I just like my sister-in-law, what's wrong with that?

QingYue, what are you doing?" The snake spirit was obviously summoned by YunQingYue on purpose. This made me a little angry. I felt that this girl didn't understand the big picture and was causing trouble at such a critical moment. It was really annoying.

"I'm not your model," YunQingYue ignored my question and coldly snorted before taking the snake spirit back to the Purple Mansion Space.

I felt helpless and sighed, looking up at my parents. "Well, now you've seen it all. Do you understand now?"

"Understand what?" My dad nervously asked me with concern in his eyes. "We don't understand what's going on here. That snake was so big-"

"Yeah YiHeng, are you still being haunted by ghosts? What's going on?" My mom also asked worriedly.

"They're all spiritual bodies that I possess," I looked at them and said calmly, "You don't need to know the details of it all; just know that I am now a ghost hunter except for my age, there is nothing else for you to worry about regarding me because everything I do is good and sensible most of the time without any problems arising from it."

"And even if something does go wrong, Master will help me handle it." So in the future, as long as they take care of themselves well enough then they won't have to worry about anything concerning me."

After hearing what I had said, my parents finally believed me and we sat down to continue eating dinner.

During dinner time, my mother asked: "YiHeng,that girl earlier..."

"Hmm?" Knowing she meant YunQingYue,I nodded slightly with a smile: "Her name is YunQingYue,what about her?"

"She's quite pretty; Mom likes her very much... but wait...is she really a ghost?" My mother looked at me and asked.

"It doesn't matter if she's a ghost or not. She definitely isn't your daughter-in-law, so don't think too much about it. Besides, she's actually a boy." To ease the tension, I used the same move YunQingYue had used on me earlier to my parents.

"What? A boy?"

After hearing what I said, my parents were both wide-eyed with surprise and choked on their food for quite some time before finally swallowing it down.

"Hahaha...okay let's stop talking about this now and just eat," I laughed it off and continued eating while feeling proud of myself. It seemed that YunQingYue's trick was quite effective.

During dinner time, my mother told me that she wouldn't interfere in my affairs anymore which made me very happy.

Depressed, she had just finished speaking when she turned to me and said, "But that's all in the future. For now, you need to stay at home and behave yourself for these few days. School starts in two days, so go to school properly and don't go to the county again. You are not allowed to get involved with JIETOU anymore, do you hear me?"

"Okay, I won't go," I replied. I knew my old man would take care of everything so I wasn't too worried.

"There's one more thing," my mom frowned as she ate her meal and looked at me. "You're not young anymore; you're almost fourteen or fifteen years old now. In ancient times, this was indeed the time for marriage and career development. However, I hope you can focus on your studies for now and not think about such things yet. Especially that Bai Xinghua - try not to visit her house too often."

"What's wrong with sister-in-law?" I furrowed my brows.

"Do you think I don't know what's on your mind? You're my son; when you raise your tail like a dog wanting to pee, I know what you want already! Do you have feelings for her? Can't your brain function normally? She is divorced twice and ten years older than you! With your abilities right now, what kind of girl can't find someone better than a widow like her?" My mom lectured me confidently.

"The situation isn't as bad as it seems," I said helplessly.

"What situation then? Tell us!" My dad asked.

Now irritated by their questioning, unable to hold back any longer,I slammed down my bowl chopsticks before shouting: "So what if there is?! What if i like her?!"

"You see that? You see that? Just as we thought!" Seeing how angry i got ,my mother couldn't help but pull my dad.

"YiHeng, this matter is indeed a bit out of line. Bai Xinghua looks good, but you...sigh..." My dad scratched his head and didn't know what to say.

"Okay, don't worry about it. Sister-in-law isn't the kind of person you think she is. Even if I had such thoughts, she wouldn't agree anyway. So don't worry about it anymore." Feeling low-spirited,I put down my bowl chopsticks and went into my room after standing up.

Closing the door behind me, taking off my shoes and sitting cross-legged on the bed,I entered into the Purple Mansion Space with my consciousness before shouting loudly as I condensed an air blade and started hacking away at a chaotic mountain forest.

After a while until that piece of mountain forest was unrecognizable,I stopped in anger then turned around to walk towards the center of the blue stone square where Ling Ya sat beside me.I fell into deep thought.

"To be honest, your parents are not wrong," YunQingYue floated over at some point with her ethereal voice saying: "Your sister-in-law is more than ten years older than you; there's really no possibility between you two."

"So do we have any chance? You're hundreds of years older than me and still male!" I glared at her..

Surprisingly, this time YunQingYue didn't turn around and leave after hearing my words. She walked to the opposite side of me, squatted down, gently pinched and caressed the spiritual sprout with her delicate hands while smiling at me: 'There's no possibility between us. My advice for you is to find a girl your own age. Of course, it's still too early to talk about these things now. Didn't your biology textbook say that you're in the stage of puberty? Your current thoughts are just normal phenomena. After a few years, your thoughts will naturally change.'

'You know quite a lot,' I don't know why but when YunQingYue touched the spiritual sprout, I felt as if I was experiencing it myself and my whole body relaxed. This made me curious about what principle was behind this feeling - could it be that the spiritual sprout was connected to my sense of touch?

'Aren't we learning together?' YunQingYue looked up at me and said: 'I've told you before; have you forgotten?'

Her words reminded me and I couldn't help but say: 'Don't worry; I won't forget. When school starts again, on weekends I'll go find the old man to help you search for your family members and also check out JIETOU.'

'That's good,' YunQingYue slowly stood up while looking into the distance with some absent-mindedness: 'I don't know why but lately I have had a premonition that my brother is getting closer to me.'

'Well then that's great because we can save ourselves from many troubles,' I laughed.

'You need to hurry though because there's always an indescribable sense of loss within me which means he might leave soon again. You should know that searching for relatives through blood ties becomes difficult over long distances. So, you don't have much time left and need to hurry,' YunQingYue turned her head to look at me with deep concern in her eyes.