Human cocoon

The little worm girl eventually died because of the hunter's beastly behavior. Her belly was pierced and she died on the spot, with black water flowing out of her wound and a foul smell emanating from it. The hunter was frightened by this incident and worried that other worm girls would retaliate against him. His mind became clearer, and he regained his senses after being exposed to the stench of the black water, which had previously drugged him.

When he finally came to his senses and looked at the body of the worm girl in front of him, he realized that she was not a worm girl at all but rather a large white moth over one foot long. The moth's scales were like powder, crackling as they fell to the ground. Its swollen abdomen had burst open with a large hole from which black water flowed; it was seriously injured but still struggling.

This situation shocked the hunter so much that he trembled all over. When he looked around again, he found that all those delicate and exquisite worm girls had disappeared; only huge white moths remained! At this point, the hunter finally understood that since entering this cave, he had been enchanted by these moth spirits' drugs; thus every "worm girl" he saw before was fake - there were no such things as real "worm girls" in this world - only giant moths hidden away in secret caves for years practicing their skills.

In fact, during these days when he thought himself intimate with those "worm girls," what actually happened is something else entirely different than what occurred between him and beautiful women.

The hunter panicked feeling nauseous yet fearful; turning around quickly towards escape through cave entrance. However just as soon as He almost reached outside suddenly felt wind behind Him blowing hard then turned back seeing an iridescent colorful two-zhang-long (about 13 meters) giant moth flying towards Him grabbing Him immediately carrying Him deep into cave.

The hunter struggled to break free from the giant moth's claws, but found himself paralyzed all over his body. The long legs of the giant moth had spikes on them that were poisonous; once he was pricked by those spikes, he became completely immobilized.

Although his consciousness remained clear, he felt helpless and horrified at what might happen next. The giant moth continued to fly forward with him in its grasp; as they went deeper into the cave, the light grew darker until it was pitch black.

The moth was not affected by the darkness at all and continued to carry him forward until they finally stopped in a dry and hard cave. There were some fluorescent substances inside which he could not see due to being unable to move his body; thus He could only let that giant moth manipulate Him.

The moth dragged him to the bottom of the cave and placed him in a corner, spitting out sticky fluid that glued his entire body to the stone wall. After stabilizing him with glue, the moth turned around, raised its tail, and from deep within its anus came a black needle about as thick as an arm with a sharp tip and small holes.

The moth stabbed the hunter's navel with the black needle and then began injecting something into his belly while jerking back and forth. The hunter heard a gurgling sound coming from his stomach like many things were rushing into it but he didn't know what they were.

After a moment, the moth withdrew its black stinger. The hunter's belly was swollen like that of a pregnant woman in an eerie state.

Then, the moth flew away leaving behind the struggling hunter stuck on the stone wall feeling horrified, scared and helpless. He looked around at glowing objects on all four walls which turned out to be complete human skeletons most terrifyingly there was another person across from him who had also been impregnated by this creature just like himself.

This person was none other than last year's missing scholar! Like himself he wasn't wearing any clothes but still recognizable because he wore traveling cap on his head plus there was an obvious birthmark on his left cheek known far and wide so that is how our protagonist recognized him.

The scholar seemed long dead but since it was very dry inside this cave his body hadn't decomposed yet. He too had been glued to one of these walls with bulging belly even bigger than our protagonist's looking ready to burst open anytime soon!

The hunter felt nervous wanting desperately to escape but couldn't move due being poisoned nor could he break free from those sticky bonds even if he could move somehow.

In desperation all he could do now is wait for death patiently.

Later after several days or so according to our protagonist's estimation when thirst and hunger had almost killed him, he suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the opposite wall. He looked up and saw something that made his hair stand on end.

The corpse of the scholar who had died long ago was now moving its body as if it were going to come back to life.

So the hunter was so frightened that his back went cold and he couldn't help but tremble and scream.

As a result, when he was horrified, even more terrible things happened. The scholar's swollen belly suddenly made a light sound of "pu", opening a big mouth, and then the hunter saw a group of palm-sized white moths crawling out of it.


After these moths crawled out, they spread their wings and flew all over the sky, some even fell on the hunter's body.

At this time, when the hunter looked at the scholar again, he found that he had never come alive at all. He twisted just now because those moth larvae in his stomach wanted to rush out, which drove his body to twist.

And at this moment, those moths have crawled out. The scholar is completely still with his belly completely broken open and clear eggshells of worm eggs remaining inside.

Nowadays, the hunter understands everything thoroughly. It is not surprising that he and the scholar as well as other skeletons on the wall are actually turned into human pupae by moth spirits. The moth spirit first confused them and then used them as human pupae to hatch their own larvae.

Understanding all this makes him deeply regretful for being greedy and lustful; otherwise he would not have fallen into such an end.

However, since things have come to this point,all regrets are useless because the hunter has become a human pupa with full of worm eggs in his belly. Therefore,it is expected that his next fate will be like that scholar who will starve to death on stone walls while waiting for those hatched worms sucking up his blood,eating up five internal organs before finally transforming into palm-sized moths biting through his belly from where they drill out.