Urinating and bleeding profusely

"Lao Yang, Lao Yang--"

Yang Chunwen was in the middle of chopping off a dog's head when Wang Xiren couldn't take it anymore and grabbed his arm, shouting: "Don't chop it yet! You need to find a way to get it out first. It's still inside me."

Hearing this, Yang Chunwen looked down at where Wang Xiren was pointing and saw that the dog's penis was indeed still stuck inside him. Not only that, but Wang Xiren had been stretched so thin that there was white fluid oozing from the corners.

"Damn, this is really disgusting!" Yang Chunwen spat before saying to Wang Xiren: "Don't worry. This thing is also swollen with blood. If we try to pull it out now, you might get hurt. Let me chop off its head first and let the blood flow out. Then it will soften up and be easier to remove."

Seeing no other option, Wang Xiren could only sit there and wait.


The fruit knife was too small for chopping so they had no choice but to switch tactics and start cutting into the dog's neck instead.

Soon enough they cut open a big gash on its neck which started spurting blood everywhere.

But just as Yang Chunwen prepared himself for another round of cutting in order to sever the head completely from its body he heard Wang Xiren suddenly scream:

"Oh no! Lao Yang something's wrong! It's moving inside me!"

"What?!" Hearing this news made Yang Chunwen panic as he quickly checked what was happening below only to see that indeed the dog's penis had started wriggling around causing a mixture of white fluid and blood ooze out from within Wang Xiren.

A pungent smell filled their nostrils as if some kind of liquid directly sprayed urine or blood inside her body.

"You damn mutt!"

Seeing this situation, Yang Chunwen gritted his teeth and started hacking away at the dog's neck with all his might until he finally managed to sever its head.

With the dog's head removed, blood gushed out from where it had been cut off and soaked into the carpet below. But in doing so, the dog's penis also softened up enough for Wang Xiren to slide it out of her body.

Finally free from that cursed thing inside her, Wang Xiren immediately threw herself into Yang Chunwen's arms and burst into tears.

At this moment, Yang Chunwen actually felt some disgust towards Wang Xiren and wanted to push her away. But after thinking it over, he realized that she wasn't to blame for the situation. So reluctantly, he let go of the dog's head and comforted her before taking her back to the car and driving back.

During the entire trip, neither of them spoke a word. The atmosphere was heavy and tense. Wang Xiren was still in shock and sat there nervously with her arms tightly wrapped around herself while Yang Chunwen stared ahead coldly without saying anything.

After dropping off Wang Xiren at home, Yang Chunwen went to get vaccinated against rabies at the hospital.

Wang Xiren naturally had to clean herself thoroughly when she got home but even though she could wash away what was on the outside, what happened inside couldn't be undone. Moreover, being attacked by a wild dog really scared her so much that she became mentally unstable from then on.

As for Yang Chunwen, he thought getting vaccinated would solve everything but his leg wound never healed properly; instead it worsened day by day which made him extremely frustrated. He even felt like there was always a dog following him around ready to bite him at any moment.

This incident exhausted him both physically and mentally which eventually led him into hospitalization.

Because of all this trouble caused by the incident with the dog attack, Yang Chunwen distanced himself from Wang Xiren afterwards; they barely interacted for two or three months since then.

Wang Xiren's mental state also remained poor throughout this time period; hearing about Yang Chunwen's hospitalization twice prompted her visits but each time their interactions were brief as if just exchanging greetings before leaving again.

Later on however,Wang Xiren ended up hospitalized too due to severe depression according to doctors' diagnosis."

After listening intently I found myself speechless for quite some time before finally saying to Yang Chunwen, "Wow, it seems like this incident happened because that dog had cultivated some kind of power and after you killed it, its vengeful spirit attached itself to you."

For a while Yang Chunwen looked at me curiously before saying,"That dog had power? That's impossible. It was just an ordinary wild dog; dirty and smelly. How could it have any kind of power?

Hehe, Uncle, the skill of a monster cannot be judged by its appearance. To you, that dog may seem dirty and disgusting, but it doesn't affect the fact that it is a skilled dog." I looked at Yang Chunwen and smiled before continuing: "Firstly, from analyzing the instincts of wild animals, they usually only show interest in female members of their own species. However, this dog climbed onto a person which shows that it has developed intelligence and is no longer an ordinary dog. It may not be considered as a demon yet but at least it should be classified as a strange creature with skills and intelligence. Let me tell you this; if that dog hadn't been driven crazy by lust and locked something inside your secretary's body causing its own death then even if you had held a gun against it, you might not have won."

"Is the dog really that powerful?" Yang Chunwen asked skeptically.

"Yes," I nodded my head. "It was precisely because the dog had acquired some skills that after being killed by you, its resentment did not dissipate but instead condensed into an inner pill turning into a ghost hound."

At this point in time I couldn't help standing up saying: "However things are much easier now since we know for sure that this ghost hound is just simply one without any grievances or grudges towards humans especially considering how it violated moral principles first to commit evil deeds so killing it was justified. Tonight let me take care of collecting this ghost hound for you. Although this thing has some skills under its belt compared to me there's still quite some distance between us when fighting."

"Really? Little Master if you can truly help me collect that beast then I don't know how to thank you enough," Yang Chunwen said excitedly while looking at me.

"It's nothing big deal so don't worry about thanking me too much," I replied with a smile before sitting down to drink tea. Feeling relaxed, I was thinking about how to act later that night.

However, at this moment, suddenly there was a commotion outside the door followed by someone forcefully pushing open the door of the ward. Then a seductive figure walked in from outside.

At first glance when I saw that person's silhouette, without even thinking twice I knew it wasn't anyone else but Wang Xiren.