Vaccine refrigeration room

Obviously, the white liquid sprayed by that lecherous insect is an extremely powerful aphrodisiac. Even just smelling it can make people lose their minds and enter a complete animalistic state, only able to act on instinct.

Not to mention others, but JIETOU and I are both experienced and level-headed individuals. At this moment, even we could only feel our breaths becoming heavy and our lower abdomens burning with desire. Something uncontrollable was rising up down there.

If we were like this, then ordinary people would be even worse off. They were completely like wild beasts at this point - ferocious and insane - a sight too unbearable to look at.

"This smell is too strong; we need to use the Ling Tai Secret Art to resist it!" JIETOU said while holding his breath.

"It's too late!" I glanced over at Xie Yilin's condition and saw that the police had already reached out for her, tearing her clothes apart. In my desperation, I charged forward with my tent erecting itself from within me as a burst of energy shot out from me knocking all those policemen away before lifting Xie Yilin up onto my shoulder trying to pull her out of there. But she was hot all over with no strength left in her body making it impossible for us to move quickly enough.

Seeing this situation made me helpless so I had no choice but carry her on my shoulders while walking towards safety saying "You take care of things here first; don't worry about me." The scent will probably continue spreading throughout the hospital; who knows what kind of chaos will ensue? We have got to find a way clear its toxicity."

"You go ahead; leave everything here to me," JIETOU replied calmly as he took off his bamboo basket backpack placing it on the ground before sitting cross-legged facing towards it saying: "It seems like I'll have to use that move earlier than expected. The Samantabhadra Heart-Clearing Mantra, I hope it can awaken those lost lambs!"

"Then I'll leave everything to you, Master JIETOU!"

Seeing this situation, I joked and then carried Xie Yilin out of the ward.

"Mmm...I want...uhh...give me..." Xie Yilin was still moaning on my shoulder with a dazed expression while her hands were even groping around on my body making me feel both ticklish and uncomfortable.

At that moment, seeing this situation made me conflicted; for a time, I didn't know what to do.

It should be noted that at this point in time, Xie Yilin had already consumed a large dose of aphrodisiacs causing her consciousness to become blurred. If I wanted to save her, then I would have to detoxify her.

However, how to detoxify the aphrodisiac? I really don't know about this. How can I handle it?" "Stupid, the toxicity of aphrodisiac is not lethal but difficult to cure," just when I was at a loss, YunQingYue's voice suddenly sounded and made me overjoyed. I quickly asked her for help: "QingYue sister, you are a good person. Please help me and tell me what should I do now."

"Find a way to calm her down. When I was in Yihongyuan before my death, I also saw such things happen. The old madam wanted to harm one of the sisters by making her serve clients, but that sister didn't fall for it. She locked herself in the room and kept pouring cold water on herself while using scissors to pierce her thighs until she finally resisted the drug's effects. Later she secretly told us that there is no incurable poison; it depends on one's willpower. If you really want to save her now, the best way is either let her cool down or make her drink more water to detoxify." YunQingYue said.

Hearing this advice from YunQingYue made me nod with understanding and gave me an idea of what needed to be done.

I quickly found my way around and ran towards the hospital staircase where I found a flat escape map on the wall showing where exactly was located hospital's refrigeration room.

After finding out where refrigeration room was located according to map directions,I rushed downstairs as fast as possible till reached first floor then soon arrived at front door of refrigeration room.

However, what frustrated me was that its main door was tightly closed with very heavy iron doors which were hard for me open immediately.I panicked looking around then noticed two young nurses chatting inside opposite duty office who had no idea about situation upstairs.

I carried Sheryl and rushed into the duty office without explaining much to those nurses, directly asking them if they had keys for refrigeration room.

"What are you going to do? We don't have keys for the refrigeration room," both young nurses saw my condition, especially when they noticed me carrying a beautiful woman with blurred eyesight and disheveled clothes while I myself was wearing a tent-like outfit. They were stunned at first but then thought that I might be some kind of pervert or thief.

Although both young nurses denied having any key for refrigeration room in unison, I carefully observed one of them subconsciously pushing an open drawer back in place while speaking. It was obvious that there is something fishy about this situation.

"Get out of my way! You're delaying me from saving someone's life. If you don't move aside, I'll teach you a lesson!" Seeing this situation, I roared angrily and waved my Qi energy towards them which pushed both away from me. Then quickly went forward to pull open the drawer where found a large bunch of keys.

Which one is the key to the cold storage room?!" I grabbed the key and shouted at a young nurse.

"The, the biggest one," perhaps frightened by my fierce demeanor, the young nurse obediently told me the answer.

"Move the water bucket in the corner and follow me!" Now that I knew which key it was, I carried Shaye Lin out while ordering two small nurses to move the pure water bucket from the corner.

The bucket of pure water was almost full. I planned to use it to replenish Shaye Lin's fluids.

Because they had seen my ferocity and magical abilities before, both small nurses were afraid of disobeying me. They could only obediently lift up the pure water and follow me to stand outside of cold storage room door.

I inserted a large key into its lock hole on a big iron door, turned it twice until hearing a "click" sound indicating that it had opened. Then I couldn't help but let go of my grip on keys and pushed open that heavy door with all my strength. A gust of cold air hit us immediately upon opening; this made me feel more alert than ever before. Looking inside for just a moment revealed many drugs and medicines stored there under dim yellow lights; frost covered every inch of wall due to extremely low temperature maintained within this vaccine refrigeration room.

"This is where vaccines are kept below zero degrees Celsius! What do you want?" The two little nurses who followed behind carrying buckets asked in shock when they saw what I did next.

"Don't worry about these things! Bring those buckets inside for me so that we can save people!" As soon as I finished speaking, holding onto Shaye Lin tightly with one hand while carrying her weight on my shoulder blade area using another arm, we entered into this freezing chamber first without any hesitation or fear whatsoever!

Once inside, an icy chill ran through our bodies causing us both shiver uncontrollably. Just as I was about to exclaim, suddenly there came a "creak" sound from behind me. Turning around, I found that the heavy iron door had been closed!