Liquid meat

Pig blood, also known as pig red, liquid meat and so on. Traditional Chinese medicine records that pig blood has a good detoxification effect. In other words, pig blood is truly a treasure. So when I heard what the pig said, I instantly realized what was going on. Obviously, the reason why the pig head did not get infected by the lustful insect poison was because he was indeed a pig and his blood had detoxifying effects, so he would not be poisoned.

By extension, if we want to detoxify those who have been poisoned now, we naturally need to use his blood. And now everyone in the hospital is poisoned with no less than two or three hundred people needing to be detoxified; it's natural that the pig head wants to resist because he is worried that I will drain all of his blood.

Actually, the pig head worries too much. Unlike JIETOU who kills once they start fighting back with their hands; overall speaking I am a kind-hearted person.

So I won't kill him; furthermore, I plan to reward him.

"Hey Liu YiHeng! Have you finished yet? How long are you going to delay?" While talking with the pig head JIETOU shouted at me from upstairs' big hole.

I looked up at him and waved my hand saying: "Come down here and help me bring Yilin down too while you're at it but don't take advantage of her."

"Do you think I care?" JIETOU glared at me then turned around and picked up Xie Yilin horizontally before jumping straight out of the wall's big hole instead of taking stairs.

"Can't you be more careful? What if she falls?" After landing on her feet again holding Xie Yilin in my arms while complaining about JIETOU's recklessness

"Don't worry about it; this height isn't anything." JIETOU said proudly.

"Do you think I'm worried about you? I'm worried about Yilin, you idiot. Don't be so presumptuous." I sneered.

"Damn it, are you more concerned with your love life than your friends? You're calling her name so passionately; did you sleep with her?" JIETOU looked at me and asked.

This made me feel a little guilty, so I quickly changed the subject: "Don't talk about that anymore. Hurry up and find some needles."

"What do we need needles for?" JIETOU asked puzzledly.

"To draw blood from him," pointing to the pig head on the ground, I told JIETOU.

"Oh," JIETOU looked at the person and nodded: "I understand now. This guy's blood can detoxify right?"

"Not bad," I smiled.

"Then let's go to the hall together," after speaking, JIETOU led us towards the hospital's lobby.

Let's go," I gestured to the pig head and led him towards the hospital lobby. Soon after, amidst the chaotic scene in the lobby, JIETOU and I each grabbed a large syringe and got to work.

"Hey hey, be gentle, it hurts!" The pig head sat on a chair with his two fat arms stretched out for us to draw blood. He grimaced in pain as we worked, looking quite comical. JIETOU and I couldn't help but roll our eyes.

Soon enough, we finished drawing blood and began saving lives. At this point, the pig head and I chatted aimlessly.

Through introductions, I learned that his name was Long Erhuo - quite an imposing name despite his appearance. According to Long Erhuo himself, he had been carrying this pig-like spirit for many years now.

At first he was repulsed by it but later discovered that having this spirit gave him many benefits: not only did it make him stronger physically but also granted him various abilities such as immunity to poison or heightened senses like smell or intuition.

These abilities brought about great changes in his life; previously just an ordinary police officer going through the motions of everyday life until these powers allowed him to solve major cases repeatedly which earned him promotions within the department. Now he is even a deputy director at city public security bureau so he is grateful for this spirit rather than resentful of its presence within him - they coexist peacefully while working hard towards their respective goals.

The pig-like spirit needs qi (life force) absorption in order to grow so Long Erhuo eats constantly while also taking supplements regularly just so that there will be more qi available for growth purposes which has resulted in his current overweight state.

Additionally due to his position of power within law enforcement agencies ,he often captures other spirits which are then consumed by himself allowing rapid growth of said pig-like spirit.

Because of these reasons, the pig-like spirit within him has now reached a level of "enlightenment" where it can merge with his flesh and blood without any issues.

After learning all this, I asked Long Erhuo where exactly did he get this pig-like spirit from and whether or not it had ever told him about its origins. He replied that even the spirit itself didn't know where it came from - only remembering that it was once a pig which was slaughtered by humans. Its vengeful soul then wandered around until two shadows (one black and one white) caught hold of it asking if it wanted to be reborn as a human being with the condition that if they needed help in future, the pig-like spirit must assist them unconditionally otherwise they would let its soul perish completely.

The parasitic spirit agreed to the two shadows' conditions, and then the two shadows were stuffed into Long Erhuo's body and parasitized inside his body.

  At the beginning, the parasitic spirit is also a little uncomfortable, but then the two slowly rubbed together, but more and more comfortable, more and more like a fish in water.

  After listening to the story of Long Erhuo, I invariably thought of YunQingYue and I, and the little confused, to say the least, that Long Erhuo's situation and we are actually similar, which makes me heart can not help but produce a very inexplicable sense of weirdness.

  "This blood injection down, how long will it take to work?" JIETOU and I grabbed the doctors and nurses in the hall and injected blood to a dozen people one after another, but after the injection, but did not see any changes in them, which could not help but make me a little worried.

  "Don't worry, the medicine works quickly, I just gave myself a little shot, and now I feel much better," Longer fire before you can say, JIETOU spoke first.

  When I heard JIETOU's words, I couldn't help but look down at him and found that the swelling had really gone down and the tent was gone, which made me sigh with relief, nodded to him, and then took the syringe and prepared to continue saving people.

  However, what I did not expect was that just as I turned around, a figure behind me was standing up from the ground.

  "This, what the hell is going on here?" Xie Yilin small hand on the forehead, dazed awake, raised his eyes to see the situation in the hall, can not help but is full of shocked feelings.