It's going to change weather.

While everyone is drunk, I am the only one sober. While the world is murky, I alone am clear. People who enjoy drinking are not necessarily foolish; they may just be avoiding reality. This man named Chi Qing Shuai, also known as Drunken Master, wears peculiar clothing and carries a gourd of wine at his waist. He takes a sip after saying only a few words to someone and appears to be nothing more than an alcoholic. However, in reality he is a very knowledgeable person.

If I'm not mistaken, he has already noticed us and what he's doing now should be to attract our attention. His antique stall is covered with oilcloth and displays various antiques made of jade or bronze that come in different shapes and sizes - some genuine while others fake.

Among these antiques stands out an ancient bronze sword with rust all over it; its handle exquisitely crafted with distinct patterns on the blade making it look like an authentic piece.

Unfortunately, such swords regardless of their authenticity would cost an astronomical amount which makes it unlikely for anyone from this remote area to buy them since there's always the risk of buying fakes instead of real ones.

This sword has been around for thousands of years yet remains sharp enough to cut through bones if used against humans but at this moment Chi Qing Shuai isn't using it against people but rather towards a rat weighing two or three pounds tied by White Brow Monkey using rope around its neck looking terrified on the ground.

Chi Qing Shuai swings his sword forcefully as if intending to chop off the rat's head which makes me nervous because according to Buddhist teachings all living beings are equal under heaven's grace so even though this white-tailed rat demon isn't exactly beneficial we shouldn't execute it without reason.

Therefore when I saw this situation unfold before my eyes I instinctively stepped forward shouting: "Master please spare its life!"

"Hmm? Hahaha!" Upon hearing my words, Chi Qing Shuai was taken aback then quickly waved his hand at the monkey to let it take the rat and disappear into the mountains. He squinted at me and said: "Good boy, you can actually see what this Drunken Master is doing?"

"Master, I must confess that white-tailed rat demon attacked us last night. If I'm not mistaken it's a lustful demon which although ferocious doesn't really harm people so please spare its life and allow it to return to the mountains for further cultivation; who knows maybe one day it will achieve enlightenment."

I walked up to him looking straight in his eyes while speaking.

"Hahaha! Alright since you've pleaded for mercy on its behalf, this Drunken Master shall spare its life today." As he spoke he picked up a scabbard from his stall with a loud clang sound then inserted the bronze sword into it before putting everything away.

As soon as he put away his sword I felt an invisible force recede around me making me shudder involuntarily. Instinctively I looked towards his sword realizing that there was something extraordinary about it - most likely responsible for creating that cover of darkness earlier.

This was quite unexpected because previously when we arrived here no one could see through Chi Qing Shuai's true identity due to some kind of spell cast by him using that same sword.

What is his purpose in doing this?

Is he really a celestial master whose task is to guard Mount Modu? Is he only setting up a stall here to cover up his true intentions, which are to conveniently execute some evil spirits and monsters at any time?

In Journey to the West, Wei Zheng had a dream of slaying a real dragon. Could it be that such things actually exist in reality where mortals receive orders from immortals?

Who is the celestial master? As the name suggests, Zhong Kui, also known as "Celestial Master," was mainly known for catching ghosts and demons. Could it be that he is the reincarnation or possessed by Zhong Kui himself?

I feel like I can't see through this person anymore and unconsciously walked towards him.

"Liu YiHeng, what are you doing?" Seeing my actions, Xie Yilin nervously caught up with me.

"Xiao Xie," seeing her actions, the drunken celestial master packed up his stall while saying to her: "Don't hide. I saw you long ago. Don't worry; I won't blame you even though you took advantage of me being drunk and peeked at my heavenly book."

"Of course you won't blame her," I looked at Chi Qing Shuai and said: "If I'm not mistaken, did you intentionally show her your book? However, things didn't go as planned because she read another chapter instead of what Master wanted her to read. It almost killed her if not for me stopping halfway through. If someone died because of this incident then Master would have committed a grave sin. From this perspective alone it seems like Master owes me one favor."

"Hahaha--" Hearing my words made Chi Qing Shuai burst out laughing uncontrollably while packing his belongings into a package on his back before carrying his sword down the mountain.

"What are you guys talking about?" Seeing Chi Qing Shuai's actions, Xie Yilin walked up to us with a puzzled look.

"What time is it?" I didn't answer Xie Yilin's question but raised my wrist to check the time on my plastic electronic watch. We bought these watches for thirty yuan each when we were on the street before coming here. They are rare in our area and not many people can afford them, but they are common in Zhejiang. We bought them so that we could easily tell the time.

The watch showed 2:15 pm. According to Chi Qing Shuai, thunder and lightning would arrive after fifteen minutes at 2:30 pm.

This made me doubtful because based on current weather conditions, it was sunny and spring-like with only scattered clouds in the sky. How could there be thunder and lightning after fifteen minutes?

However, what I am truly concerned about now is Chi Qing Shuai himself.

If my prediction is correct, then our trip to Mount Modu will ultimately depend on this person.

"Teacher Xie, Jietou (nickname), let's follow that guy for now instead of going up the mountain." Seeing Chi Qing Shuai's figure walking away from us, I changed our plan decisively and followed him down the mountain.