A body covered in green fur.


The light ball flew up into the night sky in an arc like a flare, and its bright light instantly illuminated the earth white.

I didn't know what that light ball was, but it seemed really useful. After seeing it, I couldn't help but think about getting some to carry around just in case.

However, at this moment, I didn't have time to study the light ball anymore because my attention was drawn to the girl in the water and those big men on the boat.

"Big brother, isn't that-"

At this point, the disabled man's brother looked at the girl in red clothes in the water with trembling voice and grabbed his arm.

"Second brother, calm down. That is definitely not Xiaoping. She's dead; I buried her myself. There's no way she could come back to life!" The disabled man shouted.

"Big brother, is this Xiaoping's ghost?"

The remaining big men were also full of horror when they saw that girl in red clothes and couldn't help shrinking their necks without looking towards the water surface.

"It's impossible! What kind of ghost can she be?" The disabled man continued to deny it.

As he spoke these words, the girl had already sunk into the water and disappeared. Only a floating black hair remained on top of it along with faintly visible traces of red coloration.

"See? She's gone now! I told you so; that girl wouldn't cause any trouble."

Seeing that girl sink underwater made that disabled man laugh smugly.

However, at this moment suddenly there was a shaking from one of nets on deck followed by cold laughter "hehehe".

In deep darkness under pale lights shadowed by fear-inducing laughter coming from hell itself sent shivers down everyone's spine including mine as well as YunQingYue's who were present there too.

Hearing that laughter, we both shuddered subconsciously, not to mention those people on the boat.

"Bi-big brother, this-this monster is laughing-"

At that moment, hearing that voice made five or six big men's faces turn pale and they unconsciously stepped back.

Go up the tree!"

Knowing that something was about to happen, in order to get a better view and see clearly what was happening on the plank, I called out to YunQingYue and then leaped onto the big willow tree.

From here, I had a bird's-eye view of the plank on the large ship. At this moment, the light ball happened to be slowly descending, so everything on that deck was illuminated perfectly clear.

At this time, I saw that disabled man suddenly grab a harpoon and immediately yelled at the remaining men: "Let's go together and stab it to death!"


The disabled man took action first. He fiercely stabbed towards whatever was inside the net bag with his harpoon.

Seeing this situation, all of the other men also gritted their teeth and shouted as they grabbed their own harpoons. They all stabbed towards whatever was inside that net bag together.

"Splatter splatter!" The sound of blood spattering filled everyone's ears. The ferocious appearance of those men made people shudder with fear just by looking at them.

In a frenzy of stabbing attacks, flesh clung onto their harpoons while blood soaked through every inch of wood beneath them.

Under these circumstances, even if there were nine lives in that net bag thingy - it probably wouldn't survive now!

"Is it dead? Is it really dead?"

Seeing this situation unfold before them caused several men to nervously ask about what happened inside that net bag thingy.

"It must be dead! Open it up and take a look!"

The disabled man went forward for an inspection before ordering someone else to pull open the net bag thingy.

Hearing his words two other men stepped forward grabbing hold of its rope pulling apart its contents revealing...a human corpse covered in blood!

That body had been mutilated beyond recognition; its stomach split wide open with intestines spilling out all over the place. The wounds on its body were too numerous to count and it was clear that this person had died beyond death.

However, even though the corpse was dead, its eyes remained wide open staring blankly at the sky above. It seemed as if it couldn't rest in peace.

"Seventh Brother!"

Seeing that corpse, everyone present let out a cry of shock.


At this moment, the body in the net suddenly twitched and let out another creepy laugh.

Everyone present could hear the laughter clearly, and one can imagine how scared those big men were at that time.

"Oh no, it's a fake corpse!"

"Old Seven, you died unjustly."

"Old Seven, you...you died because we didn't protect you well. Don't scare us..."

Several big men were so frightened that their legs trembled as they retreated backwards without daring to approach the body.

This situation made even the disabled man feel uneasy. He instinctively staggered backwards while holding onto the boat railings with a horrified expression on his face. Obviously he was also scared.


What's even more terrifying is that at this moment, the body laughed again and then stood up straight from inside of the net bag.

"Wow - it's a ghost-"

When they saw this scene, several big men screamed like ghosts and ran away immediately. Only the disabled man couldn't run away due to his inconvenient legs and feet.

"Hehehe, hahaha! Lu Dakun! Hahaha! You said it well! Xiao Ping won't become a wronged soul but I will haha--"

At this point, they heard the body laughing loudly and saying inexplicable things before turning around abruptly towards the disabled man. When he turned around like that ,the light ball in hands of disabled man shone on him revealing what was behind him . To be honest when I first saw what was behind that corpse my heart skipped a beat too; my hair stood on end.

I don't know what that thing is. From my perspective, all I see is a person covered in green fur with blood-red eyes staring at the disabled man.

At that moment, I immediately realized what was happening.

Without a doubt, this green-furred creature must be the legendary water monster.

He had obviously been caught in a net just now, but those big men couldn't kill him because he had been using one of them as a shield since he dragged him underwater earlier. So when those big men attacked later on, they hit the corpse instead and the green-haired monster didn't get hurt at all thanks to its protection.

"You monster! You kill people and drink their blood without mercy! Today Lu Dakun will fight you!" The disabled man was also brave. He grabbed a harpoon and stabbed it towards the green-furred creature after seeing it.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the long-armed green-furred creature instantly caught hold of the harpoon. Then he screamed and flew towards the disabled man.