Who takes advantage of whom?

I'm still a virgin? Liu Yiheng, what do you mean?" Xie Yilin looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"I'll explain it to you. My body is different from ordinary people, so I have strong resistance to toxins. When we were together and both got poisoned, I controlled myself and nothing substantial happened between us," I said to Xie Yilin.

"You're talking nonsense! As a woman, how could I not know if something happened or not? If nothing happened, why did I bleed down there and still feel pain now?" Xie Yilin frowned and asked me.

"That's why I suggest you go to the hospital for an examination. Your face hasn't changed yet, so my diagnosis is definitely correct," I interrupted her and continued: "Since Wang Xiren needs someone to take care of her right now, why don't you take her to the hospital first for a check-up? You can also get yourself checked while you're at it. After getting your results back, we can discuss this again."

After hearing my suggestion, Xie Yilin had no choice but to nod her head as she walked towards the pavilion. She couldn't help but ask me: "Even if nothing really happened between us that time...you must have taken advantage of me in some way right? When I woke up later on, my bra was torn apart...my chest still hurts until now with finger marks turning purple...you can't deny that!"

I had no words left after hearing this accusation from her. Helplessly nodding my head in agreement with what she said: "I lost control for a moment then but managed to keep things under control afterwards. About taking advantage of you...I sincerely apologize for that incident. If you feel like it's unfair treatment on your part then let me make it up by compensating for any losses incurred."

"Compensate? How can you compensate for something like this? My pure and clean body was defiled by you. Can that be easily compensated?" Xie Yilin glared at me and asked.

Teacher Xie, it's no fun when you talk like that. The situation was critical at the time and I didn't want to do it either. After you woke up, you should have seen that the whole hospital was in chaos. Have you ever thought about how many men would have taken advantage of you if I hadn't protected you? Although I took advantage of you, it was just a little touching and squeezing. It wouldn't hurt anyone. What's your problem with being so persistent? Besides, I'm still underage. If this matter were to be made public, people would say that you took advantage of me and seduced an underage teenager. Isn't that right? I tried to coax you nicely but since you won't listen unless I say something harsh, here it is."

I looked at Xie Yilin and asked her.

Xie Yilin couldn't help turning pale then red after hearing what I said out loud; she was clearly furious with me for saying such things.

"Liuyiheng! You're such a scoundrel! How could someone like me misjudge someone like YOU?" She grabbed my arm tightly while pinching hard as she spoke angrily.

"Sister Xie, let's stick to the facts here: am I right or not?" With prideful eyes fixed on her face,I asked.

"What nonsense! Men are always stronger than women when they're together; women are already disadvantaged enough without having men take advantage of them too!" Xie Yilin glared at me as she spoke.

"Okay okay...let's stop arguing about this now.I misspoke earlier because of my impulsiveness.Please don't dwell on these issues anymore.Take Wang Xi away quickly.Jietou and i still have important matters to attend.Do cooperate with us alright?"I held onto her hand,pacing down my voice gently as i spoke

"At least now,you're speaking like a human being. Otherwise, do you believe that I'll fight with you?" Xie Yilin blinked her eyes and looked at me before lowering her voice to ask,"Then, let me ask you: what do you feel about me in your heart? What made you control yourself during that situation? Do you like me or not?

This, that - cough cough," I felt embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

"Hey, are you two done yet? It's almost dawn and you're still being lovey-dovey. Can't you hurry up? If you want to do it, just do it. Why waste time talking?"

Just as I was feeling awkward, JIETOU called out to us and relieved me of my dilemma.

"It'll be over soon!" I shouted back at him before taking Sheryl's hand and saying, "Okay then, let's leave it at that for now. You take Wang Xiren to the hospital quickly."

Seeing this situation, Sheryl could only pout unhappily before following me back to the pavilion.

Once we were in the pavilion, I returned the Blood Moon Inner Dan to Guo Youcai and ordered him to retrieve the Yin Qi attached to Wang Xiren's body. Then I infused her with some vitality and woke her up.

After waking up, Wang Xiren held her forehead in confusion as she looked around blankly. She seemed puzzled about what had happened.

"Where am I? What happened? Didn't I jump into the lake to commit suicide? How did I end up here? Am...am I not dead yet?" Wang Xiren asked me confusedly.

"Don't worry; you're not dead yet. Someone saved you. Don't ask too many questions for now; follow Teacher Sheryl outside first. She will take care of you while we have something else important to do," I said as a signal for Sheryl to help her leave.

Sheryl went forward and helped her stand up before leading her out of the park.

"No! No! Why did you save me?! Why didn't you let me die?! Let me die! Leave me alone!" Sheryl muttered distractedly while walking towards suicide even trying to push Sheryl away. However, due to her weakened state, Sheryl was able to pull her back easily.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I watched Xie Yilin help Wang Xiren walk away. Turning around, I said to Jietou, 'We can start now, same old rules, three-star formation.'

'Okay,' Jietou replied with a smile. 'I envy you for always having a pretty girl hidden on you. If it were me, I wouldn't be as calm as you.'

'Ha ha,' I chuckled. 'What's there to envy? When I was young, the fortune teller told me that I have nine ghosts haunting me and five evils clinging to my body. It's not really a good thing.' As I spoke, I called YunQingYue out.

After seeing YunQingYue come out, she couldn't help but look deeply at Jietou and then said to me: 'You can ask your brother if he is willing to take me in or not. To be honest, his temperament suits my taste very well; I like people who are cold.'

YunQingYue's words made me roll my eyes and couldn't help but give her the middle finger saying: "Don't even think about it! There is no way that I will let you harm my brother."

'Hehehe...what if that's what i want?' YunQingyue looked at me mischievously before suddenly flying towards Jietou.