Kill the dog and chop off its head.

Hmm hey!"

With a grunt, Yang Chunwen swung his stick and gritted his teeth as he smashed it towards the wild dog.

Yang Chunwen's actions startled the wild dog and also woke up Wang Xiren. However, at this time, Wang Xiren was still drowsy and didn't know what had happened, so she just lay there motionless.

As a result, Yang Chunwen's stick fell directly on the back of the wild dog.

The wild dog was not to be trifled with either. It reacted quickly and found that Yang Chunwen was going to hit it. It quickly turned over from Wang Xiren's body and prepared to escape.

But then, the wild dog forgot one thing: its penis was still locked inside Wang Xiren's body. So when it jumped down like this, it only turned its body around but couldn't get away. Not only that, but this jump also pulled on its own genitals causing a sharp scream to come out of its mouth.

Wang Xiren was also in pain all over her body due to being pulled like this; she screamed trying to get up.

However, before Wang Xiren could get up again, Yang Chunwen's stick made a muffled sound as it landed directly on her waist with a "snap."


In his anxiety, Yang Chunwen did not hold back his hand after hitting her once; he struck again with another blow landing squarely on Wang Xiren's big white buttocks.

Fortunately for them both though,the wooden stick had already rotted somewhat so these blows were not too heavy or damaging,and after striking twice,the stick broke off completely .

Nevertheless,Wang Xi Ren let out an agonizing cry right then,"Oh my God!" Her hands barely propped herself up before falling flat onto the ground again .

At this point,Yang Chun Wen didn't have time to worry about whether Wang Xiren was alive or dead. His heart was focused on the wild dog, so when he saw that the stick had broken, Yang Chunwen lifted his foot and kicked fiercely towards the wild dog.

This time, the wild dog couldn't dodge it.


The wild dog was kicked by Yang Chunwen and flew up in the air with a miserable scream.

However, this jump also pulled its genitals causing another sharp pain to come out of its mouth,and Wang Xiren was also pulled into convulsions again .

After kicking once,Yang Chun Wen wanted to kick again,but then,the wild dog bit him right on his calf muscle which made him gasp for breath as he retreated backwards while twitching all over his body .

"Ah! You beast! You wait for me; I will definitely tear you apart!"

Yang Chunwen squatted on the grass with bare buttocks,his leg held tightly in agony as he yelled."

"Lao Yang, what's going on? Sob sob sob...

At this moment, Wang Xiren could finally speak normally. She cried while trying to get up from the ground with her hands, but found something pulling her down and causing pain. When she looked down, she realized that the dog's penis was stuck inside her body and couldn't come out.

Wang Xiren was shocked and panicked at this sight. She screamed for help and begged Yang Chunwen to remove the dog immediately. However, Yang blamed Wang for not wearing clothes while sleeping which attracted the dog in the first place.

Yang told Wang that it would take at least half an hour before they could remove the dog's penis from her body. He left to get tools from his car while instructing Wang to hold onto the dog's neck when he returned.

When Yang came back with a wrench and a fruit knife, he asked Wang to restrain the dog so it wouldn't bite them during their attempt to remove its penis. However, Wang was too scared to do anything.

Angered by her hesitation, Yang threatened to leave her there if she didn't cooperate.

After being scolded by Yang Chunwen, Wang Xiren was helpless and could only tremble with both hands as she reached out towards the dog, wanting to grab its neck. The dog wasn't stupid and saw the situation, so it dodged while snarling and baring its teeth. This reaction scared Wang Xiren again, causing her to retract her hand and plead with Yang Chunwen: "Old Yang, I'm afraid it will bite me. Can we wait until it's done before you hit it?"

Yang Chunwen cursed at her loudly: "You slut! Did you enjoy yourself too much that you can't bear to let go? You better start doing something or else I'll throw you into the river!" Seeing this situation, Wang Xiren had no choice but to summon up courage once again and reach out for the dog.

The dog growled lowly again while turning its head and glaring fiercely at Wang Xiren. However, for some reason even though the dog was fierce-looking all along, it never bit Wang Xiren. In the end she managed to grab hold of its neck and control it.

Seeing this situation immediately made Yang Chunwen's eyes light up; he shouted loudly "Don't let go!" while rushing over to help Wang Xiren hold down the dog on the ground. Then he lifted his own wrench in his hand and smashed down hard on top of the dog's head.

Bang bang bang...the wrench kept smashing down relentlessly; blood splattered everywhere as brain matter scattered about wildly. The poor animal didn't even have time to cry out before being beaten dead.

After a frenzy of beating finally killed off that stray dog,Yang Chunwen stopped hitting him but still couldn't calm himself down completely yet.He grabbed a fruit knife from somewhere nearby,and chopped off that poor creature's head."You damn beast,I'll chop your head off!I'll make you crawl and bite people! I'll f*ck your ancestors!"

Yang Chunwen was already a little crazy, only focusing on dealing with the stray dog. He forgot that the dog's thingy was still locked inside Wang Xiren's body and she was still sitting on the ground with her two round white legs spread open.