Put down the sword!

Chiqing Shuai's words brought me back to reality. Indeed, our main task for this trip was to retrieve the Ganjiang and Moye swords and appreciate the beautiful scenery along the way. Retrieving the sword is a technical job that not everyone can do, and since I am not very familiar with it, I had to seek Chiqing Shuai's help.

"Master Chi, how do we retrieve the sword?" I asked him.

Upon hearing my question, Chiqing Shuai did not answer me immediately but instead said to Jietou and Xie Yilin: "You two have nothing else to do here. Go wait in the nearby forest as far away as possible so you don't disturb the sword spirit when it recognizes its master."

Chiqing Shuai's words were quite straightforward. After hearing them, Jietou and Xie Yilin rolled their eyes at him before leaving together. Once they were gone, Chiqing Shuai told me: "I have already tamed Moye Sword long ago. Although it got entangled with Ganjiang Sword for a while before falling into Jianchi Pool together with it, if I use all my strength to summon it back now compared to taking back Ganjiang Sword later on will be easier."

"The key issue is that Ganjiang Sword currently has no owner yet; moreover its sword spirit is extremely ferocious and violent," he continued. "So when it sees me forcibly retrieving Moye Sword later on during our fight over there in mid-air or underwater of Jianchi Pool , who knows if it will get angry and attack me first?"

"I understand what you mean Master," I replied looking at him intently." You want me to subdue the sword spirit of this powerful masculine blade?"

"Yes," nodded Chiqing Shuai." When I try calling out Moye Sword later on during our fight over there in mid-air or underwater of Jianchi Pool, you will hide beside me. When the masculine blade flies out and I am fighting it head-on, you can take advantage of that moment to grab its hilt and subdue its sword spirit."

"Master, you are overestimating my abilities," I said with a hint of doubt in my voice." The sword spirit of this masculine blade is extremely domineering. How do you know that I can subdue it?"

Chiqing Shuai took a sip of wine before smiling at me and saying: "Have you forgotten what I do? As a fortune-teller, reading people's faces is just child's play for me. So when I first saw you, I knew that you were the one I had been waiting for all along. Although your appearance may not be impressive, destiny has chosen you; even if you don't want it yourself, everything will eventually fall on your shoulders. Do you understand?"

"Thank Master for your praise,"I replied with a smile." If only we could leave out the part about my unimpressive appearance then this would be perfect."

"Hehe," Chiqing Shuai chuckled.

"Oh by the way Master Chi,"I furrowed my brows as another question came to mind." What is the key to subduing the sword spirit? Also after doing so how does it feel? Will there be any emotional attachment between myself and the sword spirit? If so then after subduing Masculine Blade , won't sealing it away in Jiuyin Huangquan using Four Symbols Formation seem too cruel?

You said there was only one question, right? Which one do you want to ask?" Chi Qingshuai glanced at me and asked.

"Just tell me everything," I said awkwardly.

"Then let me first tell you how to subdue a sword spirit." Chi Qingshuai frowned slightly and said to me, "In my experience, the key to subduing a sword spirit is to stay clear-headed. You cannot be misled by the sword spirit or be eroded by its hostility. The most crucial step in this process is called 'Lost Heart Illusion'. If you can defeat the sword spirit in that illusion and successfully come out of it, then basically you have succeeded in subduing it. From then on, the sword spirit will no longer harm your mind but serve you instead."

"Lost Heart Illusion? What does it look like inside?" I looked at Chi Qingshuai curiously and asked.

"The Lost Heart Illusion created by each sword spirit is different, so I can't describe what it looks like exactly. But I can give you some advice that might come in handy when the time comes," Chi Qingshuai said as he looked at me.

"Okay, please tell me," I nodded.

Upon hearing my words, Chi Qingshuai looked at me and asked: "Have you ever had an experience where you were walking alone or doing something else one day when suddenly someone called your name? But when you looked around, there was no one there. Have you ever wondered what that situation was?"

"I haven't had such an experience yet. What is it about?" I asked puzzledly.

"That voice may be from your loved ones trying to wake up your unconscious self," Chi Qingshuai said.

Hearing this made my imagination run wild for a moment; indeed this matter seemed quite mysterious. So without thinking much about it, I couldn't help but ask, "Master is truly profound. But what use does this have for me?

When you encounter such a situation one day, remember to wake up in time," said Chi Qingshuai. He changed the subject and continued, "Let me tell you about what happened after I tamed the Sword Spirit. Are you worried that you will develop feelings for it and won't be able to sacrifice it when necessary?"

"Yes, all things have emotions. As cultivators, aren't we supposed to cultivate with compassion for all beings in order to achieve enlightenment?" I replied.

"I didn't expect you to have such high awareness. Impressive! But let me tell you this: items are just tools even if they have souls. You can tame them but shouldn't develop real emotions towards them; otherwise, it would be putting the cart before the horse. Since there is no emotional attachment, why worry about sacrificing it?" Chi Qingshuai smiled lightly.

"Okay then, I'll try not to get attached," I nodded in agreement.

"In that case, let's begin." While speaking, Chi Qingshuai pointed at the water below and said: "I'm going down there now to retrieve Mo Ye sword. You find a place nearby to hide and wait for an opportunity."

"Got it," I replied as I took off my backpack and placed it on the bridge temporarily.

"Let's go." With those words from Chi Qingshuai he leaped into the air directly towards the water below.

At that moment seeing this scene unfold before me made me unable help but feel exasperated thinking 'you're so old already - why do you need show off?' However just as I was thinking this way suddenly saw Chi Qingshuai flipping hand seals rapidly while falling downwards while chanting some kind of incantation under his breath.

"Cut through Tai Xu (the void), shatter stars; everything has its own spirit; ten thousand forms of life; flow like light for thousands of years; with my power, I can cut through the heavens. Come out, Mo Ye sword!

With a loud shout, General Chi Qing flew down and slapped his palms on the surface of the pool. Suddenly, there was a loud rumble as water splashed up three meters high. It seemed that the entire pool was pushed in all directions by this powerful blow.

At the moment when the water splashed up, General Chi Qing's figure also disappeared into the pool. Afterwards, as the ripples slowly subsided and everything returned to calmness, General Chi Qing still did not emerge from under the water.

I stood on the bridge watching all of this with growing concern. Without thinking, I leaped towards that pool of water.