that he was already dead. WangWeiNan couldn't help but stomp his foot in frustration. Then he reached for a handcuff from his waist and grabbed JIETOU's wrist to cuff him while saying solemnly: "Lan Xiaodong, you have committed murder with intent; I am now officially arresting you!