Blood Head Gadfly

"Chi chi chi -"

The purple-brown venom, with a pungent odor, spewed out from the giant snake's mouth and rained down on us like rain. JIETOU was closest and took the brunt of it; his arm was hit first by the venom, causing his camouflage cloth to emit a "hissing" sound and black smoke.

"It's highly toxic, be careful!"

Seeing this situation, JIETOU didn't have time to think much; he pulled out an umbrella and opened it to block the falling venom while shouting at us.

"Ah ah ah-"

Shaylin stood behind JIETOU when he blocked the venom with his umbrella, making her the next victim. She had no resistance so she could only cover her head with both hands and scream desperately.

"We're in trouble! It's a blood-headed horsefly!"

Only then did Chiqing Shuai react after seeing this situation. He lightly exclaimed as he lifted his Mo Ye sword against the flying venom before charging towards that blood-headed monster snake.

"Back away!"

With things getting critical, I had no choice but to shout loudly since I was standing closest inside; using all my strength to activate my spiritual embryo secret technique while driving my elemental energy shield to protect Shaylin and Jietou before telling them both to back away while also rushing towards that blood-headed monster snake with my sword.

"Wu ya-"

After spitting out its poison gas followed by a strange cry, the monster snake quickly retracted its head outside of its hole just as Chiqing Shuai swung his sword which ended up cutting through thin air instead.

"You beast can't escape!" After missing one strike Chiqing Shuai coldly shouted as he raised his longsword preparing himself for pursuit.

"Squeak - Puff-" Just as Chiqing Shuai lifted up one foot and his body hadn't even caught up yet, a mournful cry came from outside the hole followed by a muffled sound. A fist-sized scarlet object had already rolled in from the entrance of the cave.

"Watch out for hidden weapons!" Seeing that thing, Chiqing Shuai instinctively ducked while shouting to remind us to be careful.

In fact, even if Chiqing Shuai didn't say anything at this point, we were all very cautious; especially me who still hadn't removed my elemental energy shield. So when that thing flew towards me directly after passing over Chiqing Shuai's head, it exploded with a "pop" sound like a water balloon hitting transparent glass when it was about one meter away from me.

At that time, I was still feeling proud after seeing that thing explode. I thought my shield was really powerful. But who would have thought that as soon as the red liquid from the explosion fell down, flames of red immediately burst out with a "whoosh". That thing turned out to be extremely flammable, especially when mixed with the purple-brown venom previously spewed by the strange snake. The intensity of the fire was comparable to an explosion and there was a loud bang. The entire small room instantly became a boiling sea of fire and heat rose up high into the air. We were instantly roasted all over our bodies and felt dizzy.

"Get out!" Without thinking too much, I grabbed Xie Yilin's hand and rushed towards the door.

"Puff - Bang-" Due to our fast speed rushing forward, after we got out of the cave entrance, I fell directly onto the ground while Xie Yilin suffered even worse because she had been dragged along by me in our escape attempt. After landing on her feet she let out a muffled groan and instinctively hugged herself tightly together indicating that she seemed injured.

"Are you okay?" I quickly stood up and pulled her up.

"I'm fine," Xie Yilin rubbed her elbow subconsciously turning around looking for that strange snake.

"Whoosh - Boom-" Flames shot out from inside small room illuminating whole underground cave so at this point we didn't need flashlights anymore since everything could be seen clearly under this fiery light.

At this moment under illumination from these flames only one black-scaled snake with white head lump could be seen coiling itself around something important in cave staring at us fiercely with its remaining eye open wide glaring at us intently .

Since Chi Qing Shuai came first he had already drawn his sword against it but Jietou also arrived without any burden holding one golden wheel in one hand while carrying an umbrella in the other hand and rushed towards the snake.

"Xiaodong, be careful. Don't rush recklessly. This Blood-headed Fly is extremely poisonous. Even a little contact with it will cause skin and flesh to rot away. It's not something to mess around with." Seeing Jietou's actions, Chi Qing Shuai warned him while raising his sword and sending out a blue sword aura towards the strange snake.

"Don't worry Master, I'm playing long-range attacks! Hahaha!"

Upon hearing this, JIETOU burst into laughter and threw his golden wheel. Then he made a hand gesture with his right hand and pointed at the strange snake. The golden wheel flew towards the snake in a beautiful arc.

"Chi - Gara La La - Hua"

However, to everyone's surprise, when the golden wheel hit the snake, it did not cause any harm. Instead, it was deflected by the scales on its body and fell to the ground.

"What? How can it be so hard?" JIETOU was shocked by this situation. In a hurry, he shouted loudly while making hand gestures repeatedly until he finally managed to save the falling golden wheel.

The spinning golden wheel flew back towards him but was stopped by CHIQINGSHUAI who warned him that it had been contaminated with poison from touching the snake's scales.

"This sword has already touched that poisonous creature; do not touch it directly with your hands or you will be severely poisoned." CHIQINGSHUAI threw the gold disc towards JIETOU before turning around and charging at the strange snake again.

"Beast! Watch my sword! I'll kill you today and show you how powerful I am!" As CHIQINGSHUAI spoke, he clenched his left fist firmly while swinging his Mo Ye Sword fiercely with his right hand. A dazzling sword aura slashed like a full moon towards that strange serpent.


Unexpectedly, upon seeing CHIQINGSHUAI's move, that serpent shrank into a ball then used its scales to block off that attack of sword aura which could have killed him instantly.


After blocking off CHIQINGSHUAI's fatal blow successfully ,the serpent quickly raised its head opened its mouth wide as if readying itself for an attack . Its meaty lump trembled atop its head while blood clots wriggled on its side. Then, the snake head suddenly rushed forward and bit towards CHIQINGSHUAI like lightning.

The serpent was as thick as a water bucket with a head as big as a basin. If it had bitten him hard enough, CHIQINGSHUAI would have been bitten off half of his body directly.

Fortunately, CHIQINGSHUAI was extremely cunning and experienced in battle. When he saw the serpent's move, he shouted coldly and jumped up to dodge its attack while slashing at the snake's head with his sword several times in succession.

"Chi Chi Chi..."

The sword aura flickered and blood splattered everywhere. The blood that flew into the ground mixed with stagnant water turned black instantly emitting an odor along with bursts of black smoke.


As soon as I smelled this stench, my throat felt spicy first then I couldn't help but clutch my chest before opening my mouth wide to vomit out everything inside me.