Walking is a bit crooked

JIETOU is right. The medicine in this blood is indeed effective, because when we first started saving people, the first ones we saved were JIETOU and Xie Yilin. JIETOU remained conscious throughout due to his willpower and vitality, so his toxicity was relieved first. Xie Yilin's poisoning was deeper, so it took a little longer, but even so, her total usage time did not exceed five minutes.

After five minutes, Xie Yilin woke up while most of the other people in the hall were still poisoned. This made the scene in the hall a bit awkward.

Ignoring what they were doing at that moment and just focusing on their excited screams made it unbearable for some.

Therefore, one can imagine how devastated Xie Yilin would be when she woke up and witnessed such a scene.

She was confused at first but suddenly jumped up from the ground with her hands holding onto her shoulders while shrinking back unconsciously. She stared at us incredulously and asked: "What...what happened?! Liu YiHeng, JIETOU! What have you done?!"

"It's okay. These people are poisoned; we're trying to save them," said JIETOU as he grabbed a naked nurse and injected blood into her while speaking to Xie Yilin.

"Ah!" Just two steps backward by Xie Yilin caused her eyebrows to furrow involuntarily as she let out a low cry before looking down at herself then reaching down subconsciously only to scream uncontrollably with trembling hands and feet.

"Bastards! What have you done to me?! You two rascals! I'll kill you!" shouted an angry Xie Yilin who then picked up a chair next to her limping towards JIETOU before smashing him with it.


JIETOU was quick to raise his arm and block the chair before staring at Xie Yilin in disbelief. "Are you crazy? Why are you hitting me?!"

"Don't think I don't know! Although Liu YiHeng is a bastard, he's a coward. You pretend to be righteous but actually, you're a ruthless villain. Tell me the truth! Did you do something to me...wah-wah-wah...I'll kill you!" cried Xie Yilin as she rushed towards JIETOU scratching him.

JIETOU was helpless and quickly jumped away from her, hiding behind me while glaring at me saying: "You can still laugh about it. It's your mess; clean it up yourself and don't bother me!"

At this point, I was indeed laughing because I found it amusing how Xie Yilin reacted and judged us. Was that really how she saw me all along?

The eyes of the masses are bright. These prove our character, right?" I proudly smiled and grabbed Xie Yilin's hand, saying to her, "Okay, don't be so nervous. Everything is fine. JIETOU never touched you from beginning to end. You have always been under my protection. Even if something happens, it's my fault and has nothing to do with JIETOU."

"Is it really you?" Hearing my words, Xie Yilin's originally angry and frightened expression softened instantly.

"Of course it's me," I nodded at her and then interrupted her by saying: "Okay, things are urgent now. There is no time to discuss these matters anymore. Since you're awake now, don't just stand there idle; come over here and help out! Haven't you seen that those people are still in a crazy state?"

"Oh okay... but how can I help?" Xie Yilin nodded foolishly at me while looking at me with an inexplicably gentle and submissive expression.

Without thinking too much about it myself either, I simply handed her the syringe in my hand and said: "The blood inside this syringe is an antidote; inject a little bit into each person so they can detoxify themselves. By the way, those doctors and nurses who look disheveled over there have already been injected; they should wake up soon enough as well - remember to let them also help out when they wake up later on! Also tell those doctors to find some auxiliary drugs for us."

"What kind of auxiliary drugs?" Xie Yilin asked puzzledly.

"Just tell those doctors about it - they'll know what we need exactly; It's a drug that eliminates the aftermath of this chaos or something like that called 'Yuting'." I chuckled lightly while pointing towards Long Erhuo sitting next to us before telling Xie Yilin, "We've run out of blood. Go and draw some from him."

Upon hearing this, Long Erhuo couldn't help but shudder and look up at Xie Yilin while stuttering: "H-hello..."

"Hello," Xie Yilin nodded at Long Erhuo before grabbing my arm again and asking me with a bit of dependence in her voice: "So what are you going to do now?

I have very important matters to attend to. Someone needs to clean up this mess," I said, then found a syringe and drew a tube of blood from Long Erhuo's arm. Holding the syringe, I walked upstairs and said to Long Erhuo, "Don't worry, I'll bring you some good medicine later. By the way, if it's convenient for you, quickly contact the police station and have them seal off the hospital so that no one else can come in. Otherwise, if these scenes get out, it will cause chaos."

Long Erhuo nodded at me with a grin on his face and got up to go make a phone call.

I quickly arrived on the second floor and went straight into Li Jianyang's room. As soon as I entered, I smelled a strong foul odor. The lewd insect was already lying limp on Li Jianyang's leg; its size had shrunk compared to before and there was a large pool of blood next to it. It looked weak but still disgusting nonetheless.

I put down the syringe and picked up a surgical knife from the ground before walking over.

After the past, I some disgusted yanked up the insect to check, found that the bottom of the ghost thing is really and Li Jian Yang something connected together, which makes me can not help but be a little emotional, because I do not know such a large object, Li Jian Yang usually how to hide it, is not shrunken to the belly? But, if it is hidden in the stomach, then Li Jianyang's stomach, will not be able to hold other things? Where does he put his intestines?

  A little think about the specific situation, helpless, can only let go do not want to, then I hand up the knife, flush root to cut down the ghost thing.


  Something cut down, the wound immediately gushed out a piece of blood.

  I was prepared for this, the sword spurted out, a sizzling, the wound immediately burnt and scabbed.

  This way, Li Jianyang became flat and black underneath, and I'm afraid that I will never be able to do anything to humiliate women again.

  I threw Li Jianyang away and found a plastic bag to put the ghost in, then I grabbed the syringe and carried the thing towards the top floor.

  Yang Chunwen's ward is on the top floor, and when I left, that Wang Xi Ren seems to have not left, and now they should have been poisoned, I really do not know what this pair of shameful men **** are crazy into at this time.