Dog Tyres

The poisonous gas of the evil thing had already spread throughout the entire hospital. At this moment, people were "fighting" everywhere in the building, whether it was in the corridors or in the wards. Those people were shouting loudly while fighting, and the scene was unbearable to watch.

As I walked along, I couldn't help but feel a little sigh in my heart. Once humans go crazy, they are not much stronger than animals.

In no time at all, I arrived at Yang Chunwen's ward. When I went inside and took a look, I was surprised to see an unexpected scene.

On the bed at that time were three naked bodies entangled with each other. Upon closer inspection, those three people turned out to be Yang Chunwen, Wang Xiren and Zhang Xin.

Zhang Xin actually joined the fight too! This guy is so bold that he even dares to go after Director Jiang's woman; he's simply asking for death!

At that moment when I saw this situation, while glancing fiercely at Wang Xiren from time to time,I quickly pulled Zhang Xin off of his bed and gave him an injection first before tidying up his clothes and dragging him outside of the ward where I left him on the ground with his clothes placed back on top of him.

After dealing with Zhang Xin,I returned to their room again and injected both Yang Chunwen and Wang Xiren with detoxifying blood serum respectively.

After receiving detoxification treatment,the two finally calmed down,and could not help but faint on their respective beds.

At this point,I couldn't help but take another look at Wang Xiren's slightly bulging belly.I wondered if she would have any problems after experiencing such a stimulating scene just now since she was already pregnant.However,to my surprise as i worried about her,somehow my gaze inadvertently swept over somewhere on Yang Chunwen,and suddenly saw a very strange sight.His something was actually purple-black and swollen,beginning to ulcerate,and covered with blisters.The situation was really both ferocious and disgusting.

This situation surprised me. I hurried over and opened Wang Xiren's two white legs for a look, only to take a cold breath.

This woman is indeed carrying an evil fetus!

The child in her belly is not Yang Chunwen's, nor anyone else's. If nothing unexpected happens, the child should belong to that ghost dog. In other words, what Wang Xiren has in her belly is not only a demon fetus but also a dog fetus. Although it is just a fetus, it already possesses the toxicity of that ghost dog.

It was precisely because of the toxicity of the fetus that something belonging to Yang Chunwen became like that - it was another symptom of being affected by evil poison.

Of course, besides this evidence, another obvious proof is that there is black air and evil coming out from somewhere on Wang Xiren's body which indicates that something inside her body isn't quite normal.

This really is one wave after another! At present, I am helpless and can only temporarily leave Wang Xiren aside while using my sword to remove some evil poison from Yang Chunwen.

"Hiss hiss hiss--" Under the scorching flames of my sword Liúqíng Jiàn , the evil poison was instantly removed. However, as a result, Yang Chunwen's manhood shrank and withered into thinness like chopsticks.

This situation made me frown; I could only stop halfway since removing all toxins might cause irreversible damage or even render him impotent. Therefore I had to wait for him to wake up and agree for me to remove all toxins himself since this thing concerns his lifeblood; even if he recovers fully after treatment with Liúqíng Jiàn , we don't know whether he will be able to use it again or not so caution must be exercised.

I sat down on a chair near the window sipping tea lightly while gazing at Mó dǔ shān far away lost in thought without realizing it.

Mó dǔ shān remained the same, but things have become increasingly complicated. From the current situation, those hidden evil spirits inside Mó dǔ shān must be planning something all along. The ghost possession discovered this time should be their masterpiece if nothing unexpected happens.

We have only just discovered a small part of it, and yet it has caused such chaos. I wonder what would happen if we were to find all the ghosts around Mount Modu.

This is a big problem that needs to be solved once and for all.

However, the key issue now is that these ghosts are individual entities. They usually hide among crowds and are not professionals, so it's difficult to detect them. So how can we solve this problem?

It's quite troublesome.

But thinking about it again, I feel that these ghosts cannot be completely independent. There must be some kind of secret connection between them. Also, those Yin souls in Mount Modu could not have created these ghosts out of nowhere; they must also have some kind of secret.

"Uh... Ah... It hurts..."

As I was pondering over this issue, a scream came from Yang Chunwen who had just woken up.

"Uncle Yang, how do you feel? You've been poisoned again in a critical area." I stood up and looked at Yang Chunwen as I spoke.

Yang Chunwen frowned tightly and instinctively covered his lower body with both hands before turning his head to look at Wang Xiren beside him with an astonished expression: "What happened? What exactly happened?"

Seeing this situation, I could only pick up the large sausage wrapped in plastic bag and explain what had happened earlier to him.

"So basically both Xiren and I were poisoned by this lustful bug which made us lose our normal consciousness?" While speaking, Yang Chunwen gritted his teeth and pulled the bed sheet over Wang Xiren's body.

"Yes," nodding my head while holding a syringe on the table towards him: "I spent quite some time looking for an antidote but finally found one. After finding the antidote, I rushed here immediately to save you guys."

"I see," said Yang Chunwen awkwardly while looking at me: "So when you came up, what did you see? What were Xiren and I doing at that time?

I smiled and said, 'It doesn't matter what I'm doing.' Then I turned to Yang Chunwen and said, 'Uncle, don't worry. I have professional ethics. What I see, I will never reveal. It's like a doctor treating a patient; they usually won't disclose the patient's condition.'

'Okay, that's good. Thank you, little master,' Yang Chunwen breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled awkwardly. He then looked down at his crotch with some confusion and asked, 'But how did this happen? How did I get poisoned again?'

'I need to explain it slowly to you,' I told him. 'And you need to be mentally prepared for it.'

'What do you mean?' Yang Chunwen looked at me in surprise.

I frowned for a moment before saying, 'Maybe it's better if I don't explain yet. Let me prove it with facts first. If you trust me enough, reach out your hand under Wang Secretary next to you... umm... touch it there with your fingers inserted inside as much as possible. After touching it all over there, then you'll know what happened.'