Boyfriend has changed into a yangkui eater

The earth's energy surges, leading straight to the underworld. With my shout, the gates of hell open!


At this moment, a mournful scream came from the depths of darkness, startling me and giving me a bad feeling.

However, just as I was worrying about it, I saw the rooster suddenly raise its head and call out loudly. Then it flapped its wings and stumbled down from the tombstone towards Han Yi.

Seeing this situation, I felt relieved knowing that we had successfully summoned his spirit. As I chanted spells under my breath and looked behind the rooster, sure enough a black ghost emerged from the grave.

Soon after, when the rooster reached Han Yi's side with her holding onto it tightly in her arms, I said to her: "Hold onto that rooster; he is your son!"

Upon hearing my words, Han Yi held onto that rooster gently while stroking it softly.


After being held by Han Yi like this for some time now,the ghost stopped moving around. He crouched behind his spiritual tablet trembling slightly but clearly recognized both Han Yi and Xie Yilin's identities.

At this point,I placed my hand on Xie Yilin's back and whispered to her: "Relax your mind; let me guide you through communicating with spirits.Remember not to get too excited because if you do so,it will affect my ability."

Hearing what I said,Xie Yilin nodded indicating she understood everything well enough already.

Then,I transferred some Qi into her body while releasing another stream of Qi towards Han Tianjiu's ghost enveloping him within an aura which would facilitate communication between them both easily without any hindrance whatsoever..

The aura spun rapidly transmitting their thoughts at appropriate times.I controlled these movements carefully watching over them like God himself


As expected,Xie Yilin was moved to tears when she finally saw Han Tianjiu. She trembled with emotion and her eyes were filled with tears.

"Tianjiu, I'm sorry. That day, I didn't mean it. I was just in a bad mood and wanted to tease you but never thought that it would lead to your death." Xie Yilin cried out as she spoke.

"Ugh--" Han Tianjiu's ghost had heavy Yin energy surrounding him; his whole body was wrapped in black mist. In response to Xie Yilin's words, he did not react much except for staring at her blankly with his green eyes.

"Wuwuwu,Tianjiu,I'm sorry.I know my mistake now.Please forgive me?"Xie Yilin begged while crying bitterly

"Hehe," Upon hearing Xie Yilin's words,Han Tianjiu's ghost suddenly let out an inexplicable laugh before slowly moving forward and reaching out towards Xie Yilin.

"People and ghosts are separated by different worlds; don't cross the line!"

Seeing this situation,I immediately created a Qi barrier blocking Han Tianjiu from getting any closer.

"YiHeng," Seeing this,Xie Yilin looked at me pleadingly:"Please,I really miss him so much.Let us get closer again."

"Aren't you risking your life? His Yin energy is too strong.If he hits you,you might lose half of your life or even die.You have to be mentally prepared for this!"I warned her sternly

Upon hearing what I said,Xie Yilin nodded firmly:"I am ready.Don't worry about me.I believe that TianJiu loves me.He won't hurt me."

Seeing this situation,I couldn't help feeling helpless.So eventually,I removed the Qi barrier allowing them both to get closer once more..

"TianJiu,wuwuwu,how have you been doing over there?"

After the Qi barrier was removed,Xie Yilin cried while reaching out to touch Han Tianjiu's face.

"Ya ya,good--"

Han Tianjiu crouched there clumsily,his movements were awkward and he made a sharp and strange sound.

This situation made me puzzled, I didn't know what was going on with Han Tianji's behavior. Just as I was wondering, Han Tianji held Xie Yilin's hand and slowly moved forward towards her, as if he wanted to embrace her.

I frowned and watched them silently, worried that Xie Yilin would be pushed over. Fortunately, Han Tianji seemed to have no intention of pushing Xie Yilin away. Their heads stopped just half a foot apart.

At such a close distance, Xie Yilin should have been able to see Han Tianji's face through the swirling Yin Qi. As expected, when she saw his face clearly, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and cry uncontrollably.

"Tianji, you've lost weight... sob... it's all my fault..."

Xie Yilin cried while leaning closer to him as if wanting to kiss him. I felt embarrassed watching this scene so I turned my head away.

It was then that I noticed Aunt Han holding a rooster in shock while staring at Xie Yilin crying without realizing that Han Tianji's ghost had appeared.

When she saw me looking at her, she opened her mouth as if wanting to speak but I gestured for her not to say anything. She continued holding the rooster absentmindedly while staring at Xie Yilin who was still crying.

"Idiot! Watch out!"

Just then YunQingYue's voice suddenly rang out distracting me from the scene before me. When I looked back towards them again in surprise, I saw that Han Tianji had emitted two green rays of light which enveloped Xie Yilin completely.

Xie Yiling looked dazed and confused by this point; however just then Han Tiajii let out an eerie laugh followed by opening his blood-stained mouth wide open before sucking hard on Xie Yilin.

Xie Yiling's vitality was drained away like water and she began to tremble uncontrollably, almost unable to stand.

"Eating Yang Kui?!" This situation shocked me completely. Without thinking too much, I quickly drew out the Yang Soul Bell and threw it at Han Tianji.

"Bang! Sizzle... Wahh... Chirp chirp..."

The bell landed with a loud clang followed by emitting a sizzling sound as if being tempered by fire. Han Tianji couldn't help but scream before rolling backwards in pain.

"You evil spirit! Absorbing yang energy for yin energy! Who are you?!"

I shouted angrily while holding up my Jingyang Blood Talisman ready to strike him down with one blow.

"I am Han Tianji?" He struggled while looking at me with his green eyes.

"You're Han Tianji? How did you end up like this?" I asked incredulously.

"Hehehe, how should I know?" he laughed wickedly before crawling towards the grave while saying: "It was taught to me by Master Mo Du Shan; he said that this way my soul would not disperse and there would be no need for me to go to the underworld."

"Mo Du Shan again?! You bastard, don't you realize that someone is controlling you?"

My eyelids twitched as I tried grabbing him but he moved so fast that he disappeared into the center of the ghost-calling formation along with passing through the Ghost Gate.