Frozen Throne

"Since Xiao Hutu hasn't returned yet, I can't release pure Yin Qi. Jietou doesn't have this ability either. Xie Yilin is even worse; she doesn't even know the basic techniques. Chi Qingshuai doesn't seem to be able to do it either, so we can only turn to Bai E for help.

Bai E was born inside Mo Du Mountain and has relied on Nine Yin Mushroom Meat to survive since childhood. Her Yin Qi is pure, and with just one breath, it's pure Yin Qi.

At present, through spiritual communication, I told Bai E about releasing Yin Qi and then brought her close to the stone next to me and asked her to blow a breath towards the stone.


The little girl was obedient and blew several breaths at the washing stone according to my instructions.

"Be careful."

After obtaining the Yin Qi, Chi Qingshuai turned over the washing stone and looked straight at its tip.

We were all curious and couldn't help but stare at the tip of that stone in anticipation of any anomalies that might occur.

Sure enough, after a moment or two passed by slowly, a layer of frost gradually appeared on top of that rock. The frost then condensed into a deep blue ice ball about finger-sized at its tip made entirely from pure Yin energy without any impurities whatsoever which could be directly absorbed by anyone regardless of their physique type."

"Pure yin ice made entirely from clean yin energy without any impurities whatsoever which could be directly absorbed by anyone regardless of their physique type." As Chi Qingshuai spoke carefully while holding onto that ice ball before handing it over in front of Xie Yilin saying: "Xiao Xie take this; although there isn't much quantity-wise here but it will still benefit your body greatly as well as nourish your yin qi."

"Thank you, Master Chi." Xie Yilin took the ice ball and looked at me before swallowing it down after receiving my approval.

"It's cool and comfortable." Xie Yilin said.

"That's the effect of washing stones," Chi Qingshuai said as he threw away that washing stone. He then looked up towards the top of Wang Ling while asking us leisurely: "You should understand the purpose of this tomb now, right?"

"Understood." Upon hearing this, Jietou couldn't help but show a look of understanding on his face as he shook his head to explain: "In short, this tomb is actually a huge Yin Qi filter. It collects all the turbid Yin Qi emitted from Jiuyin Yellow Springs and then filters and refines it into pure Yin energy which can be directly absorbed and utilized by anyone at its peak. In doing so, King Wu Huo Lue can continuously increase his strength using these energies."

"You're right. Since that's what this tomb does, where do you think King Wu Huo Lue is now?" Chi Qingshuai smiled as he asked us.

"He must be at the top of Wang Ling; why else would we ask?" Xie Yilin rolled her eyes.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go up there!" As Chi Qingshuai spoke with sword in hand climbing upwards towards Wang Ling.

The side walls of the Wangling tomb are not easy to climb. They are covered with ice and each step has a drop of several meters. This drop is nothing for me and Jietou, but it's difficult for Xie Yilin to jump up.

"I'll take you," I said as I held her hand and even carried her up step by step when she couldn't make the jump.

It didn't take long before we climbed dozens of meters high. We stopped here unconsciously, ready to rest.

"Do you think it's strange?" After stopping, Jietou looked up while saying: "According to this situation, King Wu Helu must be very powerful now since he has continuously absorbed more than two thousand years of pure Yin Qi. His cultivation level must be extremely terrifying now. Therefore, he cannot be unaware that we have entered here. But why doesn't he come out to stop us?"

"Everything is divided into yin and yang, and absorbing too much Yin Qi isn't necessarily good either; otherwise, he should have turned into a golden-haired monkey long ago instead of waiting until now? The reason why he waited until now is that having only Yin Qi isn't enough; He also needs some essence Yang which requires refining and is very difficult." Chi Qingshuai explained to Jietou.

"That's right! That's why he created the Wine Pool and Meat Forest as well as the Soul Gathering Worm Basin - all these things were actually prepared for refining essence Yang." I continued looking at the cloud of Yin Qi above my head: "Based on current circumstances, King Wu should not be far from leaving his seclusion period yet; this is his critical period where anything unexpected could cause great losses in his practice time. So that's probably why he hasn't come out yet because in his eyes our strength is too weak."

"What should we do then? This old ghost is about to become an immortal. A slap from him could cause mountains to collapse and seas to overturn. If we rush up there, it's like sending ourselves to death." Jietou worried.

"Don't worry, our purpose of this trip is not to fight against King Wu Helu, so we shouldn't be in too much danger. Even if we get close to him, he won't bother us because he's in a critical period where every second counts. Once he interrupts his practice, it will cause great losses for him. So as long as we don't disturb him and only take the Ji Hook of Wu Honghu away, he should ignore us." Chi Qingshuai explained.

"What about after that? How do we enter the tomb? It seems like just a pile of stones with no way inside?" Jietou worried again.

"Don't worry; I have my own way once I get the Ji Hook of Wu Honghu," Chi Qingshuai reassured us.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up, don't waste time," JIETOU said as he leaped up another step and asked me with a lowered head, "YiHeng, are you okay? It's a bit difficult to carry Teacher Xie. If you need help, just say it."

"I'm fine. Take care of yourselves," I replied and pulled Xie Yilin up another step.

After about half an hour, we had already entered the dark clouds of Yin Qi and arrived at the top of Wangling.

The environment here was different from below. The cold wind howled and the temperature was extremely low. We were shivering again from the cold.

Under our feet were deep ice that reached several feet deep. The huge ice slides coiled like giant pythons, making this place both magnificent and eerie.

At this moment, looking up not far away at the highest point was a throne made of ice where a figure wrapped in golden armor sat quietly on it with even a jade mask covering their face.

Underneath the mask, their eyes were closed as if they hadn't noticed our arrival yet. However, there were two rusty soul-chasing hooks growing out of the icy sides next to his throne.