Really disgusting.

When I came out of the cold storage room, I realized that the situation outside was worse than inside. By then, the poisonous gas from those lustful insects had spread throughout the hospital and ordinary people in the hospital couldn't resist its toxicity. Therefore, chaos ensued in the hospital.

Everyone present, whether they were doctors or nurses or patients who came for treatment, put down their work and indulged themselves in a mating frenzy. With more men than women around, some young nurses became popular commodities with four or five rough men surrounding each one of them. Especially those two little nurses who had just plotted against me were directly surrounded by a sea of people.

The scene was unbearable to look at and YunQingYue was shocked speechless and retreated into her purple mansion space without coming out again.

"Modern people really know how to have fun. This is my first time seeing such an orgy with thousands of participants," muttered YunQingYue.

"Nonsense! They are only poisoned; it's not voluntary!" I angrily retorted to YunQingYue: "Only those bastards from Japan would do such things! We Chinese have always been traditional and decent!"

"Is that so? Traditional and decent? Then why are there so many red-light districts?" sneered YunQingYue.

"That's because society needs it! In normal families, who doesn't live peacefully? Go take a look at Japan; how many aren't prostitutes? Can you compare that?" As we bickered back and forth like this, we arrived on the second floor heading towards Li Jianyang's room.

I wanted to see what Jietou was doing since he said he could control everything but now things seemed to be getting worse instead of better?

Soon enough, I arrived at Li Jianyang's ward only to find that there was a big hole in its wall while its door lay on the corridor floor amidst a scene of chaos. It was obvious that a fierce battle had just taken place.

"Jietou!" Upon seeing this, my heart sank as I thought Jietou might have been in trouble and couldn't help but exclaim.

"I'm here!" As soon as I shouted out, Jietou jumped out from the big hole on the wall with a bamboo basket on his back and carrying a victory banner and vajra knot in his hands. He was covered in dust like he had been fighting but seemed to be okay without any injuries.

"What happened? What's going on? Everyone in the hospital is poisoned, and things are getting out of control. What's happening?" I asked Jietou while looking at him closely.

Jietou looked somewhat ferocious with his tent still standing below him. Hearing my words, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and say: "Damn it! Something big has happened! Those damn lustful insects keep spitting poison non-stop; their toxicity is too strong to control. If it didn't spread everywhere, then that would be strange! Even I can't use my power or else my consciousness will become blurred so there isn't much I can do for now.

JIETOU's words made me curious and I couldn't help but ask, "Is that bug crazy? Won't it die from spitting so much?"

"You'll know when you go in. It has a reason for doing this. That ghostly thing only has one way to deal with danger, and it seems like this is the only trick it knows. Of course, originally this trick was very effective, at least against ordinary attackers. Unfortunately, now it's facing a Yin creature even more fierce than itself, which makes things difficult. The pig head seems completely immune to its toxicity and hasn't been affected at all," JIETOU said as he caught his breath and threw the victory banner into the basket before wiping off the dust on his face and saying to me: "That pig head is too strong; I just wanted to stop him for a moment earlier but ended up being knocked out directly by him. I'm the one who broke through that wall."

"It looks like your Iron Head skill has improved again," I put down Xie Yilin and gave JIETOU a thumbs up before walking into the room.

"You're the one with Iron Head skill," JIETOU rolled his eyes at me then turned to look at Xie Yilin who looked confused.

I noticed that when he looked at Xie Yilin, he subconsciously swallowed saliva - not a good sign - so I immediately ran over and picked her up again.

Kidding aside, although my relationship with Xie Yilin was unclear, we had physical contact after all; I couldn't let anyone else touch her again even if they were my brother.

JIETOU was also deeply poisoned now; I didn't know if he could control himself or not so caution was necessary.

"You've inhaled too much poison gas; I suggest you find somewhere to calm down but don't lose control," I held Xie Yilin and walked inside while saying to JIETOU.

JIETOU frowned tightly, gritted his teeth and looked at me: "How did you detoxify her? Did you give her to Teacher Xie-"

"Don't talk nonsense. That's absolutely impossible; otherwise, she wouldn't still be so confused. Don't ask how I detoxified her; the mountain man has his own way," I smirked and walked into the ward.

At this time, chaos reigned in the ward with several police officers lying unconscious in a corner of the room and debris scattered all over the floor.


A scream came from the bottom of the ward which immediately caught my attention. When I looked up, I couldn't help but frown.

Now I understand JIETOU's dilemma a bit better.

That pig head was indeed quite strange.

Obviously, that pig head was none other than that old police officer who had turned into a pig-like creature.

By now, that old police officer had completely changed his appearance; he was almost unrecognizable to me. His body had inexplicably swollen up causing his uniform to burst open under pressure from his bloated flesh leaving only tattered rags hanging off him like sleeves on an arm. His belt broke apart as well as his pants ripped open falling onto the ground leaving him with just a sweatshirt and boxer shorts.

Fortunately, the elasticity of his sweatshirt and pants was good, otherwise they would have torn apart. Of course, the reason why his underwear did not rupture was not only because of its good elasticity but also because that bastard seemed to be completely immune to the toxicity of that lustful insect. Therefore, there was no movement down there. Otherwise, if he were like me and JIETOU, I'm afraid even iron pants would have holes in them.

In addition to swelling up, Pighead's nose also grew thicker and longer with a snout protruding five inches outwards almost completely covering his mouth. Furthermore, his ears became larger as well as bristles stood on end along his neck and back while two sharp white teeth appeared at the corners of his mouth.

This guy had completely transformed into a pig-elephant hybrid with its hidden genitals fully exposed without any restraint.

At first glance at this sight I couldn't help but feel startled wondering what he was going to do next. However when I saw him rush towards that lustful insect with a bloated body before grabbing it and biting it open-mouthed for elemental absorption purposes; then I immediately understood what he intended to do.

He wanted to eat insects for energy absorption! But before stopping him from doing so let me vomit for a moment since that scene is too disgusting.