Miraculous appearance

Wang Wei Nan, let go of Jietou!"

At this point, Jietou was exhausted and seriously injured. He had no strength to resist Wang Wei Nan's actions. Of course, just because Jietou didn't resist didn't mean I wouldn't either.

Ever since I entered the martial arts world, I've always kept a low profile and never forced anyone to do anything. But this time, I couldn't help it anymore. Gritting my teeth, I struggled to get up from the ground and pointed at Wang Wei Nan with a trembling hand, ordering him to release Jietou.

"Junior Master, I'm sorry but as a police officer it's my duty to uphold justice," said Wang Wei Nan as he snapped handcuffs on Jietou and tried to drag him towards the waiting car outside.

"Bullshit! You're full of shit! Yin Yun Shan is about to die anyway; all Jietou did was vent his anger with one stab - how is that a crime? Besides, there are only three of us here - if you don't tell anyone about this who will know?" I yelled angrily at Wang Wei Nan.

"Junior Master Yi Heng...I cannot violate the oath that I made in police school years ago. It's my duty to uphold justice," replied Wang Wei Nan firmly.

"F*ck you! Let go of him now or else!" My teeth were grinding together so hard they made an audible sound as I summoned Yun Qing Yue and Niu Gui She Shen out into view.

"Don't make things difficult for me Junior Master Yi Heng...this is what needs to be done." Despite my threats however,WangWeiNan remained resolute in his decision.

"I'll count down from three...this is your last chance!" As soon as those words left my mouth,I began counting down while preparing myself for an attack should he refuse to comply.

"Yi Heng," suddenly, Jietou's hoarse voice broke the tense silence. "Don't blame him...I did it."

"Jietou..." I was stunned by his words and couldn't speak for a long time.

"I killed my enemy with my own hands and avenged my parents. I'm proud of what I did! So don't make things difficult for him anymore. Officer Wang, take me away."

"All right then, Xiao Dong Xiong Di (Little Brother), sorry about this." As he spoke,WangWeiNan helped Jietou towards Liao Xi Ge's direction; from the looks of it,he seemed intent on taking LiaoXiGe along as well.

"Oh dear oh dear...what happened here? Why is there such a strong smell of blood?" To my surprise,a familiar voice suddenly sounded at the entrance to the basement,and when I turned around,I saw someone unexpected standing there.

The old blind man, leaning on a cane, stood at the entrance of the basement with a smile.

This old man appeared in this place at this time, which can only be described as a miracle.

How did he find his way here? Why did he appear here? What is going on?

"Master, how did you find your way here?" The appearance of the old man also surprised WangWeiNan. He couldn't help but stare at him and said: "Master, are you hiding nearby? Did you already know that something big was going to happen here?"

"Cough cough," when the old blind man heard WangWeiNan's words, he couldn't help but cough awkwardly.

WangWeiNan's words seemed to touch on something that concerned the old blind man and reminded me too.

Yes, this guy must have predicted what would happen today long ago. So maybe he really has been hiding around here all along. Otherwise, how could he just happen to show up like this?

Thinking about it now, I think that before I went to look for him earlier today, the old man had already learned about YinYunShan's plan. That's why he didn't stay home and instead left me a clue on the ground outside his house before heading straight to hide in this temple.

If I'm not mistaken, his original plan was probably to help JIETOU at a critical moment. But after seeing me appear today and realizing that I could handle things myself with JIETOU's help if needed - well let's just say that my master is someone who enjoys playing tricks on his apprentices - so naturally once I could take care of JIETOU myself then there was no need for him anymore!

The only thing that made me feel satisfied this time was that he didn't come out at the last minute to make things worse for us; otherwise I might have been driven crazy.

But now that he's here, it's a good thing. The old blind man has a lot of face and might be able to save JIETOU from WangWeiNan.

"Master, stop him! He wants to take JIETOU away!" I couldn't help but shout at the old man.

"Cough cough, Xiao Wang, what crime did JIETOU commit?" The old blind man coughed and asked.

"He killed YinYunShan. I saw it with my own eyes, so I must arrest him. This is my duty. Master, please don't stop me." WangWeiNan said to the old man.

"Well...this..." The old blind man turned his head slightly and pondered for a moment as if he was having some difficulty making up his mind.

Master, he's lying. YinYunShan brought this upon himself and was going to die anyway. JIETOU just wanted to vent his anger with a stab." I quickly defended JIETOU.

"As long as it's not a real dead person, stabbing them is illegal. Moreover, even if he was a corpse, damaging and insulting the body is also illegal! Besides, you guys were the ones who caused YinYunShan to become like that in the first place. In any case, you can't escape responsibility for this matter. I'm only arresting him alone which is already lenient of me. I hope you don't make things difficult for me or else I won't be polite anymore," WangWeiNan said as he pulled out his stun gun.

"I f*cking swear, do you want to die?!" I couldn't help but stand up and grit my teeth while trying to confront WangWeiNan.

"YiHeng, stop," the old man stepped forward and stopped me before turning around to ask JIETOU: "JIETOU, what do you have to say?"

"Master, I plead guilty," JIETOU didn't change his words.

"JIETOU are you stupid?!" Helplessly looking at JIETOU asked.

"Thank you YiHeng; You will always be my brother!" After speaking these words without looking at me again,Jietou turned towards WangWeinan saying: "Let's go."

"All right." WangWeiNan put away his stun gun then lifted LiaoXiGe onto his back before dragging JIETOU outside while carrying LiaoXiGe on his back.

"Master! Are we just letting them go like this?!" Seeing this situation made me anxious enough that sweat started pouring down my forehead.

"Don't worry; I'll figure something out about this matter. You don't have to worry too much. Well, your injuries are not light either; let me help you find a place to treat them." The old man comforted me.

After he said that, I suddenly remembered my severe injury and reached out for his support before walking unsteadily towards the outside.

Not long after, we arrived at the entrance of the small temple only to find a car with its headlights on driving away into the distance in the dark night.

That **** WangWeiNan actually abandoned us and drove off with JIETOU and LiaoXiGe.