Sky and earth have no bounds, the gates of hell are open.

Late at night, a crescent moon hung in the western sky and there was silence in the cemetery outside Hanxu Village. The wind blew through the old dry grass, making a faint rustling sound. A few withered leaves drifted by, adding to the desolation.

Han Tianjiu's grave was ordinary, with just a pile of dirt and a crooked elm tree beside it. After we arrived, Aunt Han lit incense and burned paper money for Han Tianjiu. Then she and Xie Yilin both cried while saying some heart-wrenching words.

I stood quietly on the side until they finished expressing their emotions before starting to set up the soul-calling altar. Soul-calling flags were placed on top of the grave; green smoke rose from in front of it; incense smoke surrounded his memorial tablet which sat in between two candlesticks.

After setting up everything, I instructed Xie Yilin to sit cross-legged facing Han Tianjiu's memorial tablet while meditating silently without any distractions except thinking about her memories with him.

Xie Yilin was nervous because she knew that this time Han Tianjiu's spirit might really come back. She held my sleeve tightly as if seeking comfort while breathing heavily.

Aunt Han also looked uneasy standing there tremblingly and occasionally looking around at other graves as if afraid.

"You can't be like this," I said to them gently. "You're too tense right now which is not conducive to spiritual communication. Listen to me: relax your mind and keep calm so that we can succeed."

Hearing my words made Aunt Han tremble even more as she grabbed onto my clothes asking fearfully: "Master Xiao, will ghosts really appear?"

This made Xie Yilin shudder involuntarily too as she turned her head towards me anxiously waiting for an answer.

Seeing their reactions made me realize that neither had ever seen a ghost before, so they were still afraid of the unknown. Therefore, I decided that the best way to make them relax was to let them see a ghost for real.

This time, however, I didn't plan on calling Yun Qingyue out because she had an unpredictable temper and might scare both of them even more. Instead, I opened up my spiritual senses and probed into the cemetery.

This area was low-lying with plenty of sunlight which meant there wasn't much Yin energy or many wandering spirits around. When I first entered this cemetery earlier, I had already checked it out in case any lone ghosts or evil spirits caused trouble.

I hadn't detected anything obvious then but now after probing again and extending my spiritual senses into Han Tianjiu's grave site, I found some faint Yin energy.

"Put this on your eyes," I said as I took out prepared cow tears from my pocket and handed them over to Xie Yilin.

After hesitating for a moment, Xie Yilin finally applied some onto her eyes while Aunt Han followed suit. Then pointing towards a large tombstone in the east direction, "Do you see anyone on top of that grave? Is there an old man squatting there smoking?"

Hearing me speak made both women look up at once towards the big tombstone in question. Suddenly they screamed together while hugging each other tightly saying: "Yes! Yes! We saw him! An old man with white face smoking while looking at us!"

"Don't worry," I reassured them calmly. "That old man is not bad; he was summoned by me so you don't need to be nervous." Then pointing towards a small tombstone in northwest corner: "The only place here with some hostility should be that one; if my guess is correct then someone who died unjustly must have been buried inside.

Upon hearing my words, the two of them trembled and looked in the direction I pointed with their mouths agape and shoulders hunched, turning their heads to see.

"Xiaohua, ah, it's Xiaohua from Zhang's family at the north end of the village. She accidentally got caught in a thresher while working and was crushed to death. Yes, that's her. When she died, she was covered in blood--"

Upon seeing the ghostly figure at the grave mound, Aunt Han immediately shook with fear and grabbed onto Xie Yilin tightly with both hands, almost collapsing on the ground.

Xie Yilin was also frightened but smarter; after only glancing at the ghostly figure once, she quickly looked away.

"All right now? Do you believe in ghosts now? Don't worry; this graveyard is relatively clean and won't have any ghosts haunting us. Wipe away your tears first; next up is for you to cooperate with me." Seeing that they were already scared enough by then, I tried to comfort them a bit so they could relax.

Hearing my words, they hurriedly wiped away their tears. However after wiping twice or so Aunt Han stopped again and asked me doubtfully: "Little master if we wipe off these cow tears will we not be able to see our Tianjiu anymore?"

"Don't worry about it; this time you don't need your eyes but rather your heart," I had no choice but to deceive them a little bit by then.

After hearing what I said both of them dried their eyes together.

I let them sit down together in front of Han Tianjiu's grave mound while emptying their minds.

It turned out that after seeing real ghosts they were indeed very afraid but also knew about my true abilities as well as having me protecting them without any taboos which made them relaxed soon afterwards.

When everything was ready, I took out the Yin-Yang Bell and started to walk around Han Tianjiu's grave mound while shaking it and performing a shamanic dance.

"Spirits wandering aimlessly, why stay here? Three souls have already left; seven spirits are coming. Today we invite five generals to come forth and search carefully in the village, land gods of mountains and rivers. Please send my son Han Tianjiu's immortal soul quickly! Hey! Heaven's gate opens; earth's gate opens. Send the ghost from thousands of miles away. I am following orders from Laojun urgently with symbols, seals, spells, words!"

After circling once around the grave mound I drew a spirit-calling array then stood behind Aunt Han reciting incantations before telling her: "Aunt Han follow me in chanting this spell but remember not to make any mistakes because only close relatives can chant it correctly for 49 times before it takes effect."

"Yes little master don't worry; I won't make any mistakes." After replying she followed me in chanting.

While reciting incantations I hung up the Yin-Yang Bell on top of the spirit-calling flag which further enhanced its power.

After hanging up the bell I brought over a rooster that had been fed wine beforehand then placed it on top of the grave mound.

Since it was midnight by now and also drunk so it obediently stayed there without moving while clucking softly.

Once everything was set up properly, standing between Aunt Han and Xie Yilin with both hands forming hand seals together with my Qi flowing towards the spirit-calling flag as well as changing my incantation secretly: "Heaven's gate opens; earth's gate opens. The ghost door is open at infinity where souls seek their mothers' love urgently according to law!"

As soon as our chants were activated along with help from our surroundings suddenly black gas started to surge around the grave mound.

Seeing this situation I knew that things were about to succeed so I gritted my teeth and sent more Qi towards the spirit-calling flag while changing my incantation again: "Heaven's gate opens; earth's gate opens. The ghost door is open at infinity where souls seek their mothers' love urgently according to law!