Yoni steaming

After subduing the ghost of Wu King Helu, I gathered everyone together and formulated a battle plan against the old man of war. "In addition to refining Yin Qi, the most important function of Wang Ling is to block Jiuyin Huangquan. The reason why the old thief does not dare to use his full strength against us is because he dares not break this Wang Ling. Once Wang Ling is destroyed, Jiuyin Huangquan will be directly exposed. At that time, the human world and the ghost realm will be directly connected, producing extremely powerful spatial turbulence that even immortals cannot resist. The old thief fears being swept away by it."

"So if we want to deal with him, we must make good use of this Wang Ling. We cannot move too far away from it; otherwise, he can kill us instantly," I said to everyone.

"But that doesn't seem like a good idea because as long as that old thief runs a little further away from us, we can only watch helplessly," JIETOU frowned.

"So we can only continue consuming him like this for now; in any case, we cannot leave this Wang Ling behind. Don't worry; I have a way to lure him over here. If all else fails, we'll just destroy Wang Ling and pretend like we're going to destroy it completely and force him over here instead. I feel like there might be another purpose for this Wang Ling besides what he's using it for right now so if we destroy it then maybe he won't sit idly by," I said solemnly.

"That's indeed possible," Fengyun Sanren heard me out and couldn't help but ponder: "Most of his power comes from this Wang Ling but what he gets is pure Yin Qi which needs to be melted down and transformed into Yang Qi after absorbing enough energy before becoming useful again. Unless something unexpected happens, this Wang Ling might have a reverse cleansing effect."

"Reverse cleansing?" I was intrigued by what he said and subconsciously ran towards the throne in the center of the platform.

The throne could be moved, and when it opened, there was a hole that might lead directly to Jiuyin Huangquan. The throne was now empty except for a stone seat covered with another layer of blue ice-cold Yin Qi, typical of an icy throne.

I stood next to the throne and frowned as I surveyed my surroundings. Subconsciously looking around, my gaze fell on the Yin Qi barrier above us.

"We've been focusing only on Jiuyin Huangquan and refining stones since we came here but we've overlooked the function of these Yin Qi barriers," I pointed at them and asked everyone: "Have you ever wondered where this Yin Qi comes from or what's at its top?"

Hearing my words, several people couldn't help but look thoughtfully at those barriers while also looking up.

"This Yin Qi barrier," Fengyun Sanren looked at it for a moment before pondering subconsciously: "It's quite similar to an ancient formation."

"What kind of formation?" I asked curiously.

"The Fuxi Jade Basin Formation," Fengyun Sanren furrowed his brows: "Fuxi Shendi created Zhouyi Bagua (the Book of Changes) and widely applied its principles in life to develop many formations revolving around yin-yang cycles. One such formation is called Jade Basin Formation which can transform yin into yang. However, this formation requires precise control over one's aura as well as an extremely large jade basin acting as its base. If this really is Jade Basin Formation then Jiuyin Huangquan would be the source of yin energy while that jade basin must be enormous if he wants to reverse so much yin energy into pure Yang energy."

"That's not impossible," I smiled slightly as I thought of what that so-called jade basin might be.

"The lower half of Mount Modu is probably a vein of jade, and the old thief has processed and constructed it to become a giant jade basin. In this way, he can use the Jade Basin Formation to reverse yin-yang and obtain pure Yang Qi," I said before turning around to look at Wu King Helu who was floating nearby: "King Helu, am I right?"

"Yes, that's right. But this wasn't his idea, it was mine. My plan back then was to use the Wangling to refine Yin Qi and obtain pure Yin energy. Then, through the Jade Basin Formation, I could obtain pure Yang energy. With the fusion of Yin and Yang energies, I could cultivate pure essence and continuously improve my cultivation level until I reached the level of ascending to heaven as soon as possible. Unfortunately, despite all my calculations, I didn't anticipate the cunningness of Zhi Guang Lao Zei. After my death, he forcibly entered Wangling with the power of Gan Jiang Mo Ye two ghost soldiers and took control over me. All my efforts and achievements were taken by him." Wu Wang sighed deeply.

"Heheh... Well, there's no need for you to lament about it now. In any case, you are all just conspirators without any moral bottom line who only care about their own interests. Pot calling kettle black! What is there left to say?" I interrupted Wu Wang's words and looked at everyone saying: "Alright now things are clear - washing away yin in Wangling while transforming yang in Jade Basin Formation makes both ground space within Yin Qi barrier safe; not only that but also a hundred meters around its perimeter should be safe too because if Zhi Guang Lao Zei wants to continue rapidly increasing his strength he must utilize these two formations' powers so he definitely won't want them destroyed which means we can let loose here against him once we force him down from above ground by smashing pots or breaking graves."

"Right on! This method is great! Although it may seem a bit despicable but I like it! There's no need for morality when dealing with such an old thief like him; what annoys me most is hypocritical righteousness!" JIETOU grinned widely upon hearing my words while rubbing his hands together preparing for action.

"Let's refine our battle plan further," Fengyun Sanren said. "Based on the current situation, although Zhi Guang Lao Zei doesn't dare to use his full strength, many of us are still unable to withstand even his weak attacks. The only one who can confront him head-on is YiHeng so I suggest that when we really start fighting later, let YiHeng face off against the old thief while we provide support from the side. What do you think?"

"That's great! Since I can't even fly, all I can do is long-range attacks and sneak attacks," JIETOU nodded.

"I'll be responsible for protecting Bai Moth; if necessary, I can also provide some support with my gun." Xie Yilin took out a handgun from her pocket as she spoke.

Seeing Xie Yilin's actions made us all sigh helplessly. Although several of us had guns on us too, this thing was obviously useless against Zhi Guang Lao Zei - it couldn't even hurt me let alone him!

Therefore, Xie Yilin's main role should be to hide herself well and not drag us down.

"Once the battle starts, sit on the throne and don't worry about anything else. Zhi Guang Lao Zei definitely won't dare to touch it because that is where Wangling's key lies; you will be absolutely safe there. Moreover, you can also absorb some pure Yin energy using the throne which will benefit your cultivation level improvement but remember not to absorb too much Yin ice or it will harm your body." After finishing speaking to Xie Yilin like this, I flew up towards Zhi Guang Lao Zei above with my sword in hand saying: "I'll go lure him down here; get ready everyone!"