Goodbye, Lao Qi.

The green-haired monster was extremely ferocious and terrifying, with quick movements. After grabbing the harpoon, it lifted its sharp claws and grabbed towards the neck of the disabled man. At this time, other men were too far away to save him, so unfortunately he may have only one way out - death.

However, the disabled man was also clever. When he saw the monster pounce over, he flipped backwards and fell directly into the water. As a result, the green-haired monster missed its target and then all those men holding harpoons rushed towards it.

Seeing this situation, in my heart I couldn't help but feel anxious. Subconsciously I jumped from a willow tree onto a boat and then leaped overboard again after gathering my energy to form an air blade that flew towards that water monster.

The air blade entered into the water like a cannonball causing splashes everywhere; whether or not it hit the creature is unknown but seeing how powerful I was made it twist around before disappearing underwater.

Afterwards when that sea creature escaped from me by diving under water ,I also fell into it myself: "Who are you?!" At this point those big guys on board shouted at me loudly: "Quickly save people! Throw down a rope!"

I didn't have time to pay attention to them so I swam over first to hold up that disabled man who had only one arm making swimming difficult for him; if we delayed any longer he would probably drown.

Seeing me helping that disabled man on board they knew I wasn't a bad person so they quickly threw down a rope pulling both of us back onto their ship.

Cough cough cough - After the disabled man boarded the ship, he couldn't help but cough and spit water while saying to me: "Little brother, thank you for saving me. It's a great kindness that I can never repay. May I ask how to address you and where are you from?"

"You guys wait a moment," I didn't have time to talk more with them, so I jumped onto the shore, went around behind the willow tree, let YunQingYue hide in the Purple Mansion Space, then used a cloth bag to wrap her skull and hung it on my waist before turning back onto the boat.

"When I returned to the boat, they had already lit up some lights but that previous light ball was nowhere to be seen.

"Big brother, we really owe this little brother a lot," Lu Dakun's second younger brother said as he leaned over his ear upon hearing my words.

"Hmm," Lu Dakun nodded and swayed as he stood up and looked at me up and down before asking: "Little brother, judging by your skills just now it is obvious that you are not an ordinary person. Do you mind telling us why you came here?"

Hearing Lu Dakun's words made me realize that I could no longer conceal my identity so all I could do was smile and say: "Oh, since childhood I followed my master learning Taoism so perhaps there is some level of cultivation. As for why I came here? Actually there isn't any particular reason; just wandering around."

"I see. That really was fortunate because if it weren't for little brother helping out tonight then this old life of mine would probably have been lost here." Lu Dakun looked at me as he spoke.

Upon hearing this statement made by him,I became curious about what happened between them and asked:"Uncle ,what exactly is that monster? He seems to hold great hatred towards you guys. What's the story behind all of this?"

"Ah, it's a long story," Lu Dakun said as he invited me to walk towards the cabin while asking someone to start a fire and warm up some wine.

Once inside the cabin, both wooden doors were closed leaving only a small ventilated window on one side. The central charcoal stove and fire basin were lit up which immediately made the small cabin warm and cozy.

Lu Dakun changed his wet clothes with help from others before sitting at the table and personally pouring me a cup of hot wine.

"Come on everyone, let's sit down together and toast little brother first." Lu Dakun was very charismatic so when everyone heard him speak they raised their cups in unison to toast me.

I felt nervous since I had never experienced such an occasion before but quickly smiled awkwardly while drinking my cup of wine.

After finishing our first round of drinks, Lu Dakun asked everyone to refill their cups then stood up holding his own glass before walking outside.

Seeing this situation, everyone followed suit by picking up their glasses then following Lu Dakun out.

I don't know what they're going to do, but I could only pick up my wine glass and follow them out. 'Lao Qi, you died unjustly. Big Brother is sorry. Don't worry, Big Brother will definitely avenge you. I swear that I'll catch that monster and tear it into pieces as an offering for you!' When we got outside, we found Lu Dakun and the others gathered around Lao Qi's body. After Lu Dakun finished speaking, he knelt down first and poured his wine on the ground. Seeing this gesture from Lu Dakun, the rest of us followed suit and knelt beside Lao Qi's body while pouring our wine on the ground too.

'Come on, let's send Lao Qi off.' After finishing his drink, Lu Dakun kowtowed once before directing the others to lift Lao Qi's body.

'Lao Qi have a safe journey--' Several big men couldn't help but cry out in grief as they threw Lao Qi's body into the river.

'Lao Qi have a safe journey--'

'Lao Qi have a safe journey--'

'...' As they watched Lao Qui's body being carried away by the current downstream, several people couldn't help but sobbed while leaning against the ship railing.

I didn't expect such a tough guy to cry so heartbreakingly. So when they were infected by his emotions, I couldn't help but feel sad and my nose started to sting unconsciously.

After a long time, those people finally finished crying and then helped Lu Dakun back into the cabin while wiping their tears.

Once inside the cabin, everyone sat down again. Lu Dakun took a few deep breaths to calm himself before looking at me and saying, "Little brother, sorry for making you witness that."

"No need to apologize. I understand how you all feel," I nodded in agreement.

"Good," Lu Dakun raised his glass towards me and said, "Let's not talk about that anymore. Let's drink!"

"Yes! Let's drink!" Everyone echoed in agreement as they picked up their glasses and drank heavily.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone finally calmed down. Lu Dakun then instructed someone to cook fish and water mercury vegetables while asking me: "Little brother, you are an extraordinary person. I have an unusual request for you; do you mind fulfilling it?