Electric flashes like knives.

The mountain road winds and the stone steps are rough. Chi Qingshuai watched as he walked slowly, but in an instant, he disappeared without a trace.

We followed for a distance and unconsciously returned to the square at the foot of the mountain.

When we arrived here, Chi Qingshuai had already disappeared. I was a bit helpless standing there looking around. Suddenly, a cold wind blew from my face and when I looked up, I saw a black cloud like ink slowly crawling up from the southeast sky which had covered the sun by then.

The black cloud was moving fast and soon covered more than half of the sky. The whole world suddenly became dimmed while strong winds blew fiercely making people's clothes flap loudly.

Under such weather conditions even if one were stupid they would know that a storm was about to come so chaos immediately broke out on that square.

Vendors selling things hurriedly closed their stalls and left; visitors who came to play rushed to find cars to leave; some people were desperately searching for companions.

However, these people's actions were all too late. They hadn't found shelter yet when they heard a dense "huh-huh-huh" sound coming from afar followed by large raindrops falling heavily on them with thunder rolling after lightning flashed across the sky like sharp blades piercing through clouds.

After this sudden thunderstorm hit them hard with heavy rain pouring down relentlessly soaking everyone instantly while water started accumulating on ground surfaces everywhere causing floods in low-lying areas it made me subconsciously raise my wrist watch only to discover that it was exactly 2:30 pm - not early nor late - just as Chi Qingshuai said earlier proving that this person is definitely not an ordinary man!

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and find shelter!" Seeing me standing there dazedly on the square Xie Yilin quickly took out her umbrella and leaned against me saying anxiously.

"That person has a deep cultivation," Jietou said as he held up his oilcloth umbrella and walked to my side, looking at me saying: "Do you want to seek his help?"

"More or less," I nodded. Then I took out my own umbrella while looking around and couldn't help but walk towards the hotel across the street.

"The rain is too heavy. Let's have a meal first and slowly go up the mountain later." I told them.

Soon we entered the hotel hoping to rest in a room for a while only to find that due to heavy rain, it was already full. We argued with the front desk lady until she finally gave us a single room.

The room was very small but we had no choice but to stay there anyway. After entering the room, Xie Yilin put down her things and hurriedly ran into the toilet.

Jietou and I sat down by the small table against the wall wiping off water stains from our bodies with towels. Due to heavy rain, we were all soaked through; Xie Yilin was also almost completely wet which seemed like she caught cold since she kept sneezing inside of toilet cubicle.

While we were drying our hair, Xie Yilin came out of bathroom then pouted her lips frowning at both Jietou and me before dragging her luggage back into toilet again shouting: "Neither of you are allowed in! And don't peek!"

The conditions of this hotel were simple; moreover, it seemed like its door latch was broken so when Xie Yilin went in there changing clothes she became nervous thinking that we might try peeping on her.

Actually, she doesn't need to worry about this at all. Not to mention that I'm not in the mood for these things right now, but if I want to see her body, I can see it anytime. Why do I need to sneak a peek?

The sound of rustling came from the bathroom. Xie Yilin should be changing clothes.

Jietou and I were sitting back against the wall. After a while, Jietou said to me: "You'd better find some hot water for her. She can't catch a cold during this time."

Jietou's words surprised me and reminded me of some content in my physiology book. Without thinking too much, I nodded and said: "I'll go get a bottle of hot water from the front desk."

As soon as I stood up and was about to leave, something occurred to me and couldn't help turning around asking Jietou: "How do you know she can't catch a cold now? What are you doing studying these things?"

"Don't think too much about it," Jietou looked at me and said.

"What did you do before? Weren't you with Qin's family?" I frowned.

Upon hearing my words, Jietou nodded: "Yes, Qin's family. Yin Yunshan has a daughter whom my main task is serving. Over time, inevitably knowing some women's affairs... Every time when Yin Yunshan's daughter reaches this period of time (menstruation), her condition is very serious; she screams painfully while holding onto her stomach on bed every month during menstruation cycle . At such times ,I have to make ginger soup for her each time . So,I suggest that you also make some ginger soup for your teacher Xie Yilin; It would be best if you add some brown sugar into it so that after drinking it down there will basically be no major problems."

"Why do I have to do this? Since you know so much about women, why don't you go?" I looked at him and asked.

"She is your woman. It's none of my business," Jietou shrugged.

"What do you mean? When did she become my woman?" I was annoyed.

"Then it's even less likely that she is my woman. At least she is your friend, right? For friends, we should help each other out. If not you, then who else will go?" Jietou laughed.

Helpless, I could only turn around and find the auntie at the front desk to ask for a warm pot of hot water and some ginger shreds and brown sugar from the hotel kitchen.

After returning to the room, I poured a bowl of boiling water with ginger shreds and brown sugar added in it on the table waiting for Xie Yilin to come out.

Soon after, Xie Yilin came out wearing new clothes with her hair draped over her shoulders. Her face was clean without any makeup which made her look more refreshing and charming than ever before.

"Ginger soup can drive away coldness," I handed her the bowl of ginger soup when she saw me doing this action; Xie Yilin took it over holding it in her hand while sitting on bed slowly drinking it down . She blinked at me and Jietou as if asking something silently .

"I didn't expect you to be so thoughtful. Whose idea was this?" Xie Yilin asked.

"He did all of this," Jietou directly pushed all credit onto me .

I smiled wryly , spread my hands without saying anything .

"Thank you Liu YiHeng for doing this favor for me." Xie Yilin smiled slightly , put down the bowl ,and asked: "What should we do next?"

"We'll wait until the rain stops then head up the mountain," I frowned and then said to her: "Before that, we'd better find a way to locate Drunken Taoist. He is a very important person. Do you know where he lives?"

"How could I possibly know?" Xie Yilin shrugged, picked up a dry towel and wiped her hair while asking me: "What's so important about him? Isn't he just an alcoholic?"

"His cultivation level is very high. You just don't know," I frowned and said: "If I'm not mistaken, he should be very familiar with the situation on Mo Du Mountain. So if we want to find those Yin creatures smoothly, we can't do it without relying on him.