Blushing With Peach Blossoms

My parents asked me to go to the hospital for a check-up, but I know my own situation and of course I won't agree to this request.

"YiHeng, don't be so stubborn. This is not a joke. What if something goes wrong?" My parents advised me.

"Even if something happens, can the doctor solve it?" I laughed and said to them: "Okay, you don't have to worry. I know my own situation and nothing will happen."

After speaking, I looked at the sky and remembered that I had made an appointment with Xie Yilin to go to Mount Modu. Unable to resist, I said to my parents: "By the way, in the next period of time, I may need to take a long trip. You don't have to worry about me. After finishing things up there, I'll come back immediately."

"What are you going out for again? You never study properly." Hearing this, my mother worriedly said.

"Somebody invited me ghost hunting; now that my reputation has grown bigger many people are looking for me,"I smirked then took out a stack of wet hundred yuan bills from my pocket and handed them over saying:"Mom,take these bills,dry them under sun,I'll use them on road later.You two can take some hundreds from inside as subsidy."

"You're going die soon! Where did you get so much money?" Seeing those bills ,my parents were shocked.

I smiled without saying anything ,changed into clean clothes,and walked outside.

"I'm going out for a while,I'll be back soon." As i walked away,i spoke .

"Where are you going again?" My mother asked anxiously.

"Don't ask anymore .The child has grown up; let's not interfere with his affairs," My father stopped her.

I smoothly left home and went straight towards Bai Xinghua's house.

In no time, I had entered Bai Xinghua's yard.

Bai Xinghua was cooking breakfast and smoke was rising from the kitchen.

I deliberately didn't go into the kitchen. I stood in the middle of the yard and called out to her.

Hearing my voice, Bai Xinghua responded with a "brother-in-law".

She hadn't finished speaking yet but couldn't help staring at me blankly for a moment.

Bai Xinghua is only about 1.6 meters tall and thin, so she looks relatively petite. Before this time period, my height was similar to hers, just slightly taller than her; this is also one of the reasons why she has always treated me like a child.

However, now that I have suddenly grown to over 1.7 meters tall, this height difference is very obvious. The look in Bai Xinghua's eyes when she looked at me clearly showed some sense of looking up to me.

YiHeng, you..." Bai Xinghua stared at me foolishly for a long time before she could say anything.

"Sister-in-law, did you notice that I've grown taller?" I walked up to her and smiled at her. After hesitating for a moment, I took her hand while she was still in a daze and said to her: "I have to thank you for this. It's your wine that made me grow taller."

"No, it's impossible. My wine doesn't have such an effect," Bai Xinghua frowned tightly and said because of the confusion in her mind. She also forgot to withdraw her hand for a while.

"That wine indeed doesn't have such an effect, but it is because of drinking that wine that I had this encounter. Anyway, we should be grateful to you for this matter. Thank you sister-in-law!" As I spoke with excitement and with the faint fragrance on Bai Xinghua's body combined with her blushing face and soft figure, I couldn't help but want to hold her in my arms.

Fortunately, just as soon as I approached Bai Xinghua like this, she immediately reacted and pushed me away subconsciously taking two steps back while frowning at me asking: "YiHeng what do you want?"

Bai Xinghua's actions made me calm down too; quickly apologizing saying: "Sister-in-law sorry about earlier when I couldn't control myself. Don't be angry with me please! You know boys my age are impulsive and uncontrollable sometimes especially since my body has just grown again last night so there might be some difficulty controlling certain things due to high hormone levels inside my body right now."

"Of course," he continued "the main reason is because sister-in-law attracts me too much."

I don't know what happened to myself either; my mind was obviously more restless than before. When I looked at Bai Xinghua just now, I even felt a fire in my lower abdomen. The illusion of last night with the old peach tree surged up and I even wanted to strip Bai Xinghua naked on the spot.

What's going on?

Is it really because of excessive hormones? Or is it because I have tasted the forbidden fruit and can't control myself anymore?

Didn't someone say that if you haven't tried anything between men and women, you generally won't have too many thoughts about it, but once you try it once, it's like taking poison; uncontrollable.

I feel that my mentality has indeed changed significantly from before which has caused me to be alert.

I cannot let myself develop so freely otherwise who knows what kind of trouble will arise in the future.

Let's not talk about Bai Xinghua's chastity; she couldn't possibly do anything with me anyway. Let's just talk about YunQingYue whose heart is connected to mine. If I really had any relationship with another woman, she would definitely stand by and watch which would be quite uncomfortable for her right?

Hey stinky girl! If you're capable enough don't just stand there watching; come over here together we can...

Sister-in-law, I have something to attend to so I'll leave first. I will be going on a long journey soon and it may take some time before I return. When I come back, I will bring you a gift." Feeling a bit confused, I decided to escape from Bai Xinghua's house.

Seeing my actions, Bai Xinghua nodded and walked me to the door. Finally, she hesitated for a moment and blushed slightly as she said to me: "YiHeng, since you are going on a long journey soon, let me give you some advice. You have peach blossom luck written all over your face with bright eyes full of spring energy. Most importantly, your eyebrows are raised at the end which indicates that you might encounter love affairs during this trip - possibly with an older woman... Anyway, just be careful."

Hearing what Bai Xinghua said made me think of Xie Yilin involuntarily. Could it be possible that something would happen between us during my trip in Huzhou? But that was ridiculous! After all, I didn't feel anything special towards her.

"Sister-in-law don't worry about it; if there is such a woman then it must be you and not someone else,"I replied while looking at Bai Xinghua.

"You're not serious again! Sister-in-law is giving you sincere advice but instead of taking it seriously you make fun of me! Humph! You little rascal!" With red cheeks and furrowed brows,Bai Xinghua scolded me before turning around angrily.

Standing there watching her soft-hearted figure disappear into the distance,I couldn't help but smile.Then,I shouted loudly towards the courtyard:"Sister-in-law,I'm leaving now.I'll come visit when I have time!"

I deliberately raised my voice so that everyone in the neighborhood could hear.Afterwards,I hummed happily as i walked back home.