Lingya divides into two branches.

Although YunQingYue is still very fierce, I am satisfied because our relationship has made significant progress. Didn't I hold her hand and embrace her waist? This happened when she was conscious for the first time, so I have a feeling that our relationship will definitely become more harmonious in the future.

As the saying goes, "scolding is love and hitting hurts", we are just like that, haha.

"Absorbing that golden light is too painful. I'm afraid it will take some time before we can continue to absorb it. Let's cultivate spirit sprouts first."

It seems difficult for YunQingYue to absorb the intense sunlight gold light; otherwise, she would not have interrupted absorption so quickly. But this is also good because we can focus on cultivating spirit sprouts. My essence vitality is eager to be delivered into them.

We sat cross-legged facing each other beside the spirit sprout and placed our palms over it ready to deliver vitality into it. YunQingYue's small hands were crystal clear like jade while mine hovered above hers as we began delivering vitality into the spirit sprout. After a short while of delivery, I instinctively held onto her hand tightly.

She immediately wanted to pull back but was stopped by me.

"Don't stop or else this spirit sprout won't develop well; hold on for a moment," I said to her.

Hearing my words caused her face to blush red with furrowed eyebrows as she bit down on her lips and turned away but did not withdraw her little hand.

This was great progress! At that moment, my heart felt sweeter than eating honey as we continued delivering strands of vitality into the spirit sprout together.

"Hiss hiss hiss-"

Underneath stimulation from vital energy, The Spirit Sprout twisted its emerald green body like young crops bathed in spring rain breeze growing upwards gradually.

"Come on, you're almost there!" I exclaimed with joy.

At that moment, I thought the spirit sprout would grow like a pillar in the lower space. However, its growth was not so mechanical and simple. It first became thinner and taller before splitting into two leaves at the top like bean sprouts. The bud in between continued to grow; it seemed this little guy was going to become a vine.

This made me somewhat disappointed as I had hoped it would grow into a towering tree.

My and YunQingYue's energy was limited, so when the spirit sprout grew a pair of green leaves, we were already exhausted. At this point, I originally wanted to interrupt the cultivation process. However, to my surprise, YunQingYue frowned and stared at the spirit sprout with a serious expression. She couldn't help but exert all her energy into it.

"What are you doing?" I asked anxiously as I saw her actions.

"Help me!" YunQingYue exclaimed in urgency upon hearing my words.

Although I was confused by her behavior, I still poured my energy into the spirit sprout as well.

"Hiss..." The bright white energy and dazzling golden light gathered on top of the spirit sprout. Under the stimulation of this aura, it trembled from top to bottom before suddenly splitting another pair of leaves and growing upwards again.

"That's enough," I shouted to YunQingYue.

"Go die!" In haste, she cursed at me before increasing her strength once again and pouring more energy into the spirit sprout.

Seeing this situation unfold before me, all I could do was accompany her in madness until our very end.

"Huff...huff..." This time under both our energies' stimulation along with golden light shining brightly around us like essence gas within sunlight; we watched as that little tree swayed back-and-forth like one caught up in a storm.

However just when we thought that we had played too much with it causing its destruction; unexpectedly its second layer leaf stem bulged outwards revealing a small yellow bean-like package which then exploded open revealing an offshoot branch covered entirely in gold.

Afterward that offshoot branch absorbed eagerly all of YunQingYue's released intense sun rays.

With tears streaming down her face while staring blankly at that offshoot branch for some time forgetting even to retract herself; she lost almost half of her energy in an instant causing her figure to become somewhat ethereal.

"Are you crazy?!" Seeing this situation, I quickly hugged her and pulled her away.

At this point, YunQingYue finally woke up and immediately wiped away her tears. She ran over to the golden spirit branch and carefully examined it. Then she couldn't help but turn around and throw herself at me, hugging me and saying, 'Great! We did it! We really did it.'

'Is that side branch connected to your aura?' I asked.

'Yes,' she nodded excitedly while looking at me. But then she suddenly realized that she might have been too emotional, so she quickly pushed me away and took a step back with a calm expression. 'Alright, everything we needed to do is done now. You must be tired, go rest.'

'You change your attitude faster than flipping through pages,' I said as I looked at her.

'Doesn't everyone do that?' She glared at me before calling for the snake spirit to come over. She mounted on its back and prepared to fly away.

'Trying to act cool in front of me?' I chuckled.

'I'm just tired; let it carry me for a bit.' YunQingYue rolled her eyes at me before waving goodbye while sitting sideways on the snake's back as they slowly ascended into the air. 'I had fun today; work hard because you might still have a chance in the future.'

'Come on,' I laughed helplessly. 'If I really wanted it badly enough, why would I wait until now? See you later.'

As soon as my words were spoken, my consciousness returned to its original state only for my eyes to open again realizing that dawn was already breaking - an entire night had passed by without notice.

At this moment, exhaustion consumed every inch of my body causing myself fall asleep almost instantly after lying down.

The next morning when my parents tried waking up from bed early on proved futile since even death wouldn't wake him up until noon where he finally got up and had lunch.

After finishing my meal, YunQingYue began to urge me on without giving me a chance to catch my breath. 'You bastard! Hurry up and practice; recover your energy quickly. The spirit bud needs both of us to cultivate it together for it to grow. At this rate, how long will it take you to condense the fetus? Do you still want to save your little fool or not?!' She scolded me.

'I think you just want the spirit branch to bloom as soon as possible. You don't really care if I go see Little Fool early,' I sneered at her.

'Does that conflict with anything? Anyway, aren't I right about you not working hard enough? You're lazy, stupid and annoying.'

'And you're difficult, cold-hearted and annoying too. Let me advise you not to slander the protagonist casually; otherwise, saliva might drown you - do you believe that?'

'Haven't there been enough saliva on your body already?' YunQingYue completely ignored my threat while I could only shake my head in amusement.