Intimate Wash Stone

As expected, the tomb of King Helu of Wu is hidden within the Yin realm barrier. The interior space of the Yin Qi barrier is cylindrical in shape, with a diameter possibly exceeding two kilometers. The base of King Helu's tomb is also circular, with a diameter of about one hundred meters and an area equivalent to that of a football field. The entire tomb was built from huge stones stacked layer by layer, each layer dropping about five meters and continuously shrinking in diameter as it extended upwards. In the end, it extended to an unknown height and its top was completely covered by dead black Yin Qi.

"It's so cold."

There was no wind inside the Yin Qi barrier, but the temperature was extremely low. JIETOU and I were fine since our vitality was relatively strong and we had fiery constitutions; we weren't afraid of coldness. However, Xie Yilin couldn't bear it; she shivered all over shortly after entering and instinctively hugged her shoulders.

"Put this on," I opened my backpack and took out a spare set of clothes to give to Xie Yilin.

Xie Yilin didn't even have time to thank me before taking the clothes and putting them on herself.

"Master, how do you feel?" After solving Xie Yilin's problem, I turned to look at Chi Qing Shuai again.

"Wine is like cotton lining; don't worry, I'm not cold." Chi Qing Shuai lifted his wine jug for a sip with a comfortable expression on his face.

Seeing Chi Qing Shuai's actions made me frown unconsciously because his wine jug seemed strange: It wasn't very big in size - only about twenty centimeters in diameter - yet there always seemed to be an endless supply of wine inside it.

At that moment, I subconsciously opened Tianmen (Heavenly Gate) towards his wine jug to see how much wine was left inside. However, I found that the wine jug was impenetrable.

This made me curious and more convinced that the wine jug wasn't an ordinary object; it was likely Chi Qing Shuai's life-saving magic treasure that could save him in critical moments.

"It is indeed very cold. Liu YiHeng, you don't care about me at all," JIETOU also felt the chill and took out clothes to put on himself.

"Everyone wants me to care for them, but who will care for me?" I shrugged my shoulders and hugged Bai E tightly. I checked her body temperature and found it as low as ice, but this little girl still blinked her eyes without fear of the coldness; only her movements were somewhat mechanical - she seemed frozen.

"YiHeng, you'd better give her some clothes. Although she isn't afraid of coldness, her blood easily freezes so if she gets too cold, she'll freeze into a block of ice which will shatter upon impact." Seeing that I didn't seem to plan on giving Bai E any clothes, Chi Qing Shuai couldn't help reminding me.

"Thank you for your reminder," upon hearing this, I quickly took out the remaining clothes and wrapped Bai E up before hiding her in my backpack. This way, her body temperature stabilized without dropping to freezing point.

"This is King Helu's tomb," after solving our warmth issue, Chi Qing Shuai shook his wine jug while looking towards King Helu's tomb.

The tomb was huge, like a mountain standing on the ground. The stones used to build the tomb were very special, seeming to be a kind of luminous stone. This caused a faint fluorescence to emanate from the surface of the tomb, making it look like a giant lighthouse that illuminated the entire space within the Yin Qi barrier.

Due to the low temperature, there was a layer of cold covering the surface of the lighthouse. The higher up it went, the thicker and heavier this ice became until at visible heights of tens of meters above ground level where it hung down like waterfalls.

With both ice and light present in such an enormous structure, one could only imagine what kind of magnificent and spectacular scene lay before them. It felt as if we had entered into some sort of fairy tale world where everything seemed unreal.

"Is this really King Wu's tomb?" Xie Yilin asked curiously while wrapped up so much she looked like a fat bear.

"If this is King Wu's tomb then where is Jiuyin Huangquan?" Jietou always got straight to business. Since his soul fusion he seemed indifferent towards everything in this world; always calm without any sense for romance or sentimentality.

"Follow me," Chi Qingshuai beckoned us towards King Wu's Tomb.

"Everyone be careful here; this is not only Mo Du Mountain's center but also where King Wu's Tomb lies. There will certainly be no shortage of evil spirits around here so we should stay hidden under Zhe Tian Ling (Heaven Covering Bell) just in case."

As I spoke these words I raised Zhe Tian Ling again and used its radiation field to conceal everyone.

"Don't worry," Chi Qingshuai smiled at me saying: "Since ancient times all emperors have had one flaw - they don't trust others easily. Therefore if this place truly is King Wu's tomb, there won't be too many protective forces around. If I'm not mistaken, Wu Zixu and his men should be King Wu's personal guards. Since they are blocked outside the Yin Qi barrier, this old thief of a king will be alone. We can easily deal with him."

"How is that possible? King Wu's subordinates cannot just consist of a few zombies and Yin Kings right? We only encountered a few on our way here," Xie Yilin still didn't believe it.

"You forget that Mo Du Mountain has an Eight Gates Golden Lock Array inside; we have only experienced one gate so far which means what we've seen in terms of zombies and ghosts is only one-eighth of their total strength. Even though there are many such creatures, their quality isn't high enough to pose much threat when fighting together against someone like Wu Zixu who is already at the level of Four-Jie Shi Wang (Four-Disaster Corpse King). What's interesting though is Yi Heng reacted quickly by disrupting the flow of Yin Qi within the barrier which left Wu Zixu stranded outside allowing us to focus solely on dealing with King Wu."

Chi Qingshuai was getting excited as he spoke while using his sword to break open the ice covering the surface of the tomb revealing glowing blue stones underneath.

"This is Washed-Yin Stone; now you know where Jiuyin Huangquan lies right?" Chi Qingshuai said pointing towards the center of the tomb.

"But if Jiuyin Huangquan lies at its center then where does King Wu's coffin lie?" I furrowed my brows asking.

"Yi Heng, you still haven't figured out what kind of situation this tomb holds," Chi Qingshuai interrupted me before taking Moyo Sword and hacking off a wedge-shaped stone from one side: "Try injecting some Yin Qi into this stone and see what happens."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I raised my right hand but couldn't condense pure Yin Qi without Little Hufu. In the end, I had to ask Bai E for help since her Yin Qi was very pure.