Toxic outbreak


A muffled sound came as the thick ten-centimeter iron door closed heavily.

At that moment, I was instantly dumbfounded by this situation.

Damn it, I accidentally fell into the trap of those two little nurses!

However, although the iron door was closed, I wasn't too worried. I am not an ordinary person now. If these broken doors and walls can stop me, then my previous training would have been for nothing.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but snort coldly and gritted my teeth to activate the Ling Tai Secret Technique in an attempt to condense Qi blades to blast open the wall.

But what surprised me was that at this moment when I activated my Qi energy, my whole body suddenly went numb. My legs trembled uncontrollably while a third leg swelled up with blood flow until "puchi," its zipper burst open from inside and rushed out directly.

Now I was somewhat stunned and didn't know what had happened. In panic, I quickly put Sheryl down on the ground against the wall before returning behind the door to continue using Qi energy to try breaking through it.

However, what made me feel desperate was that after trying several times; soon enough discovered a severe problem: due to being poisoned deeply with chaotic breaths running rampant within me; only weak Qi blades could be produced which were insufficient for blasting open such a heavy metal door.

The most critical thing is that as my breath circulated within me so did poison spread rapidly throughout my body making me feel increasingly hot all over while breathing became heavier causing flames burning in lower abdomen unbearable until finally unable even exhale any air anymore forcing myself into squatting position on ground feeling extremely struggling and painful while consciousness began fading away intermittently.

Of course though very painful at present time still able persisting because Ling Tai Secret Technique itself has some detoxification effects so long as sitting cross-legged, calming down, and practicing it seriously; I could resist the toxicity of the medicine.

However, now the critical problem is that there is not only me in this cold storage room. There's also Sheryl beside me who has lost consciousness due to deeper poisoning than mine.

At this moment, Sheryl was too deeply poisoned and had completely lost her mind. She only wanted to do that thing while shivering uncontrollably from the extremely low temperature inside the cold storage room. Her clothes were already torn apart in several places making her situation even more struggling as she moaned while crawling towards me with a dazed look on her face before grabbing onto me tightly then clinging onto my body.

Instantly, my whole body tensed up as I subconsciously pushed her away but she immediately clung back again saying: "Cold...I'm so cold...uhh- I'm so cold..."

Sheryl trembled all over with a dazed expression on her face. Her originally rosy-white complexion had turned somewhat bluish-purple from being frozen solid.

When I touched her hand, it was indeed frighteningly cold.

Upon seeing this situation, I couldn't help but worry that she would freeze to death. But what else could I do besides letting her endure the cold? Even I am feeling very cold right now and dare not try to generate heat to resist the cold because it will only exacerbate the spread of the medicine in my body, which may cause me to lose control due to its effects.

However, not generating heat is no longer an option as Xie Yilin is on the verge of freezing to death. If I don't save her now, she might really die from hypothermia.

What should I do?

After a moment, watching Xie Yilin curl up into a ball and collapse on the ground unable to support herself any longer, I had no choice but grit my teeth and take action. I picked her up from the ground and held her close in my arms before sitting down on a piece of cardboard with her. Then, using my own body heat as warmth for both of us, I began generating heat through internal energy circulation while utilizing secret techniques.

As our bodies warmed up together and Xie Yilin's consciousness became hazy due to being driven by medicine-induced impulses caused by extreme coldness; she found comfort in holding onto me tightly like an octopus with one hand even reaching towards sensitive areas under my clothes causing waves of hot flashes throughout my entire body almost making me lose control.

The most unbearable thing was when Xie Yilin's hands slid under my clothes after warming up slightly; one hand even went down towards where it shouldn't have gone - about touch something huge!

I couldn't bear it anymore! The waves of medicine-induced impulses were overwhelming me causing confusion and dizziness all over again until there was only one thought left: release!

I screamed out loud clenching both hands around Xie Yilin's waist lifting her off the ground then flipped over onto the cardboard with her. In an instant, I had turned into a beast, growling and snarling while my hands reached for the cloth covering Xie Yilin's body ready to tear it apart.

But just then, an anxious voice suddenly interrupted me and pulled me back from losing control of myself.

"Liu YiHeng! Have you gone mad? What are you trying to do?!"

Because we were in a cold storage room without sunlight and extremely low temperatures causing Yin energy to condense; Yun QingYue appeared out of nowhere staring at me with raised eyebrows scolding me.

Uh, QingYue, I...I'm in so much pain. I can't hold on anymore. Please, let me...let me...just pretend you didn't see anything." I gritted my teeth and struggled as my hands reached forward again.

"Liu YiHeng, you can't do this. Be rational. Have you thought about the consequences of your actions?!" YunQingYue watched anxiously as I was about to act.

"I don't care anymore. I'm dying here. If there are any consequences, so be it. Even if I have to marry her, what does it matter?!"

As soon as the words left my mouth, my hands grabbed two large pieces of cloth shaped like glasses frames and pulled them apart with a "crack" sound. A pair of snow-white full and plump half-spheres bounced out with two cherry-red points on top that were devilishly attractive and instantly captured all of my attention.

"Ugh...gulp..." My eyes spewed fire while drool dripped from my mouth; the temperature throughout my body suddenly rose another level due to such an exciting mood that even caused trembling in both arms.