Serious conversation

After getting on the car, we rushed home and I didn't say much along the way. My mom sat next to me with a worried expression while my dad kept smiling, seemingly not too concerned about me. This caused my mom to glare at him several times in a row.

At noon, we finally arrived home and my mom went to prepare lunch while my dad stayed with me in the living room. He even offered me a cigarette which was unusual for him. After taking it and lighting it up, I smoked silently.

"My boy," he said as he looked at me, "I know you learned some skills from that old blind man. It's good that you're making progress but I advise you to be more careful in your actions from now on. You don't have to worry about yourself but your mother will be very worried if something happens to you."

"I know," I nodded and thought about how I needed to talk things out with them or else they would keep restricting me in the future.

Soon after, my mom finished cooking and we sat down for dinner. During our meal, I told them: "Dad, Mom, I know today's incident made you worry about me but let me explain what happened."

"Listen carefully," my dad chuckled upon hearing this.

"Get lost!" My mom glared at him before turning back towards me and asking: "YiHeng, tell us what happened."

"There are many things that can't be explained easily," I frowned before saying: "But what I want to tell you is that I'm no longer the weak child who knew nothing before. Now, I have a special identity although it's not something that can be discussed right now so please don't worry about anything because everything that I do is justifiable and righteous."

My words left both of them confused as my mom asked: "You have a special identity? Did National Security recruit you to become a spy?"

"No, my identity is from the martial arts world," I replied.

"Nonsense! Stop lying. You're just a kid and you think I don't know who you are? You should focus on studying instead of getting involved in those shady things that won't bring any benefits," my mom scolded me.

"You always get too excited when talking like this. It's good that our child wants to communicate with us so why do you have to say such things? He might not want to talk to us anymore if you keep doing this," my dad interrupted before looking at me and saying: "YiHeng, I'm half-believing what you said because your performance at the hotel this morning was unexpected. Your strength isn't fake as I've been doing farm work for years but even then, you were able to overpower me which is abnormal. So, because of that reason alone, I believe half of what you said. However, since you're still young and claimed to have a special identity now, does it mean that you won't go back to school anymore? Are you going out there with those delinquents?

Who said I'm not going to school anymore? My special status doesn't conflict with my schooling. I told you this just so you don't worry about me. From now on, I'll handle my own affairs and you take care of yourselves." I said to them.

Hearing this, my parents finally breathed a sigh of relief and then said to me: "Okay, as long as you study well, everything else doesn't matter. You have a special status, so be it. You need to handle your own affairs and we won't interfere. Anyway, remember one thing - no matter how much trouble you cause or how wild things get, in the end you must do well in your studies."

"Don't worry about that," I replied confidently. "I'm only holding back right now so as not to attract attention from others. To tell the truth without scaring you guys too much, if I really want to study hard then every time I will definitely come out on top."

Upon hearing this, my dad and mom looked at each other for a moment; although they were somewhat skeptical of what I had said but they still felt relieved.

"Alright let's stop talking about this," my mom called out for dinner.

While eating dinner together with us at the table ,my dad asked me: "What did you learn from that old man? What's up with your strength? Is it some kind of qigong?"

"Nope,"I laughed."Qigong is all low-level stuff."

"What kind of kung fu are you practicing that's so advanced?" he asked curiously again.

"I'm afraid it would scare both of you if i showed off any skills,"I replied cautiously.

"You're young and talk big! Your father has seen many things in his life; can he still be scared by anything new?" My mother sneered at me disdainfully.

Seeing their reaction like this, I couldn't help but become interested. So I put down my bowl and said to my mom: "Mom, last time when our old yellow cow died, didn't you collect a lot of tears from its eyes? Do you still have any left?"

"I gave some to Bai Xinghua earlier. There's still a little bit left now. What do you want it for?" My mother asked curiously.

"You guys apply the cow tears on your eyes, then close them and open them again when I tell you to,"I explained.

"What are we doing this for?" My dad asked curiously.

"Just trust me,"I replied with confidence."You'll see.

Upon hearing my words, my mother followed suit and used cow tears to smear both her and my father's eyes. Then they closed their eyes. Seeing their situation, I called YunQingYue over to stand beside me, then said to my parents: "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

My mother sneered and looked at me while saying: "You're always up to something strange." But before she could finish her sentence, she suddenly jumped up in shock.

"My goodness!" My father also exclaimed in surprise as he instinctively supported my mother and the two of them stumbled backwards.

"What happened?" I couldn't help but be curious when I saw their reaction. Was YunQingYue really that scary?

Then I turned around with full of doubts only to see a black-scaled python as thick as a water bucket with its mouth wide open coiled behind me and YunQingYue.

It turns out that the reason why my parents reacted like this was because they were scared by the giant python.