Bug Woman's Strange Tales [2]

According to the legend that Xie Yilin heard, when the hunter entered the cave, he was already married and had children. As a result, things were not good. After hearing the voice coming from the bottom of the cave, the hunter couldn't help but have impure thoughts. When Xie Yilin mentioned this, she explained a principle to me and Jietou. She said that people in this world are generally very innocent before experiencing certain things. At this time they do not have strong desires yet; at least under moral constraints, their first thought upon encountering someone of appropriate age is not to strip them naked and engage in sexual activities with them; they will truly think about love or other intangible things.

The problem lies with those who have experienced such things before, especially men who usually have strong desires and find it difficult to control themselves during this period of time when their moral concepts are weak due to high levels of male hormones stimulation. Their first thought upon seeing women is often stripping them naked for sex.

The hunter was in such a state because he hunted all year round and ate wild game meat which has stimulating effects on him making him extremely rough. He may be brave which is his advantage but his shortcomings cannot be denied either.

The woman whom he married was also a very rough person although he did not mind her much deep down inside himself naturally longed for tender young beauties like any man would.

At that moment when the hunter heard laughter coming from below ground level in such remote mountains and caves how could there possibly be laughter from young girls? Could it be fairy elves as described in legends?

Although communication was undeveloped back then people listened to many stories so hunters like him were easily deceived by stories told by Liu Yong or Seven Fairy Maidens thus instead of being nervous at that moment he felt excited thinking that his luck with women had exploded since he would soon meet these legendary fairies.

The hunter held a flickering torch and walked along the cave wall, heading towards the laughter which became clearer as he approached. This made him even more excited and certain that there were people below ground level.

After walking for a while longer, a faint white light came from below ground level. The hunter extinguished his torch and carefully walked over to it. After arriving, he discovered that at the end of this mountain cave was an extremely vast underground cavern with scenery like an otherworldly fairyland.

Inside there were mushrooms as tall as trees emitting fluorescent light; warm and clear springs; thick vines hanging down; many plants with leaves as large as mattresses whose names could not be called out.

The lighting inside the cave was very gentle and bright, filling the entire space with warmth. The hunter was shocked and delighted thinking that he had entered into a legendary paradise on earth.

Just as the hunter was amazed, he saw something even more surprising. He found a tiny person sitting on a golden leaf across the stream. The person was naked and less than three feet tall, delicate and white like jade. Her eyes were big with jewel-like luster, her long blue hair waving like waves. Although she was slender and small, her body proportions were that of an adult woman's with petite breasts and slim waistline that could be held in one hand. Her two slender legs were extremely attractive too.

Most importantly, she had a pair of snow-white wings on her back which made her even more exquisite and charming like a butterfly.

The hunter stared at the little person in amazement; he figured out that she must be an elf from legends. This underground world was indeed a paradise; he had hit the jackpot coming here this time.

"Hi hi hi--"

When the butterfly nymph saw him looking at her, she flew over to him flapping her light wings gracefully around him while checking him out from top to bottom.

The hunter also looked foolishly drunk staring at the nymph who seemed exquisitely beautiful beyond words.

As she flew by, there was naturally a strong fragrance emanating from her body along with some dust floating in the air which caused his interest to rise uncontrollably due to its powerful aphrodisiac effect.

However, there is one problem: The hunter is eight feet tall and rough-looking while this nymph is only three feet tall - not even half his size - fragile as if just several years old girl standing before him making it impossible for him to satisfy his desires upon such young childlike figure.

According to Sheryl's account so far (the narrator), after being aroused by these scents' effects on his mind & body causing loss of self-control turning into wild beast-like behavior wanting nothing but sex without any regard for whether or not this little creature can withstand his ravaging, he jumped up in a hurry and tried to embrace her for pleasure.

Unfortunately, the little butterfly nymph was very alert. She flapped her wings and flew upstream along the stream. The hunter chased after her frantically with smoke coming out of his throat until they reached deep into the mushroom forest where he heard bursts of light laughter around him. Looking around, he found many small nymphs who were all exquisitely beautiful making him feel dazzled by their beauty.

However, what made him frustrated was that those little insect women still didn't let him get close. He could only continue to move forward until he saw the queen of those insects under a snow-white and tall mushroom like a mountain peak.

The queen was also an insect woman, but her size was twice as big as other insect women. She was six feet tall, which was already the height of a normal woman.

The queen of the insects was extremely beautiful and charming, but unfortunately her abdomen was slightly swollen, as if she were pregnant.

She had a pair of colorful wings and flew up into the air to look at the hunter. The hunter looked up at her and inhaled the dust falling from her body into his lungs, feeling even stronger fragrance with aphrodisiac effect. Something under his body swelled like an iron rod.

What made the hunter unbearable was that at this moment, the queen of insects was less than two feet above him without any clothes on. Therefore, from his angle of view, he could see clearly between her slender legs where there were wet marks left by water droplets.

This almost drove him crazy. He roared angrily and jumped up to grab one leg of the queen before pulling her down onto ground and then pounced on top of her.