Insect Woman's Strange Tales [3]

Xie Yilin couldn't continue speaking and blushed as she stood up, saying, "I'll go to the restroom." I nodded and watched her leave. Then I calmed down a bit, stood up and said to Jietou, "I'm also going to the restroom."

Jietou picked up a fish head and sucked on its juice while glancing at me before saying, "Go ahead. Wash your face with cold water; it's good for reducing inflammation."

"Get lost!" I cursed under my breath before rushing out of the room into the men's restroom. I found a stall to hide in, closed the door and checked myself. To my relief, my member was only half-hard with some sticky fluid on top but hadn't tented my pants yet; otherwise, I would have been too embarrassed.

That demon Xie Yilin dared to tell such stories so vividly that it made me feel hot-tempered and almost unbearable. You see, as someone who has experienced sexual intercourse before, my situation was somewhat painful.

After relieving myself and calming down by washing my face with cold water again while pushing back that stubborn member forcefully into place where it belonged - not sticking out like an erect corn cob - I took a deep breath then returned to the private room.

Xie Yilin had already come back by then; she was flirting with Jietou while eating fish meat.

Seeing me walk in all wet-faced from washing off sweat or whatever else might be there on one's face after using public restrooms during summer heatwaves or humid days in general (which is quite common), Xie Yilin blinked mischievously at me then asked teasingly: "What? Are you feeling hot? Can't take it anymore?"

"You're really heartless," I smirked at her response. "So what if I'm feeling hot? Do you want to take responsibility for me and help me cool down?"

"Tsk, tsk. You're just a little kid with big ideas," Xie Yilin dismissed my words as if they were nothing before asking, "Do you want to continue listening?"

"What do you think? The story is only halfway through. If we don't finish it, we'll feel uncomfortable. Go ahead and tell us; skip the arousing parts though since both Jietou and I are still underage while you're a teacher who shouldn't corrupt young minds."

"Hahaha! Don't worry; the next part of the story won't be arousing but will give you chills!"

According to Xie Yilin's account, after that hunter had taken down the queen bug, he acted like an animal without any hesitation or restraint by indulging himself in pleasure.

The pregnant insect queen was gentle and accommodating with seductive eyes that cried out for more while her body was soft as cotton candy which made him experience unprecedented satisfaction. After one round ended, another followed shortly afterward.

It's strange to say that the queen was also very excited, constantly moaning and accepting his impact. As long as he wanted it, the queen would not refuse.

The hunter continued until he was exhausted and fell asleep on top of the queen. This marked the end of their first battle.

When he woke up, he found himself lying on a soft bed made of fragrant grass surrounded by small bug girls who were serving him like an emperor. They brought him delicious fruits and nectar as food.

After eating his fill, the hunter looked at those little bug girls again and couldn't help but feel aroused once more.

However, he still had some reservations. He carefully checked for the location of the insect queen and found that she wasn't nearby. Emboldened by this fact, he reached out and pulled over a small bug girl.

But she resisted fiercely which left him helpless so he let her go and continued searching for another one.

Finally after many attempts, he found a small bug girl willing to mate with him. She was four feet tall which is slightly larger than other insect females but still childlike compared to humans.

The hunter was truly beastly because even though she was just a child-like creature in size, he still went ahead with it anyway!

According to what has been told about this story - due to her smaller size - when they mated from behind - his large member could touch her thin belly skin! Imagine how stimulating that must have felt? It's indescribable!

So naturally enough our hunter ascended into heaven while entwined with this little bug girl; wanting nothing more than death itself...

"Ahem... didn't you say there wouldn't be any more scenes like these?"

Hearing this part I couldn't help myself anymore since my brother had already hit his head against the table repeatedly making me suffer.

Xie Yilin blinked mischievously at me and said with a naughty smile, 'Tsk tsk, are you serious? You can't control yourself like this? Look at Jietou, he doesn't even react. Your self-control is too weak.'

'What are you guys talking about?' Jietou took out two cotton balls from his ears and looked at us in confusion.

'Wow, so you haven't been listening to my story all along?!' Xie Yilin widened her eyes and looked angrily at Jietou.

'Sorry, I don't like listening to stories. I just want to eat in peace,' Jietou replied before putting the cotton back into his ears and telling us to continue our conversation.

Xie Yilin and I exchanged a helpless glance.

'Then I won't tease you anymore. Let's continue,' Xie Yilin said seriously while looking at me. 'Anyway, men like you are greedy and lustful creatures who always want more than they have - eating what's in their mouth while reaching for what's on the table while also thinking about what's in their heart. The hunter was no different.'


After having relations with the Queen of Insects, the hunter disappeared for a long time before finally appearing again with a slightly larger female insect by his side whom he had been intimate with for some time. However, as his desire grew stronger he began lusting after smaller insects around him until eventually he became reckless enough to forcibly take them without resistance.

He became king of that underground cave system where he had three thousand concubines whom he could enjoy whenever he pleased.

The saying goes "satiety breeds lechery" - when someone has an abundance of resources it can lead them down dark paths seeking perverse thrills.

The hunter was no exception; constantly searching among the insects for younger ones to satisfy his desires. This made the smaller insects fear him and scatter at the sight of him.

But he didn't stop there, eventually he found an opportunity to capture a two-foot-tall insect that was as small as a baby and took her to bed like an animal.