Show Mercy

My spiritual sprout has undergone a mutation. At its tip, there is now a copper-red sword-shaped bud that appeared naturally and not from my cultivation.

At first, YunQingYue and I were both puzzled about what was happening. Later on, I remembered the scene of the peach tree being struck by lightning and couldn't help but wonder if this change in the spiritual sprout was related to that incident.

Initially, I had indeed cursed at the old peach tree. But after it exploded from being struck by lightning, out came a beautiful woman who flew away into the sky while saying some inappropriate things to me.

Due to the chaotic situation at that time with wind blowing everywhere, I can no longer remember exactly what she said. However, I do recall her sending a golden light towards me before leaving and even expressing hope for us to meet again someday.

Who was that woman? Could it be that the peach tree really became sentient and she was actually its spirit form? In other words... did my first time go to her?

If so, then I'm not too regretful about it since she seemed like an immortal fairy who would match well with me in every aspect except for one thing: unfortunately, she's nowhere to be found now. Otherwise... marrying her wouldn't be bad either; although we don't have any feelings yet currently they can always develop over time.

Thinking these thoughts made me suddenly feel like this mutation of my spiritual sprout must be extraordinary! After all... how could something left behind by "my wife" be simple? It must surely be some kind of powerful weapon!

"Don't make noise for now; let me concentrate," I told YunQingYue as I sat cross-legged beside the spiritual sprout with palms hovering above it while circulating qi within myself and feeling its subtle movements inside.

However... despite focusing intently for quite some time already... nothing unusual happened which left me feeling strange. Could it be that the woman only left a mark on me and nothing more?

Feeling dissatisfied, I opened my eyes and stood up from the grass nest while stretching lazily under the clear morning light.

I then looked down at my chest where I remembered her last using golden light to concentrate before leaving. At that moment... I furrowed my brows upon seeing a burn-like mark in the shape of a purple-red sword about three inches long and one finger wide which didn't hurt or itch but instead felt comfortable.

The spiritual sprout's tip had turned into a sword shape, and now there was also this sword-shaped mark on my chest; this couldn't be just coincidence! It must surely be some kind of weapon... although for now, I still don't know how to use it yet.

However, giving up easily is not something someone like me who has innate intelligence should do. With spring rain clearing away as purple qi comes from the east making everything bright and clear... facing towards the east with slow breathing while performing secret techniques of spiritual cultivation, all eight extraordinary meridians within me began ringing out loudly as an immense chaotic energy surged out from within the spiritual sprout into every part of my body before finally condensing entirely into my right arm.


As the breath condensed and the force tore, a faint dragon chant sounded in my ears. When I looked down, I found that the heart imprint on my chest was trembling slightly and shining. It seemed to have sensed something.

Seeing this situation, I was moved and quickly clenched my fist and withdrew all the qi that was about to be blasted out. Then I concentrated all of it towards the heart imprint on my chest.

"Ding Ling Ling-Ding-"

The sword seal shone brightly, and the dragon chant echoed. The situation seemed as if there really was a long sword hidden in my chest.

"Hiss hiss hiss-"

The aura condensed, and the sword shadow greedily absorbed qi like a hungry baby. The light flickered more intensely with each passing moment until finally, even my body trembled slightly because of it.

"Little baby, how much energy do you want to absorb?"

At this time, while condensing Qi onto the sword seal on one hand subconsciously reached out to touch it with another hand. As soon as I touched it, I discovered that beneath its surface layer lay something hard inside which seemed like there really is something hidden within.

What's going on?

Did bone spurs grow from my chest?


Just when I was wondering what happened suddenly came a soft sound from inside me followed by YunQingYue's exclamation: "YiHeng! Something went wrong! The spirit sprout broke!"


My heart sank but then immediately forced myself to calm down before closing both eyes tightly while urging for Ling Tai Secret Technique's operation at full power using mental strength guiding out that power into converging towards my chest.

Sure enough, My guess wasn't wrong; Spirit Sprout Sword tip resonated with Heart Imprint on Chest - Branches are Chest & Roots are Spirit Sprout - Connected together, Qi flows through, forming a divine sword!


A soft sound came as the broken tip of Spirit Sprout Sword suddenly merged with the hard bone beneath my chest's surface layer. Then I felt a strange power form in front of my chest. Before I could react, that hard object under my skin twisted abruptly and then swam rapidly along with the sword seal on top of it.

"Ah ah ah-"

It seemed like some kind of weird fish was swimming around under my skin causing me to scream in pain.

However, even though I was in great pain at this moment, I still managed to grit my teeth and remain calm while quickly operating Ling Tai Secret Technique guiding that fish-like thing towards moving up onto my arm.

"Ah ah ah-"

The flesh on my arm bulged out while shaking and moved towards the palm of my hand.

I used all my strength to control that power while watching as the sword seal moved into the center of my palm. Then, unable to hold back any longer, I shouted loudly before clenching tightly into a fist which caused dazzling light to flash by followed by a copper-red peach wood sword appearing within it.

The blade was ancient-looking with flowing light engraved with many peach blossom patterns; its heart position had an elegant black character "Liu," and its backside read "Qing."

This is called Liusuo Sword.