Go up the mountain!

Waking up from a deep sleep, the sky was already bright and purple qi came from the east! Because I had made plans with Chi Qingshuai to go up the mountain today, I quickly got up after waking up and washed up, dressed and had breakfast. Jietou didn't need to be mentioned as he definitely woke up earlier than me. As for Xie Yilin, her injuries had healed and her vitality suddenly increased a lot so she was also very energetic.

So when I walked out carrying a huge backpack, these two were already waiting outside for me for a long time. "Sorry for oversleeping haha let's go have some breakfast." I waved at them and then yawned while walking ahead of them.

When we got outside, we ate a simple breakfast by the roadside. Just as we were eating, Chi Qingshuai arrived and joined us. After finishing our meal, we packed our equipment and items again before heading towards the mountain.

After being delayed for many days, we finally officially went up the mountain today. My mood was particularly excited as I walked along thinking about what kind of things would happen next.

Speaking of which... Have those Mo Du Yin Hun (evil spirits) already noticed our plan? Will they send someone to intercept us halfway? If they don't intercept us midway through will they set traps inside the mountains to make us fall into it?

Everything is still unknown; this trip seems destined to be full of danger.

However just when my heart was beating fast with anxiety over all these uncertainties that Chi Qingshuai's words instantly relaxed me: "Remember everyone - our goal on this trip is to block Jiuyin Huangquan (a place in Chinese mythology), not fight against those Mo Du Yin Hun (evil spirits). To put it bluntly even if we hold divine weapons in hand four people are simply not enough; they're not even a match for those Mo Du Yin Hun. So the most important thing on this trip is to avoid fighting. Our main task is to hide our presence and not let those evil spirits find us. If they do, we run away immediately and don't get entangled with them. Do you all understand what I mean?" Chi Qingshuai said while drinking.

Upon hearing this, we all nodded in agreement. "Master Chi, for this stop, we should be going to the Sword Pool to retrieve a sword. What about entering the mountain?" I asked as I looked at Chi Qingshuai. "You'll find out when the time comes," he replied with a smile on his face.

"I have another question," I furrowed my brows and continued, "According to our previous discussion, in order to use the Four Symbols Formation, we need to gather four divine weapons: Gan Jiang Mo Ye and Wu Hong Hu Ji. We already have Gan Jiang Mo Ye but where can we get Wu Hong Hu Ji? Isn't that King Helu's personal treasure? If we want these two things, then it is inevitable that we will have to go deep into Wangling's territory and fight against those Yin souls. It is impossible not to be discovered or not cause any conflicts. Have you thought of how to solve this problem?"

Upon hearing my words, Chi Qingshuai smiled strangely at me before saying after a moment of silence: "Little brother should already know how to solve this problem himself; why bother me with it?" Upon hearing what he said Jietou and Xie Yilin couldn't help but snicker disdainfully at him while saying: "Master Chi overestimates him too much! How could he possibly come up with a solution for such an important issue?"

Chi Qingshuai just shook his head slightly indicating that they were underestimating me while I just gave a bitter smile without saying anything.

It was still early in the morning as fresh air filled the mountainside along with birds chirping and flowers blooming everywhere around us. The dew had yet dissipated from leaves as well as branches while sunlight shone through treetops casting golden rays onto everything below creating beautiful scenery.

The road was ruggedly uneven covered by tree shades which made it difficult to see. Walking along it, we unconsciously merged with the mountains and the earth.

Chi Qingshuai was familiar with the terrain of Mount Modu so he led us ahead. He didn't take us on the usual path up the mountain as there were too many people on that road. According to him, they were currently clearing out that area so if we went over there, we might cause some trouble for them.

Instead, he took a shortcut leading towards Sword Pool which had a steep slope making it exhausting even without any additional weight let alone our fully armed state. Fortunately, Jietou and I both practiced secret techniques while Xie Yilin recently obtained a large amount of vitality so for now, we could still support ourselves without slowing down our pace.

After walking for about half an hour, we heard a sound of "hualahuala" from above, as if there was a waterfall falling. However, when we looked up, we didn't see any waterfalls but only saw the lush bamboo forest and trees.

The path continued into the bamboo forest where the terrain slowed down. A small stream flowed slowly by the side of the road, clear and clean but quiet. The sound of water did not come from here.

Chiqing Shuai led us to continue forward into the bamboo forest. After walking for a few steps, he suddenly turned around a corner and out of the bamboo forest. Looking ahead, it suddenly opened up with bright light shining in front of us. When we looked up again, a white ribbon fell from heaven and poured into a deep pool below it. On top of the rock wall next to that pool was carved two magnificent characters - "Jian Chi".

Looking at the waterfall hanging over Front River Canyon in distance,Xie Yilin couldn't help reciting a poem: "Flying springs break rocks apart; Mighty roar pierces through space; Ten thousand ravines cannot hold back; Transforming into thunderous skies!"

"This poem by our predecessors describes Jian Chi Waterfall perfectly," said Xie Yilin as she pointed upwards towards where there was bridge across which waterfalls cascaded down like thunderbolts before crashing onto rocks below forming three tiers that were unique features of Jian Chi Waterfall."

As Xie Yilin spoke eloquently about this place's beauty,the tour guide did his job well.

"Let's go up now to Fuxi Bridge," said Chiqing Shuai after Xie Yilin had finished her introduction on Jian Chi Waterfall.

We followed him closely all along until finally reaching Fuxi Bridge at topmost part near waterfall itself.

It is only here that we truly appreciate the grandeur and beauty of this waterfall. Standing on the bridge, looking down below, white water flowed in front of us with ravines stretching endlessly. It was indeed a masterpiece of nature.

On both sides of Fuxi Bridge were couplets inscribed on rock walls - "Thousands of bamboo branches form a green sea; Looking up from hundred feet deep canyon to high tower" on left side and "Jian Chi Waterfall washes away vulgar thoughts; Tower Mountain's distant view is enough for singing praises" on right side.

"What a great poem, scenery, water and mountain!" I couldn't help but exclaim while standing on the bridge.

"Don't be amazed anymore. Put your sword away quickly because this is only our first stop," said Chiqing Shuai as he stood next to me and took a sip from his wine bottle,instantly breaking my good mood.