Fleshy wings open and close

 A pig man, weighing more than three hundred pounds, fat as a mountain, fleshy nose drooping, grunting, is now clutching Li Jiangyang's body with both hands, the insect sticking out, open mouth in the insect desperately tearing.

  The insect is arm's length, nearly two feet long, purple and black, the skin is covered with flesh bumps, the head is a pair of scarlet eyes and a large mouth covered with white teeth, the image is hideous, is already extremely disgusting, anyone who sees it, the first idea is to hurry to find a stick to smash it into mush, such evil demons, absolutely can not let it live in peace in the world.

  That insect is already disgusting enough, but did not expect there is more disgusting than it exists, that is the head of the pig is chewing it.

  Honestly, when I saw the pig's head's behavior, I really was acid reflux in my stomach and wanted to vomit.

  I don't even know how this guy is down to the mouth, so disgusting he also bite, tsk, tsk, this is really, drunk.

  "Kiriya - Kiriya -"

  The worm let out a mournful scream, big mouth desperately open, seems to want to spit something outward, but but spit half a day did not spit out anything, and finally just spit out some egg-white like mucus only.

  Spitting white pulp unsuccessful, it twisted its head and tried to bite the pig's head, but the strength of the pig's head is extremely huge, a pinch on its neck, it immediately bent it.

  At this point, the insect was completely reduced to the pig's food.

  I think, before I came back, the insect and the pig should have a long confrontation and circle, the process, JIETOU should also try to stop the pig, but their resistance apparently did not succeed, the pig successfully exhausted the insect's energy, JIETOU also knocked out, so now he can enjoy his prey in peace.

  The reason why the pig head to eat that insect, the reason should be because that insect and he is the same kind, and that insect contains a lot of essence, the most important thing is that the insect's attack power is very low, especially for him, those insects spewed out the white pulp, and the white pulp emitted aphrodisiac toxicity, it is virtually useless, can not cause any harm to him, because he and the insect's properties are exactly the same, he can be immune to that The poison of the insects.

  In this way, the pig's head can safely devour the worm, so that he can take the worm's essence that has spoiled countless girls over the years for himself.

  This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for any essence and yin creature, which means they can instantly more than double their power, ask, if you encounter such an opportunity, you will let go?

  For these reasons, that possessed in the old policeman's body "pig born elephant" ghost parasitic spirit completely off the disguise, completely exposed himself, the purpose is to devour the insect.

At this moment, he was holding the neck of the lewd worm with one hand and the root of it with the other, bending it into a doughnut shape and gnawing on it. The pig's mouth was fierce, and after just a few bites, blood splattered from the lewd worm as bodily fluids flowed out. Its bloated body looked like it would be bitten off by him any moment.

Seeing this situation, I frowned without thinking too much. I quickly pushed Xie Yilin against the wall and rushed towards the pig head. A dazzling air blade struck him.

"Bold pig-headed elephant! Stop now!" As soon as I released my air blade attack, I scolded at him while staring at his face.

Although his actions did not pose an immediate threat to us, I still had to stop him because no one knew what he would do after absorbing all that lustful energy from the worm and becoming stronger. It seemed that Jietou had done what he did based on this consideration earlier.


To my surprise, although Pig Head looked fat and clumsy in appearance but when he really started moving around, he was extremely agile. He dodged my air blade attack by jumping up suddenly while grabbing a chair to smash me.

"Not bad! You're so fat yet you can move so nimbly; you really have some skills!" With one palm strike, I split open his chair then prepared for another wave of attacks.

However, what surprised me was that Pig Head's movements were overly agile and intelligent. His previous chair attack turned out to be just a feint aimed at blocking my line of sight; his real goal was to follow up with himself flying over using his huge weight trying to knock me away.


His large body pounced towards me like a small mountain; even its momentum alone felt earth-shattering enough that made me worried that the floor under my feet would not be able to withstand its impact and create a big hole.

However, Pig Head clearly underestimated my strength. So at this moment, I did not dodge or evade but instead raised my right hand and released a flame-like sword strike directly into his belly.


With a muffled sound, the Flame Sword pierced through his body. Under the burning flames, Pig Head's body immediately emitted a burst of intense smoke.


After being struck by me, Pig Head's figure suddenly froze in front of me and he stood still on the ground without moving.

"Grunt - grunt -" the pig's head throat knot turns, a pair of big hideous eyes deadly stare at me, the pig mouth tusks out, look full of indignation, although by the stay sword stabbed But he still struggled and clenched his vinegar bowl-sized fist and tried to punch at me.

  "I advise you not to make fearless resistance, you are not my opponent, I can make you ashes in a moment," saw the pig head's action, I can not help but is a cold snort.

  Hearing my words, the pig's eyes rolled, and finally let go of the clenched fist.

  "That's right," I said, while slowly pulling the sword outward, while saying to him: "I know you're not like that worm, you have your own spiritual intelligence, that's why you can hide in the crowd for so long. How about this, let's make a deal, you do me a favor, I can promise not to kill you, you can continue to live in hiding in the crowd, as long as you do not hurt people and harm people, you can get away with it for the rest of your life, and, if you really help me, this obscene insect, I will also give you."

  I said here, looked at the pig head and said, "Well, talk, don't pretend with me, you are not a pure essence monster."

  "You, who are you really?" Finally, the pig's head looked at me in a daze and muttered out a sentence.

  "It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that I can easily clean you up. How about it, do you accept my offer?" I asked, looking at him.

  "Yes, I... I trust you," he nodded.

  Seeing this situation, I then pulled out all of my Staying Sword, and then smiled and said to him, "Well, first tell me how you are immune to the poison of that obscene worm."

  "That's a simple question, I can answer you right now, hehehehe, but before that, I want to have another go at you! I want to see if you can really defeat me easily!"

  Unexpectedly, just when I thought the pig head had been subdued, the pig head took two steps back, but suddenly opened its arms and unfolded a pair of fleshy wings under its ribs, and then it pounced towards me again in a fierce and fierce manner.