Rotten flesh and white bones

The smell of medicine in the hospital is strong, especially in the ward. However, there was a special odor in this particular ward - not only the smell of medicine but also a distinct stench. Looking through the glass wall of the living room into the ward, you could see a patient lying on a bed with an IV drip attached while a nurse seemed to be examining him.

Zhang Xin walked to the door and knocked before carefully entering and speaking with the patient for some time. It appeared that he had obtained permission from him as he turned around and waved us over.

Seeing this situation, we all entered together.

"Little girl, please leave first. Our director has work to discuss with us; please don't disturb us for now," Zhang Xin persuaded the young nurse to leave.

After she left, Zhang Xin helped lift up the person lying on his bed.

I looked at him and saw that he was about forty years old with grayish-black skin tone and swollen eyes. He hadn't spoken yet but was already gasping for breath and groaning continuously - clearly showing signs of being seriously ill.

"Director, let me introduce you: This is Liu Yiheng's junior master; this one is Lan Xiaodong; this one is Xie Yilin," Zhang Xin introduced each of us to each other.

"Not bad! At such a young age you've already become swindlers pretending to be gods? You have guts!" The director glanced at me then sneered coldly."

Upon hearing these words I also laughed coldly while Jietou remained silent as if he didn't hear what was said by that director. But Xie Yilin wasn't like that - her eyebrows furrowed as she stepped forward and retorted: "Director General, who are you calling frauds? If it weren't for your subordinates crying out begging us to come here we wouldn't have come. Do you understand?"

"Is that so? Did he cry and beg for you to come here? Wasn't it because he paid three thousand yuan to bring you here? Tell me, how much money are you planning on swindling from me? I don't have much time left but since you're young and in need of money, I can give some to you." The director sneered.

This made Xie Yilin really angry - she slammed the table next to her as if she was about to jump up.

I reached out and pulled her back then walked forward myself. As my gaze swept over his legs covered by a blanket, I noticed that his right calf had rotted away leaving only bones exposed. Without thinking twice, I said with a smile: "Uncle, your injury is quite serious! With such severe injuries why haven't you taken more decisive treatment measures yet? Your leg has already rotted down to the bone; why not just amputate it instead of suffering like this?"

"'re talking nonsense!" The director heard what I said and became furious: "Even if I die, I won't agree to an amputation! Even if it means becoming disabled!"

"Well then," still smiling slightly, I walked closer while preparing to lift up his blanket: "You'll have no choice but rely on me now."

"Excuse me Miss Xie," turning towards Xie Yilin who was standing nearby: "Could you please step aside for a moment? Due to his injuries he isn't wearing much clothing below the waist.

I'll wait for you outside," Xie Yilin pouted and pulled Jietou, saying, "Jietou, let's go. Accompany me for a walk."

"I don't need to avoid it. You can go by yourself," Jietou frowned.

"Are you going or not?!" Xie Yilin got angry, hands on hips as she glared at Jietou.

Jietou was helpless and could only look at me with pleading eyes. I could only smile and say to him, "Go ahead. You won't be of any help here anyway. I'll take care of things."

"I told you so! It's useless for you to stay here. Hurry up and leave!" Upon hearing my words, Xie Yilin triumphantly dragged him away.

"Liu YiHeng, are you really selling out your brother like this?" Jietou stumbled as he walked out while turning his head to ask me.

"Buddy, if someone gave me a beautiful woman for free like that, I'd be more than happy! If you have the chance someday, try selling me out too." I shrugged my shoulders and watched them leave before uncovering the blanket covering the bureau chief.

As soon as the blanket was removed, a strong stench hit my nose followed by bloody stains on the sheets. When I lifted up the bureau chief's right leg to take a closer look at his wound - it was shocking; almost all of his calf had rotted away leaving behind exposed bones covered in putrid flesh.

However gruesome this sight may have been though - what caught my attention even more were the thick ghostly energies emanating from that wound; an extremely rare type of bone-decaying poison known as 'tarsal evil'. Once infected with such poison there is no cure regardless of what medicine is used - one's body will continue rotting away.

After seeing this, I had a rough idea of what was going on and asked the bureau chief, "Why wasn't it bandaged?"

"Bandaging is useless. It only makes things more painful. Even morphine can't stop the pain," the bureau chief struggled to speak.

"But didn't you have surgery?" I continued asking.

"The bone decayed in the middle where they cut off some of my rotten flesh - that's why it became like this. The result was no different than before; if anything, it just got worse. Antibiotics were used countless times but they were completely ineffective." The bureau chief gasped for breath as he spoke.

Upon hearing this, I stopped talking and frowned slightly while gently placing my palm on his rotting leg saying, "Bear with me; it might be very painful.

What do you want to do - ah -"

Before the chief could finish his sentence, he couldn't help but hold onto his thighs with both hands, trembling and screaming.

"Liu YiHeng, what are you doing?!" Seeing this situation, Zhang Xin next to him flew over and tried to push me away. However, after rushing to a distance of one meter from me, he stood still there because I used my Qi barrier to block him. Not only that, I also controlled the chief's body with my Qi so that he wouldn't move around. This way, I was able to easily remove the toxic substance on his ankle wound.

My heart moved freely as the Secret Technique of Lingtai slowly operated. A sword tip emerged from my palm holding the Mercy Sword and released a small flame of Yang Li fire.

"Hiss..." The flame started from behind his heel and roasted upwards bit by bit. Wherever it went, the toxicity dissipated and rotten flesh coagulated. After a moment or two passed by all of the toxicity on the chief's leg had been completely removed by me while at same time turning all of his rotten flesh into charred dead skin tightly attached to bone.

"Ah-what are you doing?"

During this process, Chief looked at me in horror all along but after gritting his teeth for several times he stopped calling out voluntarily.

The reason why he had such an expression was very simple: He should feel that his wound is healing now; most importantly after initial pain subsided he shouldn't be feeling much pain anymore at this point in time.

"All right," After removing all toxins and treating wounds seven or eight times over again until they were fully healed , I threw Chief's leg onto bed then said: "It's almost done now; next just use Bone-setting Grass mixed with Sanqi vegetable juice for external application continuously for forty-nine days or more. You should be able to grow new flesh. If you continue this method for more than a year, it should be fully restored.