Clasping her hand

Can you not be so fierce? I'm a girl," YunQingYue said.

Upon hearing her words, I couldn't help but sneer and say, "I am just that fierce. So what? Besides, who said I was a girl? Didn't I tell you already? I am male!" YunQingYue stared at me coldly as she spoke.

Seeing her reaction, I smiled mischievously and approached her slowly. Staring into her eyes, I said, "My spiritual sprout has grown out already. Do you think I'm still as foolish as before?"

"What do you want to say?" YunQingYue took a step back instinctively and asked while looking at me.

I continued to approach her and stared at her saying, "Don't think that I don't know the soul doesn't have gender. You are now mine; if I want you to be male or female then that's what you'll be. Your gender is controlled by my subconsciousness right? Therefore your past life's gender has nothing to do with your current one right? Otherwise with your soul power attribute being the Golden Boy shouldn't it have shown up in your appearance long ago since it's supposed to represent masculinity but it hasn't yet which means my speculation is correct."

"Even if you change my gender physically, mentally and character-wise -I will always remain male." She defended herself.

"Forget about it! Don't forget who we're talking about here! When you were alive in Yihong Courtyard they raised you like a girl too! Moreover whether or not your past life was male or female- even yourself can't seem to recall clearly isn't that right?"

"Who says that?! I-" YunQingYue furrowed her brows tightly for some time before twisting around suddenly saying: "Anyway regardless of whether or not i'm male or female, I don't like you. Is that okay?"

"Haha, I'm afraid it won't be up to you then? If you really didn't want to stay with me why did you come back in the first place?" I continued to question her.

She became nervous and took a step back again asking: "What do you know exactly?"

Seeing her expression, I couldn't help but sneer and say: "Have you forgotten what you said before? When we first met, remember how casually mentioned waiting for hundreds of years for an opportunity? You definitely wouldn't give up on it. At that time, I didn't understand what this opportunity meant. My initial guess was that maybe you wanted to borrow my body for resurrection but as it turns out- since i've practiced the Ling Tai Secret Art which stabilizes my three souls and seven spirits while also being able to control the Purple Palace space myself -you can't even control my body! But still despite all this- because of your unwillingness to give up hope- is why you have been lingering in my Purple Palace space all along right?"

"What are you talking about?" YunQingYue's eyes were clearly weak as she spoke; she avoided eye contact with me.

I shrugged and smiled slightly as I gently grabbed her small hand. She tried pulling away but I held onto it tightly without letting go. She struggled a few times before finally turning her head sideways towards me; although she stopped resisting now, her chest kept rising and falling rapidly while her face turned red indicating how nervous she was.

"You're waiting for an opportunity when my three souls leave their bodies and seven spirits no longer exist so that way you can successfully resurrect yourself," I whispered into YunQingYue's ear while holding onto her hand closely."But unfortunately according to my current situation- dying will not be easy for me at all. So even if you succeed one day, all you'll get is a dried up old man's body. I want to ask you- do you really want to be resurrected as an old man on the verge of death?

What do you want to say?" YunQingYue frowned and asked me.

"I mean, if you're willing, there's actually a second path for you to take," I said to her.

"What do you mean?" She couldn't help but turn her head and ask me.

"Spiritual Embryo," I looked at her and said, "The old man told me that if the Spiritual Embryo secret technique is cultivated to its ultimate state, it can condense into a Spiritual Embryo. It is said that after this Spiritual Embryo is nurtured, it is basically no different from a living person. Moreover, it can cross the boundary between Yin and Yang and possess extremely powerful strength."

"But that's just an energy body. What's the difference with a spiritual body? Besides, what does this have to do with me?" YunQingYue looked at me coldly and sneered: "No matter how powerful an energy body is, it's still just an energy body. It's not really alive. Moreover, that thing is controlled by your divine consciousness. In other words, it's just a puppet."

"You're wrong about that," I looked at her and said: "If it was before when my wisdom root spirit bud hadn't grown yet, my thoughts might be the same as yours now. But things are different now because my talent has improved so I have new ideas."

"What ideas do you have?" YunQingYue asked me curiously.

I didn't answer YunQingYue's question but instead looked into her eyes and asked: "Answer one question for me first."

"Go ahead," she replied.

"If you really come back to life again, will you leave me?" I asked her while looking at her.

She was stunned for a moment then shook her head after awhile before nodding again saying: "The world is so big; I want to go see it."

"You're just talking nonsense," I helplessly rolled my eyes, grabbed her small hand and pulled her forward. I forcefully held onto her waist while looking down at her eyes saying: "Alright, I don't care what your answer is. Anyway, even if you run away then, I have a way to bring you back."

"You... let me go! You're becoming more and more presumptuous!" YunQingYue struggled hard and finally pushed me away with a frown on her forehead. She clenched her fists tightly while glaring at me saying: "If you use these conditions to threaten me again, then I'd rather be a ghost forever than come back to life. If you try to blackmail me again, I'd rather die!"

"Do you hate me that much?" I looked at her somewhat surprised and asked: "Do you really dislike me so much? We've been together for so long; do you really not have any good feelings towards me?

I am very sad, my expression instantly lost. Seeing my expression, YunQingYue couldn't help but soften and then she hesitantly said to me: 'Give me a little more time, I'm not used to it yet.' 'Okay, you can take as much time as you need. I understand your feelings. Hey hey, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's continue practicing. Are you going to continue absorbing the golden energy or cultivate spirit buds with me?' Hearing YunQingYue's words, I put down my guard and invited her to continue practicing with a smile.

Seeing my reaction, she sighed softly and looked at me helplessly saying: 'Now I finally understand that carefree people are the happiest.' 'What are you talking about? Is that an indirect insult? That is petty behavior.' Hearing her words, I stared at her and said.

'Do I need to indirectly insult you? You're just a fool! So what? I insulted you! Do you have any objections?' She stood with hands on hips staring at me fiercely. The little girl instantly returned to her domineering queen status from before. My previous efforts were completely wasted; this little girl was impossible to train.

'I surrender...I surrender,' looking at her delicate face which could be broken by blowing air made me helpless.