Ageless Flesh

The sticky blood clots wriggled incessantly, constantly surging out from the body of that strange snake and condensing into a mass on its head. This made the snake look like a huge snakeskin bag filled with dirty liquid, which was now being forcefully squeezed out and bleeding.

Due to the large size and bulkiness of the blood clots, the white head of the snake had been completely wrapped in blood, becoming a pure "blood head".

As I mentioned before, snakes do not rely solely on their eyes to see things; they often rely on heat sensing pits on their cheeks. Therefore, even though the snake's head was completely wrapped in blood at this point, it could still see us without much impact on its perception ability.

Moreover, as a result of this situation, that layer of continuously wriggling sticky blood protected the snake's head so we couldn't directly attack it.

JIETOU was somewhat embarrassed at this point because his golden wheel was still stuck in that blood. The adhesion seemed very strong so even though he gritted his teeth and tried his best to manipulate hand seals to summon back his golden wheel, it still didn't respond and remained firmly attached to the snake's head.

"Let me handle it," I said as I raised my Ganjiang Sword and prepared to use flying sword attacks.

"Don't rush yet! I have another way!" JIETOU became angry when he saw this situation and interrupted me before pulling open his backpack with a "swish", then reaching inside for three or four magical tools. "Don't forget my weapons are Buddhist treasures! If this thing can suck up my golden wheel then I don't believe it can suck up all eight treasures!"

When I saw JIETOU's actions just about to stop him but suddenly felt someone hugging my arm. Turning around only then did I realize that Xie Yilin had leaned over.

"Are you okay?" I asked Xie Yilin.

Thanks to the antidote she had taken, Xie Yilin's complexion was better now. However, her hands and feet were still trembling and there were beads of sweat on her forehead. This was understandable since the big snake was coiled up in front of them in the stone chamber, which made her feel scared and nervous.

"I, I'm fine," she stole a glance at the big snake and instinctively hid behind me.

Seeing this situation, all I could do was accompany her to step back while tightly holding her hand, indicating that she shouldn't be nervous.

"Hey, did you see that? That ghost thing is bleeding heavily now." At this time, Chiqing Shuai walked up with his eight-step walk. He shone his flashlight on the bloodsucking fly in the cave while introducing us: "Do you know what's going on? Let me tell you. This is a unique trick of the bloodsucking fly. Its blood not only contains highly toxic substances but also has abundant Yin energy and is extremely viscous and tough. Therefore, once it wraps its head with its own blood, it becomes difficult for others to harm it. Look carefully; if I am not mistaken, it should evolve into a bloody intestine fly next."

"Master, what is a bloody intestine fly?" I asked curiously.

"Heheheh... we have nothing else to do right now; let's just watch slowly. I won't explain it to you yet." While speaking, Chiqing Shuai stood beside me and looked at Jietou: "Xiaodong (Jietou), go ahead and attack! From my observation earlier on your use of Buddhist Eight Treasures isn't very proficient yet so take this opportunity to practice well. Of course, there will be an unexpected benefit from doing so but this benefit can only be realized after we leave this cave."

"What kind of unexpected benefits can there be when dealing with such a ghostly creature?" Upon hearing Chiqing Shuai's words Jietou rolled his eyes disdainfully.

"Yes ah! There are still benefits when dealing with such things? Master aren't you joking?" My curiosity was piqued as well.

"Hmph," Chiqing Shuai snorted and couldn't help but ask us: "Let me ask you, what are the characteristics of this bloodsucking fly?"

"What characteristics?" I frowned and pondered for a moment before saying: "Its whole body is highly toxic - oh, I just thought of it. Master, do you mean that Jietou can use his fight with it to get all his Buddhist Eight Treasures contaminated with poison? In doing so, the attack power of these treasures will increase significantly because whoever gets hit by them in the future will be poisoned even if they only scratch their skin."

"Not bad," Chiqing Shuai nodded: "If there's poison then there must be an antidote; otherwise, it wouldn't be good if someone got hurt later on. Therefore, I suggest that after you guys kill this beast later on, try to cut off some more flesh crowns from its head as backup."

"That's not enough though. Besides that thing being meat which would rot after a while anyway... Even if we keep some pieces behind they probably won't last long." I said worriedly.

"Hmph! You two really have shallow knowledge. Do you know what 'immortal meat' means? That's what we're talking about here." While speaking Chiqing Shuai had a smug expression on his face and he began shaking his beard while introducing us: "This meat is transformed from the essence of the mountain python. Even if it is cut off, it will not decay. Moreover, you can dry it out for preservation purposes; when needed just soak it in water and it'll return to its original state again! And who knows? If given enough nutrition maybe even continue growing bigger! So as long as we can preserve a small piece like this then all problems can be solved!"

"I see now... Master indeed has broad knowledge!" I smiled wryly and then looked up at Jietou: "Monk, hurry up and attack! After you're done, you'll be upgraded to a Poisonous Monk. Heheheh..."

"A poisonous monk is still a monk. As long as there's no poison in the heart, even a poisonous monk can be a good person!" Jietou sneered coldly before shouting loudly. His palms flipped over and his Buddhist treasures - the Victory Banner and Vajra Knot - had already turned into two streams of light rushing towards the bloodsucking fly.

Since he had seen how powerful the blood on top of its head was earlier on, this time Jietou changed his attack direction; instead of attacking the snake's head he controlled both treasures to smash towards its severed tail.

"Chi chi -"

With two muffled sounds, Sheng Zhuang and Jin Gang heavily hit the snake's tail wound. The pain caused the snake to convulse all over its body. Then it desperately twisted its bulky body while violently flicking its broken tail. As a result, a dark red sticky blood clot was squeezed out from the wound of the severed tail.

After the viscous blood flowed out, instead of falling to the ground, it began to wriggle like a living thing and wrapped itself around the snake's body incessantly. At the same time, blood on top of the big snake's head also spread downwards. In this way, both ends of the snake started spreading their blood towards its entire body as if they were really going to wrap up its whole body with blood and turn it into a complete bloody sausage!