Dragging Corpse Soul Seal

YunQingYue also has a fiery temper. She acts on her words and flew towards JIETOU without hesitation, as if she really wanted to seek refuge in his arms.

Honestly, when I saw her actions at that time, although I knew it was impossible because she is now connected with my spiritual root Lingya and we are one entity, so she cannot be with JIETOU. However, for some reason, I still felt a sense of loss and frustration in my heart. It even made me resentful towards JIETOU.

Fortunately, JIETOU was more decisive than me. When he saw YunQingYue flying towards him, he first froze but then quickly took out his magic weapon Shengchuang and swept it towards YunQingYue after a flash of golden light.

This situation startled YunQingYue who quickly flipped back and frowned at JIETOU saying: "Little monk, you have quite the temper! I didn't provoke you; why did you hit me?"

"Hehehe...sorry about that. It's just that I heard you're a Yang soul so I wanted to see if my magic weapon could harm you," said JIETOU mischievously while waving his Shengchuang around.

Naturally, YunQingYue understood the teasing tone of JIETOU's words and couldn't help but coldly snort: "Birds of a feather flock together; both of you are cut from the same cloth. I thought you would be better than Liu YiHeng."

"It doesn't matter whether or not I'm better than him since friends should never betray each other's wives. Since you belong to him now, it's best for us to keep our distance from each other or else all three of us will feel awkward," replied JIETOU with a smile.

"Good job, you damn monk!" I couldn't help but give JIETOU a thumbs up.

"Like attracts like. Hmph," YunQingYue coldly snorted and stopped talking, taking her position in the Three-Star Formation.

Seeing this situation, JIETOU and I looked at each other and could only shake our heads with bitter smiles before taking our own positions.

The Samsung formation was set up, and I immediately snapped my fingers at the ghost dog Guo Youcai lying on the table. Seeing my action, Guo Youcai shook himself up and stood up from the table. At this time, he still had the soul-binding talisman that I pasted on his head. Originally, under the suppression of the talisman, he couldn't even stand up. The reason why he could stand up now was because I returned him the Blood Moon Inner Dan and let him regain his strength. Otherwise, he would probably continue to lie on the desktop.

After standing up, Guo Youcai first shook his head vigorously and then raised his head to roar at the sky. Then suddenly lowered his head and trembled with bared teeth while a faint purple light appeared all over his body as if exerting force. As he continued to exert force, his figure grew bigger and bigger until it became as big as a lion.

Guo Youcai was originally a small black dog without any imposing appearance but after growing so big instantly looked both fierce and majestic especially with its snarling mouth and red eyes shining brightly making it look even more terrifying.

At this moment we were all nervous fearing that something abnormal might happen suddenly; I even quietly drew out my sword just in case of an emergency situation.

"Woo-woo-woo - Roar-roar-roar!"

Just when we were worried about what might happen next, we saw Guo Youcai continuing to expand its soul body like a balloon while opening its mouth wide screaming loudly revealing some very strange purple-black patterns on its huge body.

"Stay still!" Immediately seeing those patterns made me exclaim in surprise before quickly approaching closer for a careful examination which caused me to gasp in shock.

What's wrong? What are those marks on his body?" Seeing my expression, JIETOU next to me couldn't help but frown and ask.

"That should be the corpse-dragging soul mark, but I feel that its shape is more similar to another thing," YunQingYue glanced at the soul mark and also frowned.

"What is it more similar to? I have only studied under my master for a short time, and haven't had much contact with the content of these marks. Can you guys explain it to me quickly? What's wrong with this soul mark?" JIETOU asked anxiously.

Upon hearing JIETOU's words, I couldn't help but take a deep breath and look at him, saying: "If I'm not mistaken, this corpse-dragging soul mark is nothing else but a variant of the communication array. However, its principle may be more complicated. From its name alone, one end of it is planted on the soul body while the other end is likely placed on a corpse. In this way, when those Mo Du Yin Hun want to cause trouble by possessing corpses again in future times , they can directly transmit their spiritual power into these marked souls."

"I understand. Are you saying that this corpse-dragging soul mark is actually a teleportation array?" JIETOU looked at me and asked.

"I don't quite understand the specific situation yet; however, the principle should be similar," as I spoke with furrowed brows looking at that corpse-dragging soul mark for a long time before finally expressing doubt: "It's just unclear how we can activate this soul mark; otherwise we might have been able to confront those Mo Du Yin Hun right here.

Don't worry, we will have a showdown sooner or later. Why rush it?" JIETOU laughed and then asked me, "So does that mean the other ghostly spirits like Long Erhuo and Li Jianyang are also mobile teleportation arrays? In other words, those Mo Du Yin Hun have actually set up a large number of teleportation arrays around Mo Du Mountain. They can escape at any time through these arrays, right?"

"Things shouldn't be that simple. You know the principle of the Tongyou Formation. It can only transmit clones. Therefore, if I'm not mistaken, the reason why those Mo Du Yin Hun created so many mobile Tongyou Formations is probably to prepare for King Helu's breakthrough from Wu Kingdom Pass. They plan to use these formations to send some people out in advance on the day when King Helu breaks through and clear all obstacles for him," I said to JIETOU and YunQingYue.

"Hiss...roar...no, no! I can't hold on anymore!" Just as JIETOU and I were talking, Guo Youcai suddenly let out a painful howl in the field. Then I turned my head to look at him and found that his soul was getting bigger and bigger until it was as big as a small mountain which directly overturned the roof of the pavilion.

As Guo Youcai's soul grew larger and larger, his appearance began to twist until he finally transformed into an extremely towering ugly figure who burst into laughter with a long howl: "Wahaha! After two thousand years, Zhuangzi has finally returned! Where is Yuchang Sword? Come on! Let me show you how I'll kill everyone in this world!