Can't stand it, can't care

Two snow-white mounds, with two cherry-like dots on them, swayed in front of my eyes as Xie Yilin twisted and turned. They trembled slightly and were soul-stirring, making it difficult for me to control myself.

I never thought that this part of a woman could be so alluring, so I couldn't hold back anymore. Trembling hands spread apart my fingers and grabbed onto the fullness.

It was soft to the touch with elastic resilience. The cherry at the top rubbed against my palm, causing an electric shock throughout my body. I almost lost control completely.

"Liu Yiheng, Liu Yiheng! You're crazy! What are you trying to do? Stop it!" Yun Qingyue panicked and desperately shouted beside me when she saw what I was doing.

Unfortunately, her cries were unable to wake me up at this point. Not only that but when she tried to release her Yang energy attack on me first, I released a powerful chaotic energy that sealed her off and bound her in a corner instead.

"Liu Yiheng! You bastard! Let go of me... Ahh!" Yun Qingyue had no choice but to stand there helplessly watching everything unfold before her eyes.

My whole body was filled with anger as one hand kneaded dough while the other quickly untied my belt. Then in the next moment, I successfully removed Xie Yilin's last line of defense from herself.

"Ugh ugh ugh hahaha-"

Instinctively looking at the snowy white expanse beneath us along with green grass layers around us; I flipped over both legs then thrust forward like a gun charging towards its target - attacking into the valley's clear spring water below us."

"It's over... It's all over-"

Yun Qingyue saw what happened next and covered her eyes tightly without looking any further. However, at that moment, she suddenly heard a very painful and miserable scream in front of her. Then when she opened her eyes again, she was shocked to see a fire person trembling and convulsing uncontrollably.

Obviously, this fire person was none other than myself.

However, even though I had turned into a fire person at this point, I didn't know the reason behind it. Not only that but I completely lost consciousness and had no idea what I was doing."

Note: This text contains mature content and may not be suitable for all audiences.

According to her account, she first heard a scream and then saw me wrapped in a layer of light red flames. I was on fire and convulsing, but she didn't see what had happened exactly. I was still holding onto Xie Yilin's ankle with both hands, but my body wasn't pressing down on her. She couldn't tell what was happening exactly.

The strangest thing for her at that moment was the faint flames surrounding me which blocked any spiritual connection between us. She couldn't sense my feelings.

Suddenly, while she was still shocked by the situation, I let out a roar and fell to the ground convulsing.

According to YunQingYue's memory, during this process, she saw something very strange: some parts of my body seemed to have grown leaves with spikes at their tips.

How could this be possible? What happened to make me catch fire suddenly? What kind of fire is it? Why wasn't I burned alive or Xie Yilin injured?

Of course these were all secondary concerns; now what really mattered was what happened after I lost consciousness due to being completely engulfed in flames.

Did Xie Yilin and I actually combine together? Why did some part of my body grow leaves with spikes?

Did YunQingYue misinterpret things or did they really happen like that?

If they did happen like that then why?

Could it be because earlier when we talked about peach trees Peach Fairy left an imprint inside me so as not to cheat on her again by creating such a bizarre setting where I can no longer touch other women?

This seems unlikely since there were no previous indications of such feelings before.

"Forget to mention," just as I pondered over these thoughts while getting dressed up,YunQingYue added another sentence,"After you rolled around on the ground for awhile,I vaguely saw your whole body turn green like a big leaf. At the same time, many thorns grew on your body and you looked very disgusting like a hedgehog. Your teeth seemed to have protruded out too. In short, you were struggling hard. This process lasted for about two minutes before you suddenly lay motionless on the ground with the flames extinguished and fell into a coma. I couldn't tell if you were dead or alive so I called out to you and then you woke up.

However, one thing is certain no matter what. My mind is completely clear now and the toxicity in my body has disappeared completely. So not only can I move freely now, but my thoughts are also calm.

After putting on my own clothes, I immediately turned around and pulled Shaylin who was confused and naked up. In just a few moves, I helped her put on her close-fitting clothes and pants. Then I put my coat on her and buttoned it up for her before finally feeling relieved.

However, at this point, there were some doubts in my heart when I found some bloodstains vaguely visible inside Shaylin's thighs while helping her wear the triangular cloth piece. At that time, I thought it was because she didn't clean herself well during menstruation but later felt scared thinking about it.

Did I enter into her before?

I couldn't figure out the situation for a moment since everything had been broken off thoroughly earlier; hence, not remembering anything at all made me unsure if I did go inside or not.

This really made me feel conflicted; therefore, pretending to be unaware of this matter seemed like the only option left.

"Damn it! It's all because of those two little nurses! When I get out of here later on, they will have their clothes stripped off as punishment!"

Feeling angry within myself, I quickly activated Lingtai Secret Technique with an extremely powerful Qi blade hitting directly towards the wall of the refrigeration room causing a loud noise while creating a big hole in its place.

As dust flew everywhere along with bricks falling down from above; thus enlarging the hole further allowed me to carry Shaylin horizontally outside without any issues.

However...what surprised me was that when we arrived outside after leaving through that hole created by us - looking around at everyone present in hospital lobby - every single person regardless of age or gender had eyes filled with confusion while being in a daze. They were all humming and groping themselves while some had even torn their clothes apart, rolling on the ground to start operating crazily.

It's over! Everyone in the hospital has been poisoned by that lascivious bug; what should I do now?