Treasured Possession"

I held the long sword in my hand, feeling its solid weight without any sense of emptiness. It was a real peach wood sword, but at the same time it was also an illusion created by me. I couldn't quite understand what kind of existence it was.

I lightly touched the sword body and felt its coolness. As I examined the patterns on it, I felt that there was a connection between this sword and my life and soul.

"Let's go!" I shouted as I aimed at a nearby white poplar tree and released the flying sword from my hand.

A muffled sound came as the peach wood sword hit the white poplar tree firmly, raising a small cloud of dust before falling silently to the ground.

"Come back!" I reached out to grab it but there was no response from the sword.

It seemed that controlling swords like this wasn't something I could do yet. Moreover, this wooden sword wasn't sharp at all - not even enough to cut tofu let alone wood! Feeling disappointed, I picked up the peach wood sword and looked again at that white poplar tree which remained unscathed despite being struck by my attack.

"You're tough! When I get back home, I'll find an axe to chop you down!" Giving a thumbs-up sign towards that white poplar tree while walking away dejectedly with my newly acquired weapon in hand.

This is actually a magical peach wood sword grown inside me; however, it seems too inadequate for practical use? What exactly is its purpose?

Oh right! Since it's made of peach wood then its main function should be exorcism; besides that maybe some degree of toughness would come in handy too?

Thinking so in my heart, with forceful effort swung towards a rock - unsurprisingly neither did break or change shape respectively. may lack offensive power but has defensive capabilities instead. Anyway better than nothing!

I smiled slightly, turned my thoughts and grasped the hilt of the sword. With a breath inward, it disappeared with a "whoosh" sound into a sword seal that returned to my palm.

"Not bad! Although I don't know its specific function yet, being able to control it so freely is already quite rare." I looked at the palm of my hand and smiled proudly.

"Foolish child! What kind of rarity are you talking about? That's your life treasure," YunQingYue's voice suddenly sounded.

"My life treasure? What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"That peach wood sword is connected to your spiritual sprout. Isn't that your life treasure? Didn't I tell you earlier? Your spiritual sprout was broken at first but then only the top leaf-shaped bud flew away which later merged with the sword seal on your chest forming this peach wood sword in your hand. This sword can directly connect to your Purple Mansion space; therefore, it can release tremendous power. Most importantly, it is completely under your control as it connects directly with what's in your heart - truly an invaluable spiritual treasure.

YunQingYue paused and said, "I really don't know how you got so lucky to have sex with a big peach tree, but as a result, you've developed your own magic weapon. Did you step on some shit?"

"No, I didn't step on any shit. I just encountered the Peach Blossom Luck," I replied with a smile.

"You're not telling me the truth. What happened during the time when your Purple Mansion Space was sealed?" YunQingYue asked.

"Hehehe, that's my secret," I stopped talking and hummed happily all the way home.

I didn't come back all night and when I arrived home in the morning, my parents were busy making breakfast. They were really carefree; they didn't worry about me at all or go out looking for me. It was quite disheartening.

But it wasn't their fault; after all, I had shown them my power before so they wouldn't worry about my safety issues. As for other issues like staying overnight at Bai Xinghua's house...was that even an issue?

"Cough cough, Mom and Dad, I'm back! Last night I went up to catch ghosts on the mountain so don't worry," I said in a hoarse voice which sounded different from usual.

At this moment, my mother happened to be carrying a basin of water out of the kitchen shed and upon seeing me she froze there for quite some time before turning around and shouting into the kitchen shed: "Husband! Come out quickly!"

"What's wrong? The brat is just back. Don't ask him where he slept last night; he's grown up now," My father muttered while walking out of the kitchen shed.

After seeing me again though he exclaimed "huh?" then quickly ran over to compare heights with me by standing straighter than ever before!

This situation made me confused and I didn't know what they were doing. But soon, when I found that my height had reached the level of my father's forehead, I understood what was going on.

In just one night, I suddenly grew taller by almost five centimeters!

My parents were dumbfounded and could hardly believe that I was their son. If it weren't for the scar on my forehead which proved my identity and the fact that there wasn't much change in my facial features or clothes, they would have thought that I was an imposter.

"What did you do last night? How did you suddenly grow so much?" After a while, as we sat in the living room together with me changing clothes and washing up, my parents asked me questions.

I don't know," I muttered helplessly. "I was wondering why my clothes suddenly seemed smaller. At first, I thought it was because they had shrunk after getting wet. Even these shoes feel a bit tight now. Looks like I'll have to buy new ones and spend quite a bit of money."

"You think we're so easily fooled? You don't even know what happened?" My mom glared at me.

Seeing the situation, I could only say helplessly, "Okay, let me tell you the truth then. The specific situation is that last night when I was chasing ghosts, I accidentally ended up under the old peach tree on Dongshan Hill. Then lightning struck and split the tree in half. A fireball fell on me halfway through and burned me badly enough to make me pass out. When I woke up, this is how my body looked."

"The old peach tree on Dongshan Hill got struck by lightning and split in half?" My parents were both shocked to hear my words and went to check out the scene themselves.

When they came back, my mom said to me: "It seems like you got lucky! That old peach tree has been around for hundreds of years but failed its tribulation flight; some essence energy fell onto your body which you absorbed and refined your body with it resulting in growth spurts! We just don't know if this is good or bad yet - there may be some side effects later on - so for safety's sake let's go get checked at the hospital.