Yin poison into the marrow

"Hmm - wow -"

The foul smell filled the entire underground cave, and it seemed to contain a strong poison. After we smelled it, we immediately felt nauseous and vomited. Then we felt dizzy, weak in our limbs, paralyzed all over our body, and lost most of our combat power in an instant.

"Ugh, gross!"

Xie Yilin stood next to me, vomiting while holding her chest and frowning.

Hearing her words, I turned my head to look at her and found that her face was turning purple. She was already deeply poisoned.

Seeing this situation made me anxious. Without thinking too much about it, I gritted my teeth and flew up with my sword. The golden light flashed as Excalibur slashed the snake's head off along with its pink tumor on top of its head.

"Hiss hiss hiss - ya-"

The tumor fell off causing the snake pain; it screamed strangely while quickly shrinking back away from us.

"Wanna run? Not so easy!"

I followed closely behind as I used the heat energy from Lianqingjian to enhance Excalibur's blade several times brighter than before. Then I swung my sword directly towards the snake's tail cutting off almost one meter long piece of its tail in one stroke.


With its tail severed off completely now writhing in pain throughout its whole body; suddenly swollen thick body bounced up from the ground then plunged into a hole on the side wall where it shrank down entirely inside hiding itself out of sight.

I rushed forward with my sword still wanting to chase after it but Chiqing Shuai shouted at me: "Yi Heng! Wait! Wait a minute!"

"Master Chiqing Shuai," I stopped walking looked at him asking: "This beast has targeted us already; do you want to let it go?"

"No, that's not what I meant. My point is, you help us detoxify first, and then we'll go in to deal with that beast." Chiqing Shuai supported himself against the wall while holding Moxie Sword; he looked at me awkwardly and said: "Your vitality is abundant, your bones are strong. This poison may not have much effect on you, but we are different. If it continues for a while longer, our lungs will probably rot away. Blood-headed flies' Yin poison corrodes and burns mainly; it is one of the most difficult ghosts to deal with."

"What should I do to detoxify you?" Upon hearing Cheng Qingshuai's words, I couldn't help but stop with curiosity in my heart. I thought to myself that I was still poisoned, so how could I detoxify you? What can I use to detoxify you?

"The ghostly parasite of the blood-headed fly is highly toxic throughout the body except for the flesh crown on its head. The flesh crown is the only antidote for these toxins." Cheng Qingshuai explained while panting.

Upon hearing his words, my mind immediately stirred and turned around to search on the ground. I remember cutting off a piece of the strange snake's meat lump on its head just now. Could it be that this thing is an antidote?

After searching for a while, I finally found a clump of meat covered in dust in a corner. When picked up and examined closely, it was indeed the flesh crown from atop the strange snake's head.

"Master Cheng, I found it! How do we take it?" Holding up the meatball and turning around towards Cheng Qingshuai and others, only then did he notice that Cheng Qingshuai had blackened face and had already collapsed onto the ground. Xie Yilin and Jietou were also not doing well at all; their faces were greenish-blue as they squatted down on the ground vomiting and gasping for air - their situation was extremely critical.

"Just eat a little bit; then you will become immune to blood-headed fly poison." Cheng Qingshuai looked at me with rolling eyes as he spoke weakly.

Seeing this situation, without hesitation, using Ganjiang Sword again,I cut up into four pieces which were given one each respectively to Cheng Qing Shuai,Jietou,and Xie Yilin.The remaining piece was dirty with dust.I frowned,washed it in dirty water on the ground, closed my eyes and gritted my teeth as I swallowed it.

As soon as the meat entered my stomach, I immediately felt a cool sensation throughout my body. Then suddenly, there was a shock in my head - all of the poison that had previously infected me had actually been removed.

At this point, when I looked at Cheng Qingshuai and others again, they had already stood up from the ground. It seemed that their poisons were also resolved.

"What do we do now?"

With all toxins removed, we four gathered together to discuss our next move.

At the bottom of the cave,the small stone room leading into the mountain was still ablaze with black smoke pouring out continuously. Judging by its appearance,it seemed like it would continue burning for a while before extinguishing itself.

Looking up towards another square hole on the other side of the cave whose depth was unknown; just now,the strange snake drilled into that hole.I don't know if it is still inside or not right now?

"If I'm not mistaken," Cheng Qingshuai looked at where the strange snake hid behind and said to us: "There should be a small stone room behind that hole. That beast is probably still watching us right now so we can't avoid it anymore. If we want to safely enter inside mountain's interior then we must eliminate this beast."

"Let me handle it!" Upon hearing this,Jietou grabbed his golden wheel and walked towards that hole first.

"YiHeng,to save time,you come instead! Quickly cut off any loose ends; directly kill that beast without mercy!" Cheng Qingshuai looked at me and said.

I nodded and then asked with some concern, "Master, aren't you worried that the ghost will explode its soul?"

"Even if it does, we can only fight it to the end. This ghost should have already received the permission of Mo Du's Yin Soul. It stays in this cave maybe just to deal with us," said Chi Qing Shuai frowning.

"Okay, leave it to me," I said and turned around to catch up with Jietou as we walked towards the cave entrance together.

Soon, we arrived at the front of the cave. When we shone our flashlights inside, we found that the blood-headed fly was indeed curled up with its bulky body hidden inside.

"Hiss hiss hiss--"

Seeing Jietou and me, the ghost couldn't help but open its mouth wide and let out a low roar.

"Go in and kill it!" Jietou frowned.

"We can't go in. The space inside is too small. If we go in, we won't be able to move around freely. If it entangles or crushes us casually, then we're done for." While looking at the blood-headed fly on one side and talking to Jietou on another side: "Use your golden wheel to hit it. Don't hit anywhere else except for its head. It will naturally come out when it hurts."

"Okay!" Hearing my words, Jietou couldn't help but curl his mouth before shouting coldly. He waved his golden wheel in his hand before pinching a hand seal; then that golden wheel had turned into a stream of light smashing towards the blood-headed fly's head.

"Bang--" With a muffled sound ringing out loudly while spinning rapidly under Jietou's control; hitting directly onto Blood-Headed Fly's head causing bloody splatters flying everywhere!

After all those bloody splatters had scattered, a shocking scene appeared. The ghost's head actually secreted a sticky blood clot that tightly wrapped around Jietou's golden wheel.